Comparison table – what type of bad vag do I have? (BV, AV, Trich, Yeast)

Compare your symptoms in this easy table to quickly see what you might need to be tested for.

Bacterial vaginosisAerobic vaginitisMixed/disturbed vaginal floraYeast InfectionTrichomoniasis
BacteriaAnaerobic bacteria e.g. Gardnerella(facultative anaerobic), Atopobium, Prevotella, Mobiluncus, etc.Aerobic bacteria, e.g. Staphylococci, Streptococci, E. coli, E. faecalis, etc.Anaerobic and/or aerobic bacteria and/or CandidaC. albicans (80–90 %)
C. glabrata (2–5 %)
C. krusei (1-2 %)
Trichomonas vaginalis
SymptomsGreyish-white, thin, homogeneous discharge, fishy smellPersistent yellow-greenish discharge, burningIncreased persistent yellowish thin discharge, burning or itching possibleItching, burning, dyspareunia, yellowish white “cottage cheese” dischargeFoamy, thin, green yellowish discharge, dysuria, itching, burning
Inflammation?No redness, no inflammationRedness, inflammationRedness and inflammation possibleRedness, inflammationIrregular spotted redness, local bleeding especially after intercourse
LactobacilliLactobacilli reduced/not presentLactobacilli reduced/not presentLactobacilli reduced/not presentLactobacilli normal or reducedLactobacilli normal or reduced
LeucocytesLeucocytes normalLeucocytes strongly increased, toxicLeucocytes possibly increasedLeucocytes normal or increasedLeucocytes increased
PathogensAdherent gram-negative rods, etc.Coliform bacteria, B-streptococciVariousCandida pseudo hyphae and/or blastosporesTrichomonas vaginalis
CultureNot suitable for diagnosis, low specificityLimited valueLimited valueUseful, particularly for recurrent VVCPossible, specific
PCR TestingUsefulUsefulUsefulCulture is enough, but useful in broader testingCulture is enough, but useful if necessary
Diagnosis3 of 4 Amsel criteria positive or Nugent score 7–10Symptoms and signs, microscopy or AV-scorePresence of multiple clinical findingsSymptoms and signs, evidence of candidaSymptoms and signs, evidence of T. vaginalis
Brief treatment overviewBiofilm treatments, antimicrobial treatments

Oral or vaginal antibiotics e.g., metronidazole, clindamycin, and dequalinium chloride

Restoration of the vaginal ecosystem.
Antimicrobial treatments, possible antibiofilm treatments

Broad spectrum antiinfective, e.g., dequalinium chloride

Restoration of the vaginal ecosystem
Antimicrobial treatments, possible antibiofilm treatments

Broad spectrum antiinfective, e.g., dequalinium chloride

Restoration of the vaginal ecosystem
Antifungal treatments, possible antibiofilm treatments in gut and vagina, intestine treatments

Oral or local antimycotic, e.g., clotrimazole, fluconazole, nystatin, dequalinium chloride

Restoration of the vaginal ecosystem
Oral antiinfectives (e.g., metronidazole), partner treatment

Restoration of the vaginal ecosystem

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