What is a vaginal pH testing glove?
The vaginal pH testing glove is a novel way to test vaginal pH. While not widely available, the idea was to provide an easy way to test for BV and other vaginal infections quickly and easily.
Ozone vaginal insufflation
We run through what vaginal insufflation of ozone is and what it's used for.
Study: L. crispatus probiotic cheese for preventing vaginal infections
Researchers have developed a robust soft cheese made with Lactobacillus crispatus, one of our favourite vaginal colonisers.
Can we use boric acid on the penis?
We discuss the use of boric acid on the penis for treating vaginal dysbiosis-related problems.
Use of probiotics in penis treatments
We explain how to make the best use probiotics in Killing BV penis treatments.
Using Hiprex (Killing BV)
Instructions for using Hiprex as an adjunctive penis treatment while undergoing Killing BV treatments.
Using lactulose and probiotics – penis (Killing BV)
Find instructions on how to use lactulose and probiotics on the penis as part of Killing BV treatments.
Sexual pain: what getting help looks like
When you have chronic sexual pain, getting help can feel hard, humiliating and endless. We've mapped out what getting help looks like.
Understanding the ThermiVa
Radiofrequency treatments can be used for vaginal laxity, urinary leakage, and giving a pep-up to poorly performing vulvovaginal tissue.
Study: Babies’ microbiome may not be from vagina after all
There is new evidence pointing to colonisation of a new baby by environmental pathogens, possibly setting us up for infections later on and disrupting the gut microbiome.
How to use the Ureaplasma/Mycoplasma Vaginal Pessary
Instructions for using the Killing BV Ureaplasma/Mycoplasma herbal blend treatment vaginally.
First human vaginal fluid transplant for BV a success
The first microbiome transplant from a healthy donor to a chronic BV sufferer has been a success, with all five women having long-term (two year) remission.
Obesity and BV
Obesity is known to be a chronic inflammatory state, with fat tissue being an immunologically active organ. That's right - we said organ!
Understanding and using coconut oil vulvovaginally
We take a closer look at coconut oil when used on the vulva and in the vagina - is it safe and does it really have antimicrobial properties?
Quick List: How histamine works with oestrogen, progesterone and cortisol
A quick look at the interrelationships between histamine, oestrogen, progesterone and cortisol.
Got vagina problems? Check for food intolerances
Food chemicals, even naturally occuring types, can throw your system out and leave you with continuous health problems, including vaginal problems.
The smell of blood – why your period smells metallic
Ever wondered why blood smells metallic? We've found out for you! Plus some interesting science tidbits about humans and the smell of blood.
Apple cider vinegar recommendations (Killing BV)
Here we detail the exact treatment schedule if you are using apple cider vinegar as a Killing BV treatment.
How to use apple cider vinegar for BV
Apple cider vinegar is an old favourite for BV, but does it work? There isn't much research into ACV for vaginas, but we found some on microbes in general.
Evidence for using apple cider vinegar (ACV) as an antimicrobial
We examine the evidence regarding apple cider vinegar as an antimicrobial, specifically as it relates to vaginal use for BV and other microflora imbalances.