How to use Aunt Vadge’s Oral BV / AV / Ureaplasma Herbal Medicine (Killing BV)

There are several options for using oral herbal medicine to support the resolution of urogenital infections and microbiome imbalances and to support a partner by participating in treatment to clear chronic issues. The oral blends can be used by anyone, but are particularly useful for people with penises, since direct treatment is impossible beyond the penis and scrotum.

These blends can also be the push needed to clear infections, working from the inside out, when you want a stronger treatment or need to go beyond vaginal treatments.

Options include oral herbal medicine for bacterial vaginosis (BV), aerobic vaginitis (AV) and one for ureaplasma/mycoplasma (vaginal and urinary tract).

This herbal medicine can be used with or without the biofilm enzymes and probiotics in the Four-pronged Approach but should be complemented with a topical penis or vagina treatment.

Ensure herbs are safe for you to take!

Please ensure the blends are safe for you to take by carefully reading the safety and warnings section, and talk to your healthcare practitioner if you are on any medication, are heading into or out of surgery, or have underlying health issues.

Just because herbs are from plants doesn’t mean they are safe for everyone, and they should be used with care and under guidance.

Do not continuously use herbal medicine without practitioner guidance. These herbal blends are used for two weeks orally at the prescribed dose of 7.5ml twice daily diluted in water. Do not exceed this dose and do not take the herbs orally for longer than two weeks.

Please book in with one of our incredible naturopaths for further support if you aren’t getting the results you’re after. It just means your secret sauce for recovery is different, but we know what we’re doing and we can help you. We have many more tricks up our sleeves!

Using the BV/AV blend as a vaginal irrigation

The BV and AV oral herbal medicine blends can also be used as a vaginal treatment known as a vaginal irrigation. We provide a free 10mL syringe if you want to try this instead of other vaginal treatments.

To do a vaginal irrigation, shake the herbal blend well, and pour about 2mls into the plastic measuring cup, and add 8ml of water. Suck up the mixture with the syringe by placing the tip of the syringe into the liquid, and pulling the centre tube. Do a practice with some water first so you know what to expect.

Either sitting on the toilet or lying on a towel with hips slightly raised (as per ability and facilities), gently insert the syringe into your vagina as far as is comfortable. Don’t try to force it, but remember this is a surface area treatment. If the liquid can’t reach your upper vaginal canal, the bacteria there are not treated.

If you’re not used to inserting objects vaginally, it might be easiest to find your way sitting on the toilet where you can relax a little more.

When the syringe is in the vaginal canal, push the centre tube back down into the syringe, and the liquid will flow into the vagina. The point of a vaginal irrigation is to gently apply a very small amount of liquid treatment the vaginal cells with a diluted but powerful herbal medicine.

This technique is not the same as a douche, which uses a lot of liquid, and flushes the vagina, rather than apply a treatment. You may wish to follow up a vaginal irrigation with a vaginal probiotic, or use as part of another larger treatment strategy.

Do not use a vaginal irrigation more than five consecutive days. Use twice daily or as needed. If you’re not getting the results you’re after, please book with one of our specialist naturopaths, and they will help you.

Can I use the blends as a penis rinse?

Yes! Same ratio, 2ml of herbal medicine with 8ml water, and slowly use the mixture to rub into the penis, focusing on areas that have crevices, such as under the foreskin.

The taste of herbs can be a bit yuck, we know, here’s how to overcome it

Herbal medicines are extracted in alcohol, and we use a mixture of the sweeter (but sugar-free) glycetracts and alcohol extracts. Your mixture will depend on what we have available in the clinic, and the taste can vary.

We always try to use at least one glycetract to sweeten the deal, but learning how to take herbal medicine can be a challenge. Here are some tips.

Tips for getting herbal medicine down

  • Get it down quick and wash the taste out of your mouth quickly with water or juice – the flavour doesn’t linger and will wash away, have your chaser drink in one hand, herbs in the other! Don’t wait for the flavour to hit.
  • Don’t drink it slowly, don’t have it diluted in a big glass of water, it just prolongs the flavour
  • Think about how powerful the herbs are!
  • Remember that you’ll get used to it and it’s not forever!
  • Add some honey or sugar, lots if need be! Just get it down however you have to.
  • Always dilute herbal medicine a little, or it will burn and be too strong.
  • If you need help, email us! We’ll help you navigate your challenge with a nice pep talk!

Oral BV Blend Ingredients

  • Kawakawa herbal extract
  • Burr marigold herbal extract
  • Liquorice herbal extract
  • Uva ursi herbal extract
  • Juniper herbal extract
  • Contains alcohol and glycerine

Oral AV Blend Ingredients

  • Sida herbal extract
  • Cryptolepis herbal extract
  • Green tea herbal extract
  • Burr marigold herbal extract
  • Uva ursi herbal extract
  • Juniper herbal extract
  • Contains alcohol and glycerine

Oral Ureaplasma Blend Ingredients

  • Houttuynia (Houttuynia cordata)
  • Cordyceps (Cordyceps militaris)
  • Isatis (Isatis tinctoria)
  • Baical skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis)
  • Contains alcohol and glycerine

Safety first, kids!

  • Do not take if you are allergic to any of the ingredients
  • Contains alcohol and glycerine
  • Ensure you follow the instructions for using oral herbal medicine – watch the very quick video below first. Do NOT take undiluted.
  • Take with food and avoid taking right before sleep if you have a sensitive stomach.
  • Take only as directed
  • For adults only

How to take the Oral Herbal Medicine

  • Shake well. Take 7.5mL with water twice daily. Bottle will last two weeks if used orally only, slightly less if irrigations are used.
  • Do not use for more than two weeks consecutively.
  • Consider a high-quality gut probiotic and ensure plenty of dietary fibre to support your gut microbiome.
  • If symptoms persist, please see a qualified, experienced practitioner for support.
  • Store bottle out of reach of children and out of direct sunlight. Does not require refrigeration.

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