Using InterFase Plus – penis (Killing BV)

We explain how to use InterFase or InterFase Plus as a penis treatment for BV-related biofilms in men, with clear instructions for dosage and application.

My Vagina’s repository

Articles about bacterial vaginosis, aerobic vaginitis (AV), yeast infections and more

Understanding E. coli biofilms in recurrent UTIs

We look into E. coli's biofilms in a bit more detail, explaining exactly why biofilms contribute to recurrent urinary tract infections and other vaginal infections.

Escherichia coli (E. coli) in urinary tract infections

We explain E. coli and how it works in urinary tract infections.

Strong ammonia smell in vagina – which bacteria you have in BV

We delve into what bacteria cause ammonia smells to come from your vagina, especially with a diagnosis of BV. There are only a few bacteria that cause ammonia-like vaginal odours, so you can narrow it down and get effective treatment.

What do BVAB1, BVAB2 and BVAB3 mean in BV tests?

We explain what they mean when they say 'BVAB' - bacterial vaginosis-related bacteria - in your BV test results, helping you to understand why these mysterious letters appear and what you can do about them.

What to expect from your period

We go over what you should expect from your first ever periods and talk over how to manage them, including what products to buy, how to predict your periods, and what cramps mean.

What your period blood colour and consistency means

Wondering what clots in your period mean? Why period might be brown sometimes? What bleeding between periods could indicate? We explain the different colours, consistencies and (ir)regularities of your period.

How stress causes acne

Learn how and why stress hormones can cause or worsen acne, by learning the hormonal cascades that run our bodies. If you suffer from stress and acne, you need to read this. Get your science goggles on.

How to test your urinary pH

We teach you how to take a urinary pH test at home, for cheap, and how to read and interpret the results.

BV – you also probably have it in your mouths

If you have BV in your vagina or on your penis, you may have the same bacteria in your mouth, causing or contributing to periodontal disease and being transferred to your sexual (or kissing!) partners.

SOLVED! Why has Facebook banned, but not is helping everyone understand vaginas better. Guess which one Facebook bans? You got it. My Vagina. Luckily, My Vagina has been unblocked and all is well.

Understanding hyperprolactinaemia

A brief overview of higher-than-usual prolactin levels in women, causing the condition known as hyperprolactinaemia. Causes vary, but are usually not to do with breastfeeding.

Understanding relative oestrogen excess

Relative oestrogen excess is a term used to describe a the propensity to have more oestrogen floating around than we want.

Using garlic vaginally

We explain how to use garlic in the Killing BV treatment protocol, avoiding the negative impacts while maximising its benefits.

Aunt Vadge: I don’t feel sexual pleasure – is something wrong with me?

She's worried that she'll never feel sexual pleasure, as it just doesn't seem to work for her. We delve into how she might go about finding out about her sexuality - or lack thereof.