The down-low on pubic hair

Having a whopping great bush or being smooth as a baby's bottom: the choice is yours. Muffs ahoy! We walk you through the magical muff and what we do with it.

Managing a UTI or cystitis with D-Mannose

We discuss use of D-mannose to treat or manage urinary tract infections.

The Nuvaring contraceptive device

The Nuvaring is a vaginal hormonal contraception that uses a silicone ring infused with hormones to prevent ovulation and therefore prevent pregnancy. The rings can affect your vagina by causing local irritation and discharge, and are not suitable for everyone.

The oral contraceptive pill

The pill is a hormonal tablet used for a few reasons, namely birth control and managing hormones that cause or contribute to acne, endometriosis, and PCOS.


Learning how to make condoms work for you, not the other way around, is the key to getting the most out of safe sex. Condoms are a form of barrier protection used during sexual penetration or oral sex to prevent unwanted pregnancy and the exchange of sexually transmitted infections.

The intrauterine device (IUD)

IUDs can be the best thing that ever happened to you: you get to keep your natural cycle, and not get pregnant. It can also result in more bleeding and pain. Get the low-down before you decide.

How to make sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is a method of filling your gut up with good germs, then make their way to your vag, keeping it healthy.

Why reacidifying the vagina won’t get rid of BV

There is a lot of misinformation about reacidifying the vagina, but the fact is, it will not get rid of your BV. Find out why.

What should I look for in a probiotic?

Probiotics are many and varied, but what do they actually do and why should I take one?

Vaginal yeast infections and thrush

A vaginal yeast infection will affect most women at least once in their lives, causing vaginal discharge and itching.

Study: Lactobacillus rhamnosus is resistant to antibiotics

A study on two lactobacilli and G. vaginalis. See which good bacteria actually survive antibiotics.

Study: Vagisil kills your good bacteria after 24 hours

Vagisil was shown in a lab to reduce the action of your good bacteria which is bad news for good vaginal health.

Vaginal bacteria around the world

Find out which species of vaginal microflora your racial background has.

The structure of the vagina

Want to know what the inside of your vagina is made of? We take a deeper look into the structure of the vagina, with its muscles, ligaments and mucous membranes.

Genital herpes in pregnancy

The risk of transmission to your baby depends on the circumstances regarding your own infection. Get the facts.

Quick guide to cranberry, goldenrod and bearberry for cystitis/UTIs

Herbs can work a charm on recurrent UTIs or cystitis. Learn how they work and how to safely and effectively use them.

Treating a UTI or urethritis with reflexology

Treating your UTI with reflexology isn't the most pain-free process, but it works and it can be gone in half an hour.

A review of urinary alkalisers

We take a look at the usefulness of urinary alkalisers in urinary tract infections.

Treating a UTI at home

Treating a UTI at home doesn't have to be a waste of time. Get the skinny on treatment types.

Fannyhessea (Atopobium) vaginae and its role in bacterial vaginosis

Is just G. vaginalis responsible for BV? Take a look at the latest research implicating Atopobium vaginae in recurrent BV.