Can the BV treatment cause lactobacilli overgrowth syndrome?
Will the lactobacilli proliferate too much from the BV treatment?
I have stringy yellow discharge – is this the BV biofilm?
Is this stringy yellow discharge the biofilm?
My Vagina’s repository
Articles about bacterial vaginosis, aerobic vaginitis (AV), yeast infections and more
What are your success rates with the Killing BV program?
She wants to know what chance the Killing BV program has of success - good question!
Aunt Vadge: cut over a vein – will it be ok?
A cut is deeper than it should be - what should she do?
Aunt Vadge: clitoral cuts, prosthetics and sex
A 20-year-old is struggling with clitoral fissures and navigating sex as an amputee. We offer her some advice regarding her vagina and vulva.
Aunt Vadge: did I stretch my labia too far?
A college student pulled on her labia when she was younger, and now it's bigger... why?
Urethral diverticula
Diverticulum is a shift in the position of the urethra due to the periurethral (Skene's glands) enlargement, possibly due to infection or an anatomical abnormality that manifests later in life.
Aunt Vadge: strange little sore under my urethra won’t go away
A small sore around the urethra won't go away after six months and a gazillion treatments. What's wrong?
Skene’s duct cysts or abscesses
Skene's duct cysts and abscesses can cause a range of symptoms including problems urinating.
Urethral cancer
Urethral cancer is an uncommon form of cancer, with its own set of challenges in diagnosing and treating because of its rarity. Urethral cancer has been reported in women from age about 19 onwards, but is most common in elderly women.
Urethral caruncles
Urethral caruncles are pink or red sores on the edge of the urethral opening which may bleed or cause pain, most common in postmenopausal women, less common in premenopausal women, and sometimes in children. Caruncles are benign.
Aunt Vadge: Why is my vagina different after being fingered?
An 18-year-old is worried that her vagina is stretched after being fingered. True or false?
Aunt Vadge: neverending itch
A young lady has an unidentified and ongoing itch.
Study: more Australian women using IUDs and implants
Researchers take a look at contraception trends in Australia.
Aunt Vadge: deep cut on inner labia – will it heal by itself?
A 35-year-old has a large sex cut she didn't even know was there until the morning.
Aunt Vadge: lumps on labia – do I have hidradenitis?
Abscesses, lumps on the labia, what is going on?
Hidradenitis suppurativa
HS is a sweat gland condition that causes distressing symptoms that include abscesses and boils on the outer labia and other places.
Tetracyclines for non-antibiotic uses
Find out what actions tetracyclines have outside of their antibiotic properties.