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Treating your gut to support your vagina

A discussion about why treating the gut can treat the vagina.

Essential oil douche (Killing BV)

We detail how to use a specially selected group of essential oils in a douche to treat bacterial vaginosis.

Getting the tampon to absorb the kefir properly, and making use of applicators

Here are some tips on getting maximum kefir into the vagina with the tampon.

I have urethral symptoms with BV – how do I treat those?

Urethral symptoms can appear along with BV due to the mash-up of bacteria that can inhabit biofilms.

The trick for using the oil and tampons

How to prepare your oily tampons for the day.

Using vitamin C instead of boric acid due to breastfeeding

Yes, you can switch up boric acid for vitamin C, however boric acid has more going for it than just its acidic properties.

How important is the no-sex rule?

We discuss the reasoning behind the no-sex rule during treatments and offer you a couple of management strategies if you just can't help yourself.

Aunt Vadge: semen of different ethnicities and using metro gel as part of the BV treatment

She has a dirty weekend coming up and a few questions about BV and antibiotic gel and Latin men's semen.

Finding the right lactobacilli strains

Some probiotic strains mentioned in Killing BV are not commercially available. There may be another option though!

I’m pregnant – can I use the Killing BV treatments?

There are some Killing BV treatments that are NOT safe for use during pregnancy or nursing. Check out the special sections in the support section.

Clumpy kefir and blood – what’s happening?

A Killing BV reader is curious about clumps of kefir and some bleeding, so Aunt Vadge swoops in with her advice.

Adding amylase to BV treatments to overcome the self-limiting nature of glycogen degradation in the vagina

We discuss the idea that adding amylase to the mix could increase survival rates of lactobacilli by increasing the breakdown of glycogen.

Freezing milk kefir treatments

Freeze your treatments into convenient little cubes to make it easier to insert all of that stuff.

I have stringy yellow discharge – is this the BV biofilm?

Is this stringy yellow discharge the biofilm?

The peroxide and kefir just falls right out even with a tampon

The kefir and peroxide keeps coming out after insertion - what am I doing wrong?

I’m going away – can I break my treatment plan?

We explain what to do with each of the treatments if you need to go away either on a planned trip or unexpectedly. How long is too long?

What to do if symptoms are the same or worse during or after treatments

If your vaginal symptoms get worse after BV treatments, you've probably had a changing of the guard - but from pathogen to pathogen.

How I got rid of my BV – my experience with the Killing BV treatment

Rebecca Strange's experience as a test subject for the Killing BV 7-day program.