Unicornuate uterus (hemi uterus) – müllerian duct anomalies
A unicornuate uterus is an anatomical abnormality that occurs when the two sides of the body are fusing together in the womb, and the mullerian ducts fuse abnormally. This is known as a mullerian duct abnormality, and can affect the size and shape of the uterus.
Study: Coriander and thyme essential oils for vaginal infections
A study takes a closer look at whether coriander and thyme essential oils work on biofilms.
Treating your gut to support your vagina
A discussion about why treating the gut can treat the vagina.
EVENT PASSED: Abortion drone flying to Northern Ireland 21 June 2016, protest at 2.30pm in Belfast
The abortion drone lift-off to Northern Ireland is ready for flight.
Skenitis (infection of the Skene’s glands)
Skenitis is the inflammation of the Skene's glands, which are the glands thought to be responsible for female ejaculation, part of the female prostate.
Granuloma inguinale (Klebsiella granulomatis)
Granuloma inguinale is an STI caused by a bacteria, and causes lumps that turn into sores in the genital area.
Essential oil douche (Killing BV)
We detail how to use a specially selected group of essential oils in a douche to treat bacterial vaginosis.
Fallopian tube cancer
Fallopian tube cancer may appear as a mass in the abdomen with pain, bloating and discomfort in the pelvis/abdomen, with the possibility of a watery discharge. Diagnosis is by scans and investigations.
Understanding unopposed oestrogen
Unopposed oestrogen is the state whereby there is not enough progesterone to counteract the oestrogen present. Unopposed oestrogen can be dangerous.
Endometrial cancer
Cancer of the endometrial lining of the uterus is the most common type of uterine cancer. We take you through the types of endometrial cancer, their diagnosis, treatments and survival rates.
Cervicovaginitis refers to the inflammation of the cervix and vaginal mucosal cells, usually caused by infection, but from any cause. Ulcerations can result.
Legal: NuvaRing lawsuit for no warnings about dangers of blood clots
A 2014 lawsuit against the makers of Nuvaring alleged users were not warned adequately of the risks.
Getting the tampon to absorb the kefir properly, and making use of applicators
Here are some tips on getting maximum kefir into the vagina with the tampon.
Behçet disease
Behçet syndrome is a complex, mysterious disease that presents with ulcerations across the body. These ulcers can appear in the mouth, genitals, and vascular system.
Genital ulcers from non-sexually-transmissible viral sources
There are a few rarer causes of genital ulcers that can appear with flu-like symptoms, or by themselves, and appear to be related to viruses.
Review: FemDophilus – how and why it works
Fem-Dophilus is used to introduce two patented strains of useful probiotic bacteria into the vagina.
Review: Probiotic Purfem – what’s in it
Purfem is a probiotic vaginal suppository.
Review: Multi-Gyn Active Gel (Actigel) – how and why it works
What is Multi-Gyn, and how does the active ingredient work?
I have urethral symptoms with BV – how do I treat those?
Urethral symptoms can appear along with BV due to the mash-up of bacteria that can inhabit biofilms.
What CFU should the probiotics I use be?
Probiotic capsules should have as many CFUs as possible, with a properly tailored variety of bacteria and species.