How to use the AV Vaginal Pessary (Killing BV)

Instructions on how to use the AV Herbal Blend for Killing BV treatments.

How to use the Double Whammy Vaginal Pessary

How to use the Double Whammy Herbal Blend as part of Killing BV treatments.

How to use the Ureaplasma/Mycoplasma Vaginal Pessary

Instructions for using the Killing BV Ureaplasma/Mycoplasma herbal blend treatment vaginally.

How to use BV Rescue (vagina)

Learn how to treat bacterial vaginosis using our specialised vaginal blend.

How to use the BV-Prevotella Vaginal Pessary (Killing BV)

Clear instructions on how to use the Prevotella-dominant BV vaginal pessary blend for bacterial vaginosis.

How to use vaginal lactulose

How to use lactulose to manage vaginal infections, odour and discharge associated with BV.

How to use the Three Ls Fixer Box

We explain how to use the Three L's in one of our favourite Killing BV treatments.

How to use the Lactulose and Probiotic Kit

How to use lactulose and a probiotic as part of the Killing BV treatments.

How to use the Four-pronged Approach Fixer Box- vagina

We take a new approach to biofilms with systemic biofilm busters plus a new, easy one-a-day vaginal treatment.

How to use the Four-pronged Approach Fixer Box – penis

A clear guide for the two-week penis treatment plan to clean up the mess left by BV and AV.

How to use the Fennelope Vaginal Pessary

We explain how to use the Fennelope pessary to help ease vaginal symptoms of low oestrogen, such as during menopause and breastfeeding.

How to use the Calendula Vaginal Pessary

How to use the calendula pessary for soothing vaginal irritation and inflammation.

How to use EstroBoost Vaginal Pessary

Clear instructions on how to effectively use the oestrogen-supporting vaginal pessary, EstroBoost.

How to use the Yeast/Thrush Vaginal Pessary

Instructions on how to use Aunt Vadge's Yeast/Thrush herbal blend vaginally.

Using the topical herbal blends (penis)

Here we detail the instructions for men to use Aunt Vadge's Herbal BV/AV Pessary/Penis Rub Blend as a penis rub to clear up that end of the problem.

How to use the Four-pronged Approach Fixer Box – penis

A clear guide for the two-week penis treatment plan to clean up the mess left by BV and AV.

How to use the Oral BV, AV or Ureaplasma Formulas

How to use the BV and AV-UTI specific herbal medicine as part of your Killing BV treatment.

How to take liquid herbal medicine

A clear explanation of how to take liquid herbal medicine as part of your My Vagina treatment.

How to use Aunt Vadge’s Oral UTI Herbal Blends

Clear instructions on how to use the oral UTI herbal formulas to quickly reduce symptoms of UTI.

Using InterFase Plus as a vaginal douche (Killing BV)

We discuss the methods you'll need to use InterFase Plus vaginally and on the penis as part of Killing BV treatments plans.

Using InterFase Plus – penis (Killing BV)

We explain how to use InterFase or InterFase Plus as a penis treatment for BV-related biofilms in men, with clear instructions for dosage and application. LOGIN This is EXCLUSIVE MEMBERSHIP-only content Login or obtain your membership below, and we'll see you back here soon! Killing BV - Vagina Treatment Guide   To access this content, you must be enrolled in the (Killing BV: Penis Treatment Program). Log in

How to use InterFase or InterFase Plus orally for gut biofilms (Killing BV)

How to use InterFase or InterFase Plus to dissolve bacterial biofilms in the gut using oral treatments as part of the Killing BV protocols.


  1. Shake blend before every use. 
  2. If you have been instructed to use a vaginal irrigation by your practitioner, follow their advice, and if you’re unsure about how to do your treatment, contact them. 
  3. Use 2mL herbal medicine blend with 8mL water 2-4 times per day or as needed or instructed by your practitioner. 
  4. Use for up to 5 consecutive days, then stop and take a break and check symptoms and vaginal pH (if applicable). If symptoms persist, resume treatment for another 3 days. If symptoms are not improving, discontinue use and contact us for support. 
  5. Do not use for more than two consecutive weeks without practitioner guidance
How to test vaginal pH at home

How to accurately test your vaginal pH at home with a video.

My treatment burns – what should I do?

Clear instructions on what to do if your Killing BV vaginal herbal blend burns.

How to get support

The most comprehensive vaginal microbiome test you can take at home, brought to you by world-leading vaginal microbiome scientists at Juno Bio.