Fresh milk kefir grains vs dried milk kefir grains

Dried milk kefir grains aren't very useful for our purposes - fresh is the way to go.

Home-made milk kefir vs store-bought milk kefir

We do not recommend using store-bought milk kefir when treating the vagina. Here's why.

Does female ejaculate fluid contribute to BV?

She wants to know if her own ejaculate fluid is just as disruptive in alkalinity as a man's in the vagina during BV treatments.

Eating for PCOS quick guide

Not sure what to eat? Print this handy chart and keep it nearby.

Review: Estrace vaginal oestrogen cream

A quick overview of Estrace vaginal cream for atrophic vaginitis.

Can I use Estrace cream and the tampon treatment at the same time?

A reader wants to know how to use Estrace cream with the treatment.

If my oil treatment burns, but it goes away, should I stop or keep going?

What to do if you experience burning with your treatment, but it goes away.

Review: Physioflor L. crispatus probiotic for vaginal odour, irritation and itch

Physioflor is a vaginal probiotic containing the strain Lactobacillus crispatus, which can be difficult to find in regular women's probiotics.


BV trial now taking participants in San Francisco.

Treating BV during pregnancy (Killing BV)

If you're pregnant, we've got recommendations for Killing BV treatments that are baby-friendly.

When to worry about your cervix

What is your gynaecologist really looking for when they look at your cervix?

Cockscomb cervix anatomical abnormality

A cockscomb cervix is an anatomical abnormality whereby the cervix appears with large ridges or folds of fibrous tissue that resembles a rooster's comb.

Latex allergy and condom allergy

Latex allergy affects millions of people globally, with our increasing use of latex in gloves, condoms, and many other everyday items. Condom allergy will manifest itself quite soon after contact, with swelling, itching, soreness, hives and other signs of irritation, which can be mild or severe.

Adnexal or ovarian torsion

A twisted ovary is a very painful medical emergency, where the blood supply to the ovary and/or fallopian tube is cut off, causing death of ovarian tissue.

What is genital shedding in herpes?

Viral shedding is where a virus makes virus babies that are popped out of cells, setting out to find their own cells to replicate in, and pop out their own viral babies.

Study: BV, HIV and herpes – is all what it seems?

The link between HIV, BV and HSV-2 may not be as it seems.

Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) – how it can affect the vagina and urinary tract

EBV is a cause of vulvar ulcers, particularly in younger girls, with the manifestation of this virus in the genitals thought to be rare.

Ureaplasma infection (reproductive and urinary tracts)

Ureaplasma is an antibiotic-resistant infection that can affect the urogenital tract of women and men. We discuss its basic components in women.

Mycoplasma infections

Mycoplasma refers to a few species of bacteria that can reside in and infect the female genital tract, with several species resistant to antibiotics.

What is Gram staining?

Learn about Gram staining and how it's used to figure out what's living in your vagina.