Instructions for doing the FAILSAFE elimination diet
Here is the overview of the RPAH/FAILSAFE elimination diet for food chemical intolerances.
Pregnancy and histamine
Histamine seems to play a big role during pregnancy, with a concomitant increase in DAO enzyme to degrade it.
How food becomes high histamine
A quick look at how a food becomes high histamine, including cooking methods that increase or decrease histamine levels.
Best probiotics for histamine intolerance
Here we review the top probiotic bacteria that degrade histamine, while exploring those that produce histamine.
Nightshades and your vagina
We discuss the impact of the nightshade family foods on the body, and why they can be a problem for some people.
The low-histamine experiment
Instructions for going low histamine as part of a directed treatment plan with your practitioner.
Using Chanel – penises (Killing BV)
The beautiful and elegant Chanel, a delicious pessary blend to suit any occasion. Penis instructions.
How to use the Chanel Vaginal Pessary
Instructions on how to use the Chanel pessary as part of Killing BV treatments.
Oxalate-containing foods list (searchable)
The low oxalate diet aims to reduce intake of oxalates to reduce painful and uncomfortable symptoms associated with oxalate excess.
How blood sugar affects histamine release
We explain how blood sugar dysregulation impacts histamine levels, and why that matters for your vagina.
How to use the Four-pronged Approach Fixer Box – penis
A clear guide for the two-week penis treatment plan to clean up the mess left by BV and AV.
Review: BiopHresh Vaginal Homeopathic Suppository
We run through the ingredients and uses of BiopHresh vaginal suppositories.
How to use the Lactulose and Probiotic Kit
How to use lactulose and a probiotic as part of the Killing BV treatments.
Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) (pelvic separation) during pregnancy
Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) during pregnancy, often interchanged with pelvic girdle pain, results from the hormone relaxin causing pelvic cartilage separation. This condition, affecting up to 60% of first pregnancies, leads to severe pain in the pelvic area. Management techniques include massage, physiotherapy, and at-home care, focusing on pain alleviation
Histamine intolerance and your vagina
An overview of how histamine intolerance works and how it can affect your vagina, bladder and other parts of your body.
Quick List: Histamine intolerance and PCOS
A quick look at histamine intolerance and how it works in PCOS.
Understanding the perineum
The perineum is the area between the vulva and the anus, between the thighs.
Using manuka honey – penis (Killing BV)
Instructions for using manuka honey as a penis treatment.
Using ozonated oils – penis (Killing BV)
An explanation of how to use ozonated oils as a penis treatment during Killing BV protocols.
UTI study: negative culture but antibiotics help
A recent survey asked those suffering chronic UTIs what their experience has been with their diagnosis and treatment.