How to test your urinary pH

We teach you how to take a urinary pH test at home, for cheap, and how to read and interpret the results.

BV mouth treatment (Killing BV)

How to get BV out of your mouths! Discover a 7-day oral treatment to help combat vaginal BV - and get fresher breath.

BV – you also probably have it in your mouths

Discover how BV links to oral health issues. Learn about the research on BV's impact on the mouth and gums and get effective treatment.

SOLVED! Why has Facebook banned, but not is helping everyone understand vaginas better. Guess which one Facebook bans? You got it. My Vagina. Luckily, My Vagina has been unblocked and all is well.

Understanding hyperprolactinaemia

A brief overview of higher-than-usual prolactin levels in women, causing the condition known as hyperprolactinaemia. Causes vary, but are usually not to do with breastfeeding.

Understanding relative oestrogen excess

Relative oestrogen excess is a term used to describe a the propensity to have more oestrogen floating around than we want.

Using essential oils – penis (Killing BV)

A guide for men on using the essential oils treatment plan to remove problematic BV-related biofilms off the penis.

Using boric acid as an adjunct to Killing BV treatments (including during your period)

We explain how to use boric acid in your Killing BV treatments to help boost your treatments and support the recolonisation of your good bacteria and the destruction of the bad colonies.

Using garlic vaginally

We explain how to use garlic in the Killing BV treatment protocol, avoiding the negative impacts while maximising its benefits.

Milk kefir oral and vaginal BV treatment for vaginas (Killing BV)

How to use milk kefir orally and vaginally to get rid of BV and biofilms, maximising your treatments and optimising your chances of getting rid of your BV forever.

Using essential oil pessaries (suppositories) (Killing BV)

Here we detail using our essential oil mixture as a Killing BV treatment strategy. This page contains full instructions for suppositories/pessaries.

Using essential oils to treat BV-related biofilms (Killing BV)

The Killing BV essential oil treatment using tampons and liquid oils, to effectively treat BV.

Essential oil suppository recipe for soothing vaginal tears

Some ideas on how to make a soothing, healing essential oil suppository for inner vaginal cuts and tears. Help your vagina to heal.

Amsel’s criteria – BV diagnostics

Amsel's criteria is a group of diagnostic techniques to establish a diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis (BV). Amsel's criteria involves inspection of discharge, the whiff test, a pH measure, and the presence of clue cells (biofilm).

What is a vaginal wet mount?

A vaginal wet mount or wet prep is an in-office test where a doctor will examine vaginal fluids under their microscope to get an idea of what is living in your vagina, microbe-wise. This might include bacteria, yeasts, or parasites.

What is a clue cell in bacterial vaginosis diagnostics?

A clue cell is an epithelial (skin) cell from the vaginal walls that has been shed, but is coated in bacteria. We take a quick look at the clue cell, which is a key part of bacterial vaginosis diagnosis.

PASSED Aunt Vadge is turned on for a full week! Happy International Women’s Day 2018!

We're turning Aunt Vadge on for a full week! 8th March to 15th March 2018

Using lactoferrin (Killing BV)

We explain how to use lactoferrin as part of the Killing BV treatment as an optional extra to supercharge your treatments.

Why BV gets worse with your period – it’s not just pH

Ever wondered why your period causes a flare-up of your BV symptoms? Iron in your period may be more important than just pH.

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome can appear soon after assisted reproduction techniques to stimulate ovulation. In this case, it overstimulates the ovary to the point where it requires medical oversight to avoid potentially dangerous outcomes.