Aunt Vadge: 1.5″ tear on labia – see the doc or not?

She has a 1.5" tear, but how does she decide if she needs to go to the doctor or not?

Aunt Vadge: unusual bruised feeling in crease

Is she allergic to her pads or is something else going on?

Candida tropicalis vulvovaginal infections

A fluconazole-resistant species of yeast that can cause vulvovaginal yeast infections.

Cyclic vulvovaginitis

Cyclic vaginitis is vaginal or vulvar symptoms occurring like clockwork every menstrual cycle, with yeast and lactobacilli overgrowth the two main culprits.

Candida parapsilosis

We discuss a less commonly found vulvovaginal yeast pathogen.

My Vagina’s repository

Articles about bacterial vaginosis, aerobic vaginitis (AV), yeast infections and more

Using gentian violet vaginally for vulvovaginal infections

Gentian violet can be used as a treatment for some vaginal infections with great effect, particularly those caused by gram-positive bacteria and yeasts. Very messy, but a great old-school gynaecologist antimicrobial.

Aunt Vadge: Why did sex work the first time, but was impossible the second?

They had sex once and it went in, but the second time they tried, her vagina had shut up shop and they couldn't get it in. Why?

Aunt Vadge: Tampon string soaked with blood, but tampon dry?

Her tampon string is soaked, but the tampon itself is dry. Has she cut herself?

Aunt Vadge: Are these paper cuts herpes?

Paper cuts and yeast infections - how to figure out if it's herpes or not.

Aunt Vadge: When I get my period, my vagina burns

Every time she gets her period, her vagina burns.

Aunt Vadge: Did I nick my clitoris or is this my period?

A 14-year-old is worried she has hurt herself - or is it her period?

Review: Betadine Vaginal (Povidone-Iodine)

Betadine - povidone-iodine - is an effective antimicrobial treatment for vaginal infections, but only certain types. A microbe must be susceptible, and not be hiding in a biofilm.

Candida glabrata

Candida glabrata infections are quite common, with the yeast an emerging vaginal pathogen. We discuss this type of yeast and how to treat it effectively.

Aunt Vadge: Labia-first into the ocean while water skiing – help!

She hit the water with her labia while water skiing, and now she has a cut on the inside of her inner labia.

Treating a yeast infection with no money

If you can't afford expensive probiotics and tests, there are a couple of very cheap tricks to solving yeast infections.

Aunt Vadge: I’m too scared of pain to have sex

She is afraid of pain when having sex, and it's stopping her and her boyfriend from having sex.

Aunt Vadge: I’m scared I have herpes, but could it be yeast?

She is worried she has herpes, but probably has a yeast infection.