Aunt Vadge: we did anal-vaginal sex and now I have AV that won’t go away

A long-standing battle with aerobic vaginitis (AV), caused by E. coli and E. faecalis, has left a 22-year-old feeling desperate. Despite trying various treatments, including antibiotics and natural remedies, the infection persists. Aunt Vadge suggests a holistic approach focusing on the digestive microbiome, using specific herbal blends and lifestyle changes, while cautioning against the use of pure EDTA intravaginally without professional guidance.

Aunt Vadge: I have to change my undies 4 x day

A woman's journey through persistent vaginal symptoms, despite treatment for infections and conditions like Lyme disease, Bartonella, and PCOS, highlights the complexity of diagnosing and managing such conditions. With a focus on the impact of antibiotics, hormonal changes, and the vaginal microbiome, this article explores the multifaceted approach needed for relief.

Aunt Vadge: did yoga tear my clitoris?

A reader shares her concern about experiencing clitoral pain and discomfort following pelvic yoga stretches, wondering if she has caused a tear. Aunt Vadge reassures her it's unlikely to be a tear but suggests the pain could be related to past clitoral adhesion surgery, scar tissue, or hormonal fluctuations. She recommends gentle care, possibly including topical treatments, and emphasizes the importance of consulting a healthcare provider or a specialist like a pelvic floor physiotherapist or osteopath for a tailored treatment plan.

Aunt Vadge: what are these white dots on clitoris and underwear?

Tiny white dots around the clitoris and dry specks in underwear can be alarming but are often benign. From Fordyce spots to yeast infections, Aunt Vadge outlines potential causes and advises seeking a professional diagnosis. She emphasizes the importance of avoiding harsh products and staying in tune with your body's changes, reassuring that these symptoms, while worth investigating, often have simple explanations.

Aunt Vadge: I have so much discharge all the time

A woman, age 53, faces daily challenges with excessive vaginal discharge, affecting her sense of femininity. Aunt Vadge suggests a combination of herbal blends, dietary changes, and professional consultation to address the underlying causes, ranging from hormonal imbalances to microbial disruptions. The article emphasizes the importance of a tailored approach, including diet and professional guidance, to manage symptoms and restore balance.

Aunt Vadge: I had ureaplasma and E. coli – which treatment do I use first?

After being diagnosed with Ureaplasma and E. Coli, a reader seeks advice on using Aunt Vadge's herbal blends for treatment. Learn about the effectiveness of these natural remedies and the recommended approach to combat these infections without resorting to further antibiotics.

What does a healthy vaginal microbiome look like?

The vaginal microbiome, comprising bacteria and yeasts, plays a crucial role in vaginal and reproductive health. Variations in this microbiome can lead to discomfort and health issues, yet many remain unaware of its significance. This article delves into the essentials of a healthy vaginal microbiome, its key components like Lactobacillus species, and the impact of imbalances such as bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections. Understanding the vaginal microbiome is pivotal for maintaining overall health and preventing complications.

Understanding Community State Types

Recent studies have identified five general groups of vaginal microbiomes, known as Community State Types (CSTs), which are primarily distinguished by the type and quantity of Lactobacillus bacteria. Understanding these CSTs is crucial for recognizing potential symptoms, the risk of infections, and the overall health of the vaginal microbiome. This article delves into the characteristics of each CST, their significance in vaginal health, and the pivotal role of Lactobacillus in regulating pH levels, impeding harmful pathogens, and reducing inflammation.

Aunt Vadge: can cum from clothes get me pregnant?

A concerned inquiry about the possibility of getting pregnant from sperm transferred from hands to clothes then to the vagina is addressed with a detailed explanation about sperm viability outside the body, the importance of moisture for sperm survival, and the improbability of pregnancy from such an incident. Aunt Vadge also highlights the significance of understanding one's menstrual cycle and the role of direct sperm deposit in fertilisation.

Aunt Vadge: we went from anal to vaginal sex and now I’ve got a huge bump

Switching from anal to vaginal sex without proper hygiene can introduce harmful bacteria, leading to infections or bumps. Aunt Vadge advises on the importance of cleanliness, potential causes of vaginal bumps, and the necessity of seeking medical advice to ensure vaginal health and prevent complications.

Aunt Vadge: why has this cut appeared on my clit?

Experiencing a cut on the clitoris can be alarming. Common causes include friction, grooming, skin conditions, or infections. It's crucial to keep the area clean, avoid irritation, and seek medical advice if the cut worsens or shows signs of infection. Aunt Vadge offers guidance on healing and when to consult a healthcare provider.

Ways to increase iron absorption from food

Despite consuming iron-rich foods, some individuals struggle with low iron levels due to absorption interferences. This article explores essential tips for maximizing iron absorption, including the roles of dietary components like vitamin C and the timing of tea and coffee consumption. Understanding the difference between heme and non-heme iron sources and how certain foods and supplements can inhibit or promote iron uptake is crucial for maintaining optimal iron levels.

Glycaemic index foods list (searchable)

Understanding the glycaemic index (GI) of foods is crucial for managing blood glucose levels. This article provides a comprehensive, searchable list categorising foods into low, medium, and high GI, supported by research from the Sydney University Glycemic Index Research Service (SUGiRS). Whether you're looking to make healthier dietary choices or manage a condition like diabetes, this guide is an invaluable resource.

Practical tips for managing insulin resistance in PCOS

Managing insulin resistance is crucial for women with PCOS. This article provides practical tips on diet, exercise, stress reduction, and medical interventions to help manage insulin resistance effectively, aiming to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and improve overall well-being.

My Vagina 2-Week Pathway Clean Up

Embark on a two-week journey to rejuvenate your vaginal health with a comprehensive Pathway Clean Up. This reset involves six pillars: eliminating harmful habits, optimising diet, incorporating beneficial supplements, enhancing detox pathways, ensuring healthy sleep, and effectively managing stress. Tailored to promote overall well-being, this guide offers practical steps and tips to revitalise your vagina and improve your quality of life.

Why folic acid ain’t no good (but folate rocks)

Folic acid, the synthetic form of folate, is widely used in fortified foods and supplements but may not be as beneficial as once thought, especially for those with certain genetic variations. This article explores the differences between folic acid and natural folate forms, highlighting the importance of choosing the right type of B9 for optimal health and well-being. Learn how to navigate the world of folate, avoiding the pitfalls of folic acid and embracing the benefits of natural and activated forms of this essential nutrient.

Understanding and treating smegmatic pseudocysts

A smegmatic pseudocyst, often confused with a cyst, is actually an accumulation of smegma causing potential infections and discomfort.

Fibre-containing foods list (searchable)

Fibre is essential for a healthy diet, offering benefits like improved digestion, weight management, and chronic disease prevention. This article explores the types of fibre, their benefits, and provides practical tips on how to increase your intake to meet daily requirements. Whether it's through food or supplements, learn how to enhance your health by incorporating more fibre into your diet.

Aunt Vadge: What is this little bud on my vulva?

A young girl seeks reassurance about a 'bud' on her vulva, experiencing pain and feeling unlike diagrams she's seen. Aunt Vadge explains the uniqueness of vulvas, potential medical conditions, and the importance of seeking professional medical advice. The response highlights the normalcy of vulval variations, the steps to take for a medical consultation, and the supportive approach to understanding and accepting one's body.

Aunt Vadge: How do I treat histamine intolerance?

Histamine intolerance can cause uncomfortable itchiness in the vulva and clitoris, particularly worsening around the menstrual cycle due to hormonal changes. This article delves into understanding the condition, managing symptoms with a healthy vaginal pH, and employing strategies like probiotics, low-histamine diets, and gentle hygiene to alleviate discomfort. It emphasizes the importance of professional diagnosis and treatment to address the root causes of histamine overload and restore vaginal health.