How to use the Ureaplasma/Mycoplasma Vaginal Pessary

The Ureaplasma/Mycoplasma Vaginal Pessary is for those with vaginal ureaplasma colonisation. Vaginal treatments cannot treat urinary tract ureaplasma colonisation.

If you have concurrent urinary tract infections or urinary tract symptoms that could be caused by ureaplasma, try the UTI oral blends simultaneously (check safety first on the product page).

The Ureaplasma Vaginal Pessary cannot treat urinary ureaplasma or mycoplasma, but the Oral Ureaplasma Herbal Blend can. If you’re not sure, please seek additional practitioner support.

If you have less than 1% ureaplasma or mycoplasma on a comprehensive vaginal microbiome test, an otherwise lactobacilli-rich vaginal microbiome, and are still experiencing symptoms, you may benefit from another strategy, so please book with a practitioner to talk it over. Not all ureaplasma needs to be treated.

Safety first, kids!

Do not use if you’re allergic to any of the ingredients.

If inflammation occurs and is prolonged, stop use. Any swelling, hotness or other signs of allergic reaction, discontinue use and rinse vagina with warm water.

Do not use this blend if you have healthy lactobacilli numbers or cytolytic vaginosis (CV) or aerobic vaginitis (AV).

The lactulose in the mixture will worsen these conditions as it can be used as an energy source for these bacteria, increasing their numbers. If you have an aerobic-driven urinary tract infection (E. coliEnterococcus species), use caution. See the list of bugs that love lactulose.

If you don’t know what bacteria you have, please get a comprehensive vaginal microbiome test as soon as possible, or work from your doctor’s diagnosis.

If you are allergic to dairy, avoid the Ureaplasma/Mycoplasma Vaginal Pessary. If you are lactose intolerant, you can still use blends containing lactulose vaginally.

Do not use the herbal blends if you are pregnant, and use with practitioner guidance during breastfeeding.

If it doesn’t feel right, stop your treatment and talk to us using the form in the support section.

How to use your Ureaplasma/Mycoplasma Vaginal Pessary

Dose – use 1-2 capsules per night deep vaginally. Shake the blend very well, then use the dropper to fill the capsule(s). Insert deep vaginally right before bed.

Please note that one capsule is around 1mL, so the bottle contains around 50 capsules of treatment. If you use two capsules per night every night, it will run out faster than if you use one per night.

You can switch up how many you use, so, for example, start with one capsule per night and see how it feels, and if it feels ok, go up to two capsules for the rest of the treatment week. Or stick with one – see how you go.

Start with seven nights of vaginal treatments and then stop and do a symptom and pH check. If your symptoms disappear and your pH is between 3.5-4.5, do not restart treatment. If your pH rises or symptoms reappear, repeat the treatment for another week, and so on for up to four week-long treatment cycles.

Repeat this process until your bottle runs out. This may take several months if symptoms take a few weeks to return. You could see dramatic improvements with just one treatment cycle. Everyone is different, so prepare yourself to play it by ear and see how you go.

If symptoms are slowly improving, continue for further 7-day treatment cycles, up to four weeks total.

If, after these four week-long treatment cycles, your symptoms are the same, the treatment has not been right for you. You have several options here, including making an appointment with a vulvovaginal specialist naturopath, get in touch via the support form, or choose another treatment from My Vagina.

What you get in your kit

Each herbal blend kit from My Vagina comes with everything you’ll need to get started.


Ureaplasma cause inflammation, as they live inside the cell rather than on top of it. This means that if you have normal levels of lactobacilli present, you may be experiencing burning or other symptoms that resemble cytolytic vaginosis (CV, lactobacillus overgrowth).

The issue can be exacerbated by increasing lactobacilli populations (taking probiotics, using anything containing lactulose) until the colonies in your vagina shift.

Not everyone has burning, but please note that an inflamed cell will feel a little burny when lactic acid levels increase. But, overall this is a good thing, so stick with it – as the lactobacillus numbers increase, they will help push down ureaplasma levels.

When to start your ureaplasma or mycoplasma treatment

Start the day you stop bleeding to capitalise on period-free days, then go through your period (or stop if you want to, or stop for the heaviest part, and restart).

If you get a surprise period, treat during bleeding unless it’s really heavy, then stop for practicalities sake. Make up the extra days after.

If you do not get periods, start whenever you want.

What to expect from your vaginal treatments

You may find some stinging to start with, but this should level off as you continue treatments.

If your vagina is inflamed (sore, hot, itchy), start off slowly with one capsule at night, and see how you go. If you’re worried about an adverse reaction, do a capsule during the day so if something goes awry, you can immediately douche (rinse) out the rest of the liquid to avoid further irritation.

Repeat this until your treatment is used up. This may take several months if symptoms take a few weeks to come back but conversely, could take just one treatment. Be prepared.

If symptoms are slowly improving, keep going. If after these treatment cycles you are back at square one, the treatment has failed. You have several options here, including making an appointment with a vulvovaginal specialist naturopath, get in touch via the support form, or choose another treatment from My Vagina or another practitioner.

Tips and tricks for using the Ureaplasma/Mycoplasma Vaginal Pessary

  • During the day, you may want to wear a panty liner until you figure out just how much is left that will dribble out from the night before.
  • If you have severe symptoms, start off with a hydrogen peroxide douche or a vinegar douche to rinse out the excess fluids in your vagina.
  • The herbal blend may take a little while to work in severe cases, so just be patient and use whatever management strategies you usually opt for (boric acid, etc.) but avoid douches – you want the ingredients to stay on your vaginal walls to exert their effect.
  • What to do if your vaginal pessary burns

Sex and treatments

This is a great opportunity to have sex to treat you both a little extra, when you both have treatments applied.

If you have severe symptoms, wait until those go away before attempting to ‘share’ this treatment with your lover. When you are both comfortable, you can have bareback sex. Avoid semen in the vagina.

The point of this sexual encounter is to get your treatment into the crevices, the way that your vaginal fluids would. Protect bedding or clothing and be prepared for the lovely smell of the blend to accompany you.

Remember that some forms of ureaplasma are considered a sexually transmitted infection, so use condoms/barrier until you get the all-clear with a comprehensive vaginal microbiome test.

Getting support

If you’re not getting the results you’re after, please book with a My Vagina vulvovaginal specialist practitioner for effective, personalised 100% holistic treatments. We understand what is happening to you and can help.

(3) Original price was: USD $399.00.Current price is: USD $349.00.

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