Fermented foods for the gut and vagina

A range of fermented foods that contribute to your good intestinal (and vaginal) flora when eaten.

Study: Essential oils that attack biofilms in vitro

A study examines several essential oils for their potency against biofilms.

How to make a pessary/suppository out of coconut, tea tree and lavender essential oils

Making vaginal pessaries or suppositories is easy with coconut and essential oils, used for minor flora imbalances like a yeast infection.

Bladder exstrophy repair surgery

The surgical repair of a bladder exstrophy has two parts - the bladder repair and the pelvic bone repair.

High-tech mesh for pelvic prolapse

A prolapse-correcting mesh is being developed in Australia that integrates with human tissue to become part of the body.

Methenamine for treating a UTI

Hiprex (methenamine) is a non-drug (antibiotic) urinary antimicrobial agent that has been successful in treating and preventing urinary tract infections. Methenamine doesn't come without its issues, and the instructions must be followed carefully for best effect.

Am I allergic to milk kefir?

A woman is concerned she is allergic to milk kefir - what should she do?

Pelvic floor exercises overview

Some ways to find and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, particularly after any pelvic organ issue (bladder, vagina, bowel).

Bladder retraining

Retraining your bladder sometimes needs doing when there are interruptions to the normal behaviour of your bladder. This might be due to weakness, infections, or damage to the area.

Donna Plus Flora intima women’s probiotic

Donna Plus Flora is a vaginal probiotic available in Spain that contains vagina-specific probiotic bacteria.

Eating garlic instead of inserting vaginally

Eating garlic will not solve the vaginal biofilm problem, but it's good for your insides!

Study: the impact of freezing techniques on lactobacilli survival rates

Can you freeze probiotic bacteria? We find out using a study from food science.

Study: Lactobacilli resistance to low temperatures – can we really freeze kefir?

Freezing kefir or other probiotics isn't necessarily a good idea - strain matters. Here's a small study on four popular probiotic strains and how they fared with freezing.

Tetracyclines for non-antibiotic uses

Find out what actions tetracyclines have outside of their antibiotic properties.

Oatmeal bath recipe and instructions

Oat baths can help soothe an itchy, dry, cracked, fissured vulva or cuts and tears in or around your vagina.

Study: Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) for lichen sclerosus

Study being conducted on PRP for tissue healing in lichen sclerosus.

Marsupialisation of a Bartholin (vestibular) gland cyst

This surgery involves cutting open a Bartholin's duct cyst, and suturing the walls to allow draining.

Marsupialisation of a vaginal cyst

Marsupialisation is a surgical technique whereby a slit is cut into an cyst and the edges are sewn onto other skin to keep it open.

Aunt Vadge: pain, yellow discharge, spotting, not resolved by Dalacin

Lactobacillus overgrowth syndrome not responding to strong antibacterials prescribed - what now?

Study: Replens – a review for BV symptoms and vaginal pH (spoiler – it doesn’t work that well)

Replens does not significantly alter vaginal pH, and is not a treatment for BV, however may improve some symptoms.