Doing the low sulphur diet (with searchable foods list)

A wooden table is piled high with sulfur rich foods like broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus and kale.

To embark on a sulfur elimination diet, allow 5-7 days, though expect to start seeing results within 1-3 days.

Leaving enough time for your system to settle is useful when determing sensitivity to sulfur, as reducing overall sulfur levels will occur over multiple days. But, you may want to expand your testing of foods, so give yourself a few weeks for challenges.

Some symptoms may worsen in the first couple of days on the sulfur elimination diet, so expect the unexpected and keep going.

The goal is NOT to exclude sulfur from your diet – you need it – but to work out if you are indeed hitting your limits for sulfur, and need to work on your sulfur pathway. Limiting sulfur is a short-term stop-gap solution to help reduce symptoms.

If you eat a LOT of sulfur-containing foods, perhaps you will find the sweet spot where you still get to enjoy your favourite foods, but just a little less to avoid symptoms.

Searchable sulfur foods list

Food NameSulphur (S)
AbaloneVery high
Alcoholic beverage, spirit (Brandy, Gin, Rum, Vodka and Whisky)Very low
Almond MilkLow
Apples (raw)Low
Baked beans, canned in tomato sauceLow
Bamboo shootsLow
Bar, cherry & coconut centre, dark chocolate-coatedLow
Bar, coconut cream centre, milk chocolate-coatedLow
Bar, honeycomb centre, milk chocolate-coatedLow
Bar, muesli, with nuts, plain or with dried fruitLow
Bar, nougat & caramel centre, milk chocolate-coatedLow
Barley, pearl, boiled, no added fat or saltLow
Barley, pearl, uncookedModerate
Bean, haricot, driedHigh
Bean, haricot, dried, boiled, drainedLow
Bean, lima, driedModerate
Bean, lima, dried, boiled, drainedLow
Bean, red kidney, canned, drainedLow
Bean, red kidney, driedHigh
Bean, red kidney, dried, boiled, drainedLow
Beef, casserole meatHigh
Beef, steakHigh
BeerVery low
Beer, full strength (alcohol 4-4.9% v/v)Low
Beverage base, drinking chocolate, unfortifiedLow
Beverage, chocolate flavour, from drinking chocolate, with regular fat cows milkLow
Biscuit, savoury, from rye flour, crispbreadModerate
Biscuit, savoury, from wheat flourModerate
Biscuit, savoury, from white wheat flour, plain snack cracker styleLow
Biscuit, savoury, from white wheat flour, Salada styleLow
Biscuit, savoury, from white wheat flour, water cracker styleModerate
Biscuit, savoury, from wholemeal wheat flour, crispbreadModerate
Biscuit, savoury, rice cake, from brown rice, plainModerate
Biscuit, savoury, rice cracker, seaweed flavouredHigh
Blackberry, rawLow
Bread roll, from white flourModerate
Bread roll, wholemeal flourHigh
Bread, flat (pita or Lebanese)Moderate
Bread, from white flourModerate
Bread, gluten freeLow
Bread, mixed grainHigh
Bread, organicHigh
Bread, white flourHigh
Breakfast cerealHigh
Breakfast cereal, cornflakesLow
Breakfast cereal, mixed grain (wheat & oat & riceLow
Breakfast cereal, mixed grain (wheat, rice & oat)Low
Breakfast cereal, wheat bran, flakes, sultanasModerate
Brussels sproutsHigh
Bun, sweet, with dried fruit, unicedModerate
Cake, lamington, unfilledLow
Cake, plain butter cakeLow
Caramels, soft & hardLow
Cheese, cream, plainLow
Cheese, goatHigh
Cheese, mozzarellaHigh
Chickpea, garbanzo bean, canned, drainedLow
Chickpea, garbanzo bean, driedHigh
Chickpea, garbanzo bean, dried, boiled, drainedLow
Chocolate, compound, cookingLow
Chocolate, dark, high cocoa solidsLow
Chocolate, milkLow
Chocolate, whiteLow
Chutney or relish, commercialLow
Cocoa powderHigh
Coconut (fresh or not preserved with sulphur, check label)Low
Coconut MilkLow
Coconut milk, juice, and oilHigh
Coconut, fresh, mature fruit, fleshLow
Coconut, grated & desiccatedLow
Coffee, blackVery low
Coffee, instant, dry powder or granulesHigh
Coffee, instant, dry powder or granules, decaffeinatedHigh
Cone, wafer style, for ice creamModerate
Confectionery, chocolate centre, sugar-coatedLow
CordialVery low
Coriander, basil, thyme, rosemaryLow
Cornmeal (polenta), boiled, no added fat or saltLow
Cornmeal (polenta), uncookedLow
Couscous, boiled, no added fat or saltLow
Couscous, uncookedHigh
Cream, sourLow
Croissant, plainModerate
Crumpet, from white flour, toastedLow
Dairy – milk, cheese, cream, sour creamHigh
Dark Leafy GreensHigh
Doughnut, dusted with cinnamon & sugarLow
Doughnut, icedLow
Dressing, French or Italian, regular fat, commercialLow
Dressing, thousand island, regular fat, commercialLow
Duck, lean flesh, baked, no added fatHigh
Duck, lean flesh, rawHigh
Duck, lean flesh, skin & fat, baked, no added fatHigh
Duck, lean flesh, skin & fat, rawModerate
Duck, skin & fat, baked, no added fatHigh
Duck, skin & fat, rawLow
Fish fingerHigh
Flour, arrowrootVery low
Flour, chickpea (besan)High
Flour, riceLow
Flour, ryeLow
Flour, speltHigh
Flour, wheat, wholemeal, plainModerate
Flour, wheat, wholemeal, self-raisingModerate
Fruit drink, apple juiceVery low
Fruit drink, orange juiceVery low
Gelatine, all typesVery high
Gherkin/Pickled Cucumber pickled, drained, commercialLow
Gravy powder, dry mixHigh
Gravy, prepared from dry powder with waterLow
Hamburger, white roll, beef patty, with salad, independent takeaway outletHigh
Ice confection, stick, milk-based, various flavoursLow
Jelly, sugar sweetened, all flavours, preparedVery low
Juice, apple & blackcurrant, commercialVery low
Juice, orangeVery low
Kingfish, yellowtailHigh
Kiwifruit, gold, peeled, rawLow
Lamb, steak, boneless, lean, rawModerate
Lasagne, beef, commercial, purchased frozen, bakedModerate
Liquorice, blackHigh
Liquorice, chocolate-coatedModerate
Lobster, southern rock, wild, flesh, purchased steamed or boiledHigh
Lobster, southern rock, wild, flesh, rawHigh
Lolly, sweets, hard varietiesVery low
Mayonnaise, traditional (greater than 65% fat), commercialLow
Meats contain cysteine (sulphur), but lowest are Liver, Bacon – organic, Turkey, Sardines, Salmon (higher fat = lower sulphur), Oysters, PrawnsCheck
Milk, cowLow
Mineral waterVery low
Muesli, untoasted or natural style, added dried fruit, unfortifiedHigh
Muffin, cake-style, berry, commercialLow
Muffin, English style, from white flourModerate
Muffin, English style, from white flour, toastedHigh
Mustard leaves/ Mustard/radish flowersHigh
Mustard powderVery high
Mustard, cream styleHigh
Noodle, wheatLow
Noodle, wheat, instant, flavoured, dry, uncookedHigh
Nut, almond mealHigh
Nut, brazil, raw or blanched, unsaltedHigh
Nut, cashew, raw, unsaltedHigh
Nut, hazelnut, raw, unsaltedHigh
Nut, macadamia, raw, unsaltedHigh
Nut, peanut, with skin, raw, unsaltedHigh
Nut, peanut, without skin, roasted, with oil, saltedHigh
Nut, peanut, without skin, roasted, with oil, unsaltedHigh
Nut, pecan, raw, unsaltedModerate
Nut, pine, raw, unsaltedModerate
Nut, pistachio, raw, unsaltedHigh
Nut, walnut, raw, unsaltedModerate
OilVery low
Olive, green or black, drainedLow
Oyster, aquacultured, rawHigh
Oyster, native, aquacultured, rawHigh
Oyster, Pacific, aquacultured, rawHigh
Oyster, Sydney rock, aquacultured, rawHigh
Pasta in cream based sauce, dry mixHigh
Pasta, gluten free, boiled from dry, no added saltLow
Pasta, white wheat flour & egg, boiled from dry, no added saltLow
Pasta, white wheat flour & spinach, dryModerate
Pasta, white wheat flour, dryModerate
Pasta, white wheat flour, fresh, boiled, no added saltLow
Pasta, white wheat flour, fresh, uncookedModerate
Pasta, wholemeal wheat flour, boiled from dry, no added saltLow
Pasta, wholemeal wheat flour, dryHigh
Paste, soybeanModerate
Pastry, filoHigh
Pastry, puffLow
Pastry, shortcrust styleLow
Pea, split, driedHigh
Pea, split, dried, boiled, drainedLow
Pear, nashiVery low
Pie, savoury, meatModerate
Pork, leg steak (rump), loin chop chop, roast, medallian, round mini roast, scotch roast, separate fatLow
Pumpkin, all varietiesLow
Rabbit, farmed, whole, rawHigh
Rabbit, flesh, casseroled, no added fatHigh
Raspberry, purchased frozenLow
Raspberry, rawLow
Red & white meatsHigh
Red hot peppersHigh
Rice MilkLow
Rice, brown, boiled, no added saltLow
Rice, brown, uncookedModerate
Rice, white, uncookedLow
Salmon, red, canned in brine, drainedHigh
Salt + PepperLow
Sardine, Australian, whole, fried, no added fatHigh
Sardine, Australian, whole, rawLow
Sauce, barbecue, commercialLow
Sauce, pasta, tomato-based, commercial, heatedLow
Sauce, soyLow
Sauce, tomato, commercialLow
Sauce, Worcestershire, commercialHigh
Sausage rollModerate
Scone, plain, commercialModerate
Seaweed, boiled, drainedHigh
Seaweed, nori, driedVery high
Seed, sunflowerHigh
Semolina, boiled, no added fat or saltLow
Semolina, uncookedModerate
Soft drink, cola flavourVery low
Soup, broth style, with meat & noodles, instant dry mixModerate
Soup, chicken & noodle, cup of soupVery low
Soy beverageLow
Spaghetti in tomato & cheese sauce, cannedLow
Spaghetti in tomato & cheese sauce, canned, reduced saltLow
Spelt, boiled, no added fat or saltModerate
Spelt, uncookedHigh
Spread, hazelnut & chocolate flavouredLow
Spread, marmite and vegemiteHigh
Sprout, alfalfa, fresh, rawLow
Stock, dry powder or cubeHigh
Supps – 
 N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)High
Supps – 
Chondroitin sulfateHigh
Supps – Milk thistleHigh
Supps – ChlorellaHigh
Supps – DMSA
Supps – Epsom salt bathsHigh
Supps – Glucosamine sulfateHigh
Supps – GlutathioneHigh
Supps – MSMHigh
Supps – Alpha Lipoic AcidHigh
Sweet cornLow
Sweet potatoLow
Tahini, sesame seed pulpHigh
Tapioca, pearl or seed style, boiledVery low
Tapioca, pearl or seed style, uncookedLow
Tart, custard, commercialLow
Tomato, sundriedHigh
Tumeric (good at raising thiol levels)High
Vinegar (except balsamic vinegar)Very low
Water, soda or tapVery low
Wine, fortified, portLow
Wine, fortified, sherry, dry style or sweetLow
Wine, redLow
Wine, roseLow
Wine, whiteLow
Wine, white, sparklingLow
Yeast, dry powderHigh
Yoghurt, soyLow

Doing the sulfur elimination diet

Week 1

Ensure you have plenty of meal and snack options at hand, since the low sulfur diet is also low protein. Many proteins have sulfur-containing amino acids. This can mean you get hungrier and are less satiated when you do eat.

Include plenty of satiating foods like fats, oils and filling foods. Stay hydrated, and if you’re feeling hungry, drink a big glass of water. It’ll help temporarily.

Week 2

If you don’t notice any change in symptoms, sulfur is probably not your problem, so you do not need this diet any longer. Return to your usual diet and seek advice from a healthcare practitioner. There are other elimination diets you can try, if you’re sure there’s a problem, but you’re not sure which food.

If your symptoms do improve on the sulfur elimination diet, you can start to slowly reintroduce foods and see how you feel.

Sulfur: for 1-4 days, eat multiple servings of high-sulfur foods across each day. If your symptoms return during these days, return to a low-sulfur diet and wait for symptoms to calm down again.

Grains: If you want to test your tolerance to grains, test these separately to sulfur by adding them in alone while on a low-sulfur diet. Beware that quinoa and buckwheat contain sulfur. Wheat and other gluten-containing grains should be added separately as they can be a problem on their own.

Other foods (dairy, nuts, soy, eggs): If you want to test some other foods, try these one a time while on a diet that you’re not reacting to. If you suspect you’re intolerant to these items, remove them during your elimination diet and then reintroduce them to test. Use the same regime as above. Remember that these all contain sulfur.

Most grains are low in sulfur, but it’s very useful to avoid all grains until doing a challenge on each one, since gut microbiome imbalances and overgrowth due to starches in grains can be an issue for many who are sulfur intolerant.

Rice isn’t as problematic and can be eaten in small amounts – 1/2 cup per meal. If you don’t tolerate foods on the list that should be ok, please avoid them.

I’m sulfur intolerant – what next?

The main component we want to work on is your sulfur metabolism and detoxification. We do this using certain supplements and detoxification methods like Epsom salt baths (magnesium sulfate). Talk to your practitioner about your options.

Once you are actively supporting your sulfur metabolism and detoxification, you’ll need to work out what your tolerance is by increasing intake slowly and seeing where you hit the threshold and develop symptoms. With the right support, you should be able to eat many more sulfur-containing foods than you could in your sulfur test during week 2.

Low-sulfur meal ideas

Breakfast ideas

  • Smoothie: 1 cup of water, 1/4 avocado, 1/2 banana, 6 macadamia nuts, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, honey to taste, rice/pea protein powder
  • Fresh cucumber, celery, beet, carrot, orange or apple juice
  • Fresh fruit (any allowed) and 12 macadamia nuts
  • ½-1 sliced avocado with 1 orange, peeled and cut into chunks, drizzled with olive oil and sea salt
  • Banana, apple with macadamia nut butter
  • Sweet potato, grated and cooked in olive oil, sea salt and fresh herbs, smoked salmon/sardines for protein

Main meal ideas

  • PROTEIN: salmon, dark meat poultry with roasted carrots, sweet potato, squash, other low sulfur vegetables, cooked in olive oil, salt, pepper, fresh herbs
  • SALAD: Romaine or other lettuce greens with low sulfur vegetables, fruits, pepitas, sunflower seeds, avocado, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, fresh herbs
  • RICE: Long grain, jasmine rice with crushed macadamia nuts and pepitas, fruit, cinnamon, rice milk


The Australian Food Composition Database

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