In utero exposure to DES

DES is a synthetic oestrogen given to millions of women during the 50s and 60s, before it was found to possibly cause vaginal cancers in female offspring.

Aunt Vadge: is discharge after sex normal?

A 19-year-old is wondering if more vaginal fluids after sex is normal, which it is! There is plenty of juiciness floating around during sex.

Aunt Vadge: am I entering early menopause?

A 40-year-old is experiencing what could be signs of menopause, but she feels like it's happening too early. We discuss what she should do next to find out.

Aunt Vadge: is it normal to be sore when I pee after sex?

An 18-year-old who is new to sex isn't sure whether it's normal to have soreness for a few days after having sex with her boyfriend.

Aunt Vadge: my daughter wants to shave her bikini line but I’m scared for her safety

A father is trying to navigate his daughter shaving her bikini line, and is wondering if he should pay someone else to do it, or let her at it.

Celebrating International Women’s Day with basically free books ($1) – 8 March 2019

We salute your vaginas and everything else about you! Happy International Women's Day everyone. May the day, and all after it, serve you well.

UTI caused by dehydration

If you've been having a hot or waterless time, you may end up with UTI-like symptoms. We discuss why this happens and how to get rid of it.

Aunt Vadge: my period is a day late after me and my boyfriend got steamy

An 18-year-old was very safe during her ovulation period, but her period tracker is saying she is a day late. Is she truly late?

Aunt Vadge: chronic constipation, vaginal rash and painful sex

A woman has had a vaginal/vulvar rash and chronic constipation from the age of 11, and now sex is painful and she's running out of treatment ideas.

Aunt Vadge: why is my vagina always dry?

A 57-year-old woman has a constantly dry vagina, which started before menopause hit, and has continued. We discuss her options.

Aunt Vadge: can you catch thrush from oral?

Is it possible to transfer yeasts from one person's mouth to another person's vagina? We discuss how this might occur and if it's really possible.

Gallbladder removal and your hormones

Living without a gallbladder can cause a few hormonal upsets that may make life harder over the years, including leaving too much oestrogen in your blood.

Aunt Vadge: sore clitoris after fingering, but four days later it’s not better

A 19-year-old has a sore clitoris a week after being fingered by her boyfriend, but it should have healed by now. What's wrong, and what can she do about it?

Aunt Vadge: why is my vagina suddenly black?

A 19-year-old has discovered that her vulva/vagina has suddenly turned black, and what to do about it.

Aunt Vadge: transparent bubbly liquid coming out of my vagina

A 19-year-old was fingered by her boyfriend, and now has transparent bubbly liquid coming out of her vagina when she gets turned on. Why?

Aunt Vadge: what’s wrong with my vagina?

She has a mysterious set of infection symptoms, while also suffering malnutrition over a long period of time. We discuss her best bets.

Aunt Vadge: is my vagina too short?

A 15-year-old is worried that she has a short vagina, and when she tries to have sex with her new guy, who has a 7-inch penis, it will hurt.

Aunt Vadge: my period just stopped after two years

A 13-year-old has had her period for two years, but the last three months, it hasn't shown up at all. She's not sure why, as she can't be pregnant.

Aunt Vadge: on patch, but period is two days late

A 20-year-old is on the patch, but her period is late and she's not sure why. Is she pregnant, or is something else going on? We discuss.

How to use the Three Ls Fixer Box

We explain how to use the Three L's in one of our favourite Killing BV treatments.