Crohn’s disease and your vulva and vagina

Crohn's disease can also affect the vagina and vulva, however vulvovaginal or gynaecological symptoms in women may be missed, and can be hard to treat.

Vulvar seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis on the vulva can occur for many reasons, but is uncommon because there aren't many sebaceous (oil-producing) gland around the area.

Allergic contact dermatitis on the vulva

Contact dermatitis can cause itching, dryness, redness and soreness of the vulva - the inner or outer labia, or clitoris and clitoral hood. Vulvar contact dermatitis is caused by something that touches your vulva, like laundry detergent in underwear, toilet paper, or douches.

Vulvar dermatitis

Here we present a discussion of the most common lichenoid conditions affecting the vulva, vagina, and perianal area according to a recent review by some of the top vulva specialists in the world.

Vulvovaginal-gingival lichen planus (or syndrome) (VVG-LP)

Vulvovaginal-gingival syndrome (or vulvovaginal-gingival lichen planus) is a rare variety of lichen planus affecting both the mouth and the vulva/vagina.

Vulvovaginal lichen planus (LP)

There are several different types of lichen planus, a lichenoid condition that can affect the vulva and the mouth. Lichen planus can affect keratinisation of the skin on any part of the body, causing thickening and hardening of skin.

Erosive lichen planus (ELP)

Erosive lichen planus is a chronic ulcerative condition of the mouth, vulva and vagina, being a different condition to cutaneous lichen planus. Erosive lichen planus causes ulcerations.

What to Do if You Have Been Raped [Pandora’s Project]

Here Pandora's Project explains what to do if you have been sexually assaulted or raped.

Oatmeal bath recipe and instructions

Oat baths can help soothe an itchy, dry, cracked, fissured vulva or cuts and tears in or around your vagina.

Lichen simplex chronicus (LSC)

Contact dermatitis of the vulva can result in what's known as lichen simplex chronicus (LSC), which is itchy, thickened skin. Removing the offending irritant is the best way to solve LSC, but additional creams or soothing ointments can be used.

Clinical trials: is vulvar vestibulitis syndrome (vestibulodynia) caused by the pill? STUDY NOW CLOSED

Clinical trial seeking participants on VVS and the pill STUDY NOW CLOSED

Study: Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) for lichen sclerosus

Study being conducted on PRP for tissue healing in lichen sclerosus.

Lichen sclerosus clinical trials in progress or recruiting

Check out current clinical trials for lichen sclerosus being undertaken across the world.


Urethritis simply means inflammation of the urethra, and has many causes, but the most common is a urinary tract infection. Classic symptoms include burning while you urinate, urgency and frequency.

Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) (SIL, Bowen disease)

We explain what precancerous vulvar cells are, and describe their symptoms, treatments, and outcomes. Vulval intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) is the starting point of cancerous cells, with a diagnosis meaning you may have to have some treatment to remove the offending cells. It does not mean you have cancer.

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She's not sure if she has broken her hymen or gotten her period after she has seen bleeding after fingering herself.

Aunt Vadge T&C

Aunt Vadge's terms and conditions of use - read carefully!

Aunt Vadge: What is first-time sex supposed to feel like?

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Aunt Vadge: Did my partner give me a Gardnerella infection?

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Aunt Vadge: 5-year-old with labial adhesion cracked labia

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