Unusual BV treatment success story

A BV cure story worth reading simply for its weirdness! C talks us through the unusual steps she took to completely clear up her recurrent BV.

Aunt Vadge: how do I bring up sex with my boyfriend (and what about my vagina’s taste?)

A 15-year-old is wondering how she can broach the sex subject with her boyfriend, and is curious about her vagina's sour taste.

My Vagina’s repository

Articles about bacterial vaginosis, aerobic vaginitis (AV), yeast infections and more

Using tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) oil for vulvovaginal infections and dysbiosis

Tea tree is an effective antimicrobial agent, and can treat common vulvovaginal infections when the best oils are used effectively.

Aunt Vadge: do I have herpes even though the test was negative?

She has had the same boyfriend for a while, and two negative herpes tests, but now she has fissuring of the posterior fourchette and white spots. Why?

Using lactulose for vulvovaginal dysbiosis/infections

We discuss the use of lactulose for vulvovaginal infections, dysbiosis, and vaginal health, including safety and efficacy.

Aunt Vadge: small dot on posterior fourchette that won’t go away

A 67-year-old woman has a small, sore dot on her posterior fourchette that just won't go away, 15 years post-menopause. We discuss.

Aunt Vadge: I have deep vaginal pain during and after sex

She has deep vaginal pain during sex, which has only just started. We discuss what could be wrong - is it an infection, pelvic floor, or something else?

Aunt Vadge: I plucked my pubic hair and now have red bumps – why?

She has plucked her pubic hair before, but this time it has caused little red bumps to appear on her bikini line.

Using licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) as a topical treatment for vaginal dysbiosis

Licorice root has been used since the dawn of time for its pharmacological qualities, including steroidal, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Aunt Vadge: I’m scared of my doctor doing a pelvic exam

She is 17 and has never had a pap smear or pelvic exam. She's terrified! How will she overcome her fear of the speculum and a male doctor?

Propolis as an antimicrobial agent in treating vulvovaginal dysbiosis

Propolis resin may be a useful adjunct to treating vulvovaginal dysbiosis and infections via its antimicrobial activity, with some bacteria more susceptible than others.

Aunt Vadge: is stress and anxiety affecting my vagina?

A 21-year-old is wondering if her anxiety is causing her vagina to become sore and itchy, with unusual discharge, for the past six weeks.

Aunt Vadge: could I be pregnant if I had my period?

They had sex nearly every day for a week, and she missed a couple of birth control pills. Could she be pregnant if she had her period?

Iron deficiency and bacterial vaginosis, aerobic vaginitis

We examine the evidence as to whether low iron levels can contribute to bacterial vaginosis, aerobic vaginitis or other vulvovaginal dysbiosis/infection.

Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS)

Ehlers-Danlos syndromes may result in easier prolapse of the pelvic organs and hormonal disruptions.

Understanding pain receptors in vulvodynia that cause burning pain – the C fibre

There are certain pain fibres that cause the slow, long, burning pain of vulvodynia. Understanding a these fibres can shed some light on vulvodynia.