Aunt Vadge: sex and fingering has made my vagina sting and burn like a UTI

She was having sex with her boyfriend, and he switched to fingering in the middle. She now has a stinging, burning vagina and a UTI-like feeling. Does she have a UTI or is she just hurt?

Aunt Vadge: I was fingered now my period is late – am I pregnant?

She was fingered three weeks ago, bled for 3-5 days afterwards, and now her period is 10 days late. Could she be pregnant or is there another reason why her period could be later than usual?

Aunt Vadge: I gained weight recently – is that why my period is late?

She recently gained weight and is wondering if that has caused a change in her hormones that may result in a late period. We talk through the possibilities.

Aunt Vadge: last week fingering made me wet, but not now – why?

Her vagina is dry when her boyfriend fingers her, even though just a week ago fingering made her very wet. Why isn't her body acting like it used to? She's turned on and is attracted to her boyfriend.

Aunt Vadge: I was masturbating in the shower and now my mons pubis is peeling

After using the showerhead to masturbate, she's ended up with a peeling, sore pubic area. What's gone wrong with getting wet in the shower?

Aunt Vadge: I’m dry after foreplay now. Why?

She used to be so wet during sex, but now she feels quite dry and isn't sure why. We discuss the reasons her vagina might be drier than usual after the same type of foreplay that she enjoys.

Aunt Vadge: why do I get a yeast infection every time I’m stressed?

Every time she gets stressed, a yeast infection flares up, but she doesn't understand why. We explain how our immune system defends us and how ongoing stress can leave us with microbe problems.

Aunt Vadge: I just got married, had sex 5 times in 24 hours, now I have a blister – why?

A newly-married couple has been at it for days, but now she has a blister and scrapes. What should she do?

Aunt Vadge: post-fingering burning, and could I be pregnant?

A 16-year-old is worried that she might be pregnant after her first sexual experience with her boyfriend: fingering, tongues, and pre-cummy shorts.

Aunt Vadge: naked grinding with precum – can I be pregnant?

They were naked grinding and she isn't sure if she can get pregnant this way or not.

Parvimonas micra in bacterial vaginosis

Parvimonas micra is usually found in the mouth and intestines, but can cause vaginal infections and be found in vaginal flora. P. micra is associated with BV and other vaginal infections.

My Vagina’s repository

Articles about bacterial vaginosis, aerobic vaginitis (AV), yeast infections and more

Salmonella in vaginal and pelvic infections

We take a quick look at the evidence and symptoms of Salmonella infections in the reproductive tract of women, as a cause of pelvic inflammatory disease.

Cryptococcal vaginitis

Cryptococcal yeast infections of the vagina most often occur in immunocompromised people, with C. neoformans the most common human pathogen that contributes to pelvic infections in women.

Aspergillus vulvovaginal infections

Aspergillus can cause vulvovaginal infections in women that resemble a regular Candida-related yeast infection, with similar symptoms of itching and soreness. Aspergillus species can be transmitted by food, air, or direct contact, and are found uncommonly in chronic recurrent vaginal infections.

PASSED Menstrual Hygiene Day 28 May 2019

Breaking the silence and building awareness around periods means women and girls can work on reaching their full potential without a period getting in the way.

USA: painful sex and have Medicare? Your treatment is NO LONGER excluded from Medicare Part D

If you are menopausal, are experiencing pain during sex, and have Medicare in the USA, your drug treatments are covered.

Finegoldia magna in BV

Finegoldia magna is often found naturally in the vagina as a friendly commensal bacteria, but can also be associated with and contribute to bacterial vaginosis. Finegoldia magna can cause a vinegar or ammonia-like smell from the vagina, and compete with friendly lactobacilli.

Understanding vaginal pH

We explain vaginal pH and how it relates to your vaginal smells. If you have a funny smell coming out of your vagina and need to test your vaginal pH, we explain how.

What to do when your period smells like death

Got a vagina that smells like death? We explain what's going on in great detail, with treatment ideas, so that you can solve your bad vag problems quickly and effectively.