Dear Aunt Vadge,
I have gotten oral sex from a couple guys and sometimes the guys rub their private parts on mine. Can I get any STDs from them?
Dear Unsure,
The answer is yes, you can catch some STDs from rubbing genitals, but also from receiving or giving oral sex – gonorrhoea for example also has a throat variety called gonorrhea of the throat.
Rubbing genitals can include the exchange of body fluids. A guy’s pre-cum could be transferred onto your vagina, and any bacteria or viruses that it contains can be delivered to your vaginal cells, and cause an infection. The risk is less, since the outside of the vagina is prone to more wiping and movement that allows any bacteria to be removed incidentally, or not be transferred at all, but the risk is very real and you could easily be infected by an STD in this way. Some infections like HPV (genital warts) and herpes are passed from skin-to-skin contact.
Whenever a penis touches your vagina, it should have a condom on it. Use lube, and don’t bareback unless you are prepared to take the risks – you and your partner have been tested recently, and are clean, and there is no risk of an unwanted pregnancy. Check out all the birth control methods in our contraception section, and if you suspect you have an infection, go get tested immediately. Most infections can be eradicated with medication, and the ones that stick around like herpes can be managed with ongoing medication and other treatments.
Write anytime.
Warmest regards,
Aunt Vadge
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