Study: L. crispatus competitively excludes G. vaginalis
L. crispatus competitively excludes G. vaginalis and can have a protective effect on the vagina.
Study: the link between BV and inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s and colitis)
There is a positive association between IBD and BV bacteria, with worse outcomes for those on steroids treatment.
Study: Using boric acid and G. vaginalis
We examine some scientific research into boric acid, and how it could tip your treatment over the edge.
Study: the impact of pH alone on BV biofilms
A study looks into the impact of just pH on BV - with interesting results.
Study: effect on BV biofilms by antibiotics and SCAA
A research project looks into antibiotics and other substances to see what works on biofilms and what doesn't.
Study: Subtypes of G. vaginalis
A study into the different subtypes of G. vaginalis present in BV, and which are most closely associated with BV.
Study: post-BV-treatment sex life and contraceptives use matters
Worse outcomes were found in women who had the same sex partner before and after BV treatment, but better outcomes in those on oestrogen-based birth control.
Study into the metabolic ‘signature’ of vaginas with BV
A study looks into the difference between BV vaginas and healthy vaginas in terms of metabolites.
Sacrocolpopexy – mesh implants for prolapse
This is the surgery to implant mesh into the vagina and pelvis to hold internal organs and the vagina in place.
The robotic da Vinci sacrocolpopexy surgery (for uterine or vaginal prolapse)
This procedure involves inserting mesh in a pelvic surgery using a specialised robot, with a surgical team present.
Prolapse repair surgery
We explain one prolapse repair surgery.
I’m really nervous that the BV treatment won’t work and I will be stuck with it for life
Understanding the treatment program and how to deal with your nerves about being stuck with BV for the rest of your life.
Vaginal boric acid fact sheet
Boric acid is a management strategy for yeast or bacterial infections.
Can I do the BV treatment and use the Nuvaring?
A small discussion of how the Nuvaring works with vaginal treatments.
I’m a swim teacher – will the BV treatment still work if I’m in water all day?
We discuss the impact of water submersion on the treatment.
H. pylori and bacterial vaginosis
We discuss why H. pylori infections - and their medical treatments - can result in BV.
Can I take antibiotics at the same time as the BV treatment?
We discuss taking antibiotics during your treatment.
Can I leave out any of the essential oils?
The treatment is best with all the oils, but we discuss why.
Darier disease
Darier disease is a skin condition whereby wart-like growths appear all over the body, with the vulva and vagina frequently involved. The spots are often yellow and hard, can be greasy, and may smell strong.
Cervical cancer
We take a closer look at cervical cancer, the reasons why it may crop up (HPV), and what we treat cervical cancer with. There are varying degrees of cervical cancer, which are each treated differently, like all cancers.