Using Aunt Vadge’s AV Herbal Blend – vagina (Killing BV)

Aunt Vadge’s AV Herbal Blend offers a natural solution for those suffering from bacterial vaginosis (BV), aerobic vaginitis, or unexplained vaginal infections, regardless of pH levels. This guide provides detailed instructions on how to use the herbal blend effectively, including when to start treatment, how to apply it, and additional tips for managing symptoms and enhancing the treatment’s efficacy. Safety precautions and advice for specific scenarios, such as menstruation and sexual activity during treatment, are also covered.


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Jessica Lloyd - Vulvovaginal Specialist Naturopathic Practitioner, BHSc(N)

Jessica is a degree-qualified naturopath (BHSc) specialising in vulvovaginal health and disease, based in Melbourne, Australia.

Jessica is the owner and lead naturopath of My Vagina, and is a member of the:

  • International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease (ISSVD)
  • International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health (ISSWSH)
  • National Vulvodynia Association (NVA) Australia
  • New Zealand Vulvovaginal Society (ANZVS)
  • Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS)