Obstructed uterine horn
An obstructed uterine horn is an anatomical abnormality whereby the uterus is not connected properly with the fallopian tubes.
Kallmann syndrome
Kallmann syndrome is a genetic disorder characterised by lessened or no sense of smell and late/no puberty. Girls with Kallmann syndrome may fail to get their period and have very small breasts, with both boys and girls with this condition likely to have other abnormalities present.
Gestational trophoblastic disease (molar pregnancy)
A molar pregnancy is characterised by a positive pregnancy test, but the growing foetus is actually a tumour. There is actually no foetus present at all, and the pregnancy would never have been viable.
Persistent mullerian duct syndrome (PMDS)
PMDS is a disorder of sexual development that only affects males, but results in a person having a uterus and fallopian tubes. This ducting is present because of a failure for the mullerian ducts to transform under the influence of an enzyme.
What is free bleeding?
Free bleeding is a term used to describe a lack of impediment of menstrual blood - a pad, tampon or menstrual cup - out of the body and into your clothes (or cool period undies!).
What are polycystic ovaries?
Polycystic ovaries are ovaries with many cyst-like structures on them, though whether they are true cysts or not will depend on investigations.
I’ve been diagnosed with PCOS – will I ever have children?
Learning that you have PCOS and may have difficulty conceiving can be a shock and difficult to deal with. Luckily, medical help is not the only way to fall pregnant and your ovaries can return to normal function. We explain.
Understanding and treating endometritis
How is endometritis different to PID? We discuss what endometritis is and how it's treated, with the two varieties - pregnancy and non-pregnancy-related endometritis. Each is separated out due to its causes.
How to fix PCOS
Fixing PCOS - truly fixing it - is a combination effort. We explain.
How to track your menstrual cycle and identify ovulation
Not sure when or if you ovulate? We run you through charting your cycles and how to check if and when you are ovulating using some very simple tips and tricks. No temperatures!
Treating BV during pregnancy (Killing BV)
If you're pregnant, we've got recommendations for Killing BV treatments that are baby-friendly.
How BV can cause preterm birth
Learn how BV attacks the mucous plug that keeps your baby safe.
Help prevent an episiotomy (cut) during birth
There are no guarantees when it comes to preventing tears and an episiotomy during childbirth, but you can certainly up your chances of staying intact.
A hands-on guide to getting to know your vulva
We explain how to truly investigate your vulva so you know what every part is called, what it feels like, and what it should be doing.
How to catch an STI (the complete guide)
This is the complete guide to catching an STD on purpose.
Review: VH Essentials PMS Daytime Symptom Relief – what is it and what does it do?
We discuss the product to see how it works.
Uterus didelphys
A double uterus usually also means a double cervix and a double vagina - but not always.
Uterine inversion
A uterine inversion is a dangerous - but correctable in most cases - birthing complication whereby the uterus pops out after being dragged by the still-attached placenta.
EVENT PASSED: Abortion drone flying to Northern Ireland 21 June 2016, protest at 2.30pm in Belfast
The abortion drone lift-off to Northern Ireland is ready for flight.
Legal: NuvaRing lawsuit for no warnings about dangers of blood clots
A 2014 lawsuit against the makers of Nuvaring alleged users were not warned adequately of the risks.