Study: can calendula cure BV?

When treating BV, a calendula cream was just as effective as antibiotics one week after application, and can be used as an alternative treatment to antibiotics.

Review: Fluomizin (dequalinium chloride)

Fluomizin is a vaginal tablet used for vaginal infections, primarily in the European Union.

Using dequalinium chloride (Fluomizin) to treat vaginal infections

Dequalinium chloride (Fluomizin) is a solid broad-spectrum non-antibiotic antimicrobial used vaginally for infections of all kinds. Dequalinium chloride is commonly used in throat lozenges.

Using colloidal silver or silver nanoparticles to treat vaginal infections

We examine the antimicrobial properties of colloidal silver and discuss the possible effectiveness of colloidal silver in vulvovaginal infections.

How to clean ‘that stuff’ (smegma) from your vulva safely and effectively

Smegma, a waxy white substance, can build up between the labia and around the clitoris. Because it's so waxy, it can be tough to clean.

How to make a herbal or essential oil pessary/suppository

Instructions on making vaginal or rectal suppositories and pessaries.

The vagina as a drug delivery system

Using the vagina as a drug delivery system has got legs - should we be using this more often?

Review: Betadine Vaginal (Povidone-Iodine)

Betadine - povidone-iodine - is an effective antimicrobial treatment for vaginal infections, but only certain types. A microbe must be susceptible, and not be hiding in a biofilm.

Vaginal treatments using povidone-iodine (Betadine) douche or liquid

An overview of the use of povidone-iodine (Betadine) vaginally for use in vaginal infections, including bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections and aerobic vaginitis. You need to check the microbe sensitivity, however, before using Betadine douche, since some microbes are resistant.

Drinking alcohol and taking antibiotics – what’s the deal?

Understanding why some antibiotics may interact badly when you drink with them.

Understanding clinical trials

Overview of clinical trials.

Understanding antibiotics

Here we go through the main groups of antibiotics and how they work. Different antibiotics work in different ways, and when treating vulvovaginal or pelvic infections, it's important to understand resistances and proper use.

Where can I buy boric acid from?

Woman Seeking Boric Acid.

How much powder is 600mg boric acid?

We give examples of what 600mg of boric acid looks like if you don't have it in capsules already, so you can transfer the powder from a jar to a capsule or into another mixture.

How to dilute 9, 12 or 35 per cent food-grade hydrogen peroxide to 6 per cent

How to dilute hydrogen peroxide to a 6 per cent mix using a 35 per cent hydrogen peroxide solution, for vaginal use as a douche. Only use as a treatment, not all the time.

Using borax to reverse fusing in lichen sclerosus

We discuss how to use borax to help unfuse labia in lichen sclerosus, using a solution applied to the labia. Effective for some of you in returning to pink.

Passionflower: scientific evidence for its use as an antianxiety

We take a closer look at the clinical evidence for the use of passionflower as an anti-anxiety.

Herbal medicines we use to treat vulvovaginal conditions

We use a range of herbal medicines to treat vulvovaginal and reproductive conditions, from a simple infection to relaxing a tight pelvic floor.

Study: Boric acid with antibiotics for BV – does it work?

A study looked at the effectiveness of using boric acid suppositories plus an antibiotic for removal of the bacterial biofilm that causes recurrent bacterial vaginosis.

Study: Chitosan polymers tested for BV biofilm destruction capacities

Chitosan was much more effective at disrupting biofilms (in the lab) than polycarbophil gels, and may prove to be a useful treatment in future for biofilm-dependent vaginal infections.