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My treatment burns – what should I do?

Clear instructions on what to do if your Killing BV vaginal herbal blend burns.

Do I need to remove my IUD before Killing BV treatments?

Explore whether removing your IUD is necessary for effective bacterial vaginosis treatment and the factors influencing this decision.

Understanding Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) testing for the urogenital tract

We explain what next-generation sequencing DNA tests are, and how they are used for the vaginal microbiome.

I’m having light spotting from the BV treatment – is this normal?

How to manage any spotting that appears during the first few days of your Killing BV treatment.

Using probiotics vaginally – you may need to switch capsules

Here we explain how to switch your enteric-coated or gelatin probiotic capsules into vegetable capsules for vaginal use at home.

Lactobacilli overgrowth syndrome from a vaginal treatment – what should I do?

Sometimes your vagina swings the opposite way to your infection and lactobacilli overgrow, causing yeast-infection-like symptoms, in particular the itch. Here's why

Can I do the BV treatment and use the Nuvaring?

A small discussion of how the Nuvaring works with vaginal treatments.

I’m a swim teacher – will the BV treatment still work if I’m in water all day?

We discuss the impact of water submersion on the treatment.

Can I take antibiotics at the same time as the BV treatment?

We discuss taking antibiotics during your treatment.

Can I leave out any of the essential oils?

The treatment is best with all the oils, but we discuss why.

Can I use Estrace cream and the tampon treatment at the same time?

A reader wants to know how to use Estrace cream with the treatment.

If my oil treatment burns, but it goes away, should I stop or keep going?

What to do if you experience burning with your treatment, but it goes away.

I have urethral symptoms with BV – how do I treat those?

Urethral symptoms can appear along with BV due to the mash-up of bacteria that can inhabit biofilms.

Aunt Vadge: semen of different ethnicities and using metro gel as part of the BV treatment

She has a dirty weekend coming up and a few questions about BV and antibiotic gel and Latin men's semen.

I’m pregnant – can I use the Killing BV treatments?

There are some Killing BV treatments that are NOT safe for use during pregnancy or nursing. Check out the special sections in the support section.

Clumpy kefir and blood – what’s happening?

A Killing BV reader is curious about clumps of kefir and some bleeding, so Aunt Vadge swoops in with her advice.

I have stringy yellow discharge – is this the BV biofilm?

Is this stringy yellow discharge the biofilm?

The peroxide and kefir just falls right out even with a tampon

The kefir and peroxide keeps coming out after insertion - what am I doing wrong?

I’m going away – can I break my treatment plan?

We explain what to do with each of the treatments if you need to go away either on a planned trip or unexpectedly. How long is too long?