Aunt Vadge: I’m pregnant and struggling with BV and UTIs

A woman is facing challenges with BV, UTIs, and yeast at 26 weeks pregnant, and needs advice.

E. faecalis byproducts: understanding vaginal symptoms

Discover how E. faecalis disrupts vaginal health with ammonia, biogenic amines, biofilms, pH imbalances, inflammation, and infections..

Do I need to remove my IUD before Killing BV treatments?

Explore whether removing your IUD is necessary for effective bacterial vaginosis treatment and the factors influencing this decision.

Practitioner perspectives on gender-affirming vulvoplasty and vulvovaginoplasty

Explore the key differences between vulvoplasty and vulvovaginoplasty in gender-affirming surgery, with insights into why patients and practitioners choose these options and the factors influencing their decisions.

PCOS, BV and the vaginal microbiome

People with PCOS get more BV, but why is this? We discuss.

Using Oral BV, AV or Ureaplasma Herbal Blends (Killing BV)

How to use the BV and AV-UTI specific herbal medicine as part of your Killing BV treatment.

Superceded: Topical penis treatment with balm (Killing BV)

How to use the topical balm as a penis treatment to modify the penile microbiome.

The microbiome of the penis, semen and male reproductive tract

The penile microbiome is being examined for its role in fertility, infections and interactions with the vaginal microbiome.

Aunt Vadge: BV, yeast, UTIs – nothing is working! Help!

She's got the trio of doom: BV, yeast and UTIs, but she's tried so many treatments and nothing is helping. What next?

Aunt Vadge: yeast infection, now yellow discharge – what is happening?

She had a yeast infection, but now it's morphed into worse symptoms after antifungal medication. What should she do?

Aunt Vadge: his precum touched me – can I be pregnant?

A 20-year-old and her boyfriend were fooling around and some pre-ejaculate fluid got on her vulva. Could she be pregnant?

Aunt Vadge: we did anal-vaginal sex and now I have AV that won’t go away

A 22-year-old and her partner had anal to vaginal sex, and now they've both ended up with an infection for 4 years. What should they do?

Aunt Vadge: I have to change my undies 4 x day

She's had on and off problems for a few years, with vaginal burning and discharge. What should she do next?

Aunt Vadge: did yoga tear my clitoris?

She's been doing pelvic yoga and developed a pain in her clitoris, which hasn't quite healed. What's wrong?

Aunt Vadge: what are these white dots on clitoris and underwear?

A 35-year-old is getting little white dots and specks in her underwear and on her vulva. Why?

Aunt Vadge: I have so much discharge all the time

A 53-year-old is suffering from copious vaginal discharge, and nothing is helping. What should she do?

Aunt Vadge: I had ureaplasma and E. coli – which treatment do I use first?

A 40-year-old wants to know which of the Killing BV blends to use first for ureaplasma and E. coli. Aunt Vadge explains.

What does a healthy vaginal microbiome look like?

A great explanation of the vaginal microbiome and who's who!

Understanding Community State Types

Learn more about community state types of the vaginal microbiome.

Aunt Vadge: can cum from clothes get me pregnant?

A 16-year-old had a dalliance with her boy, and there was cum and a clean-up job involved. Can she be pregnant?