Ask Aunt Vadge

Aunt Vadge: are there women who don’t like vaginal sex?

Aunt Vadge addresses a common query: Are there women who don't enjoy vaginal sex, preferring other forms of stimulation like oral and fingering? She reassures that sexual preferences vary widely, and what matters most is mutual satisfaction and exploring what works for you. Normality in sexual pleasure is diverse, and

Aunt Vadge: he put the tip in – am I still a virgin?

Virginity is often seen as a black-and-white status, but the reality is far more complex. Aunt Vadge tackles the nuanced question of what constitutes losing one's virginity, debunking myths around the hymen and the outdated valuation of virginity as a measure of purity or worth. She encourages personal readiness and

Aunt Vadge: is there some kind of cherry to pop?

Aunt Vadge addresses a common concern among virgins about the hymen and 'popping the cherry.' With a focus on the importance of arousal, understanding one's anatomy, and engaging in foreplay, the article provides insightful advice for a comfortable and pleasurable first sexual experience. It emphasizes that pain during sex is

Aunt Vadge: deep cut on inner labia – will it heal by itself?

A deep cut on the inner labia, though alarming, often heals well on its own, akin to mucous membrane injuries elsewhere. Immediate care involves gentle cleansing and avoiding irritation, with a visit to the doctor recommended if the cut worsens or fails to improve. Understanding the healing process and when

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Your vulva and vagina

What is inside my vagina?

We explain your anatomy, with diagrams, so that you can visualise what’s going on inside the bits you can’t see or touch. Learning what goes where means you can navigate using tampons, masturbating, and at some point, having someone else touch you.

Everything you need to know about pap tests and pap smears

A Pap smear or Pap test is a crucial screening tool for cervical health, aimed at detecting precancerous changes in cervical cells. It involves collecting cells from the cervix using a scraping tool and a tiny brush, which are then examined for abnormalities. This article covers everything from the procedure's

Pelvic floor exercises overview

Training the pelvic floor muscles is crucial for maintaining pelvic health, enhancing sexual pleasure, managing stress urinary incontinence, and preventing prolapse. From Kegel exercises to biofeedback and electrical stimulation, this guide covers various methods tailored to individual needs, emphasizing the importance of a balanced approach to avoid overtraining. Whether you're

The hymenal ring, remnants and tags

The hymenal ring, or hymenal remnants, are tissues located just inside the vaginal entrance, resulting from the stretching or breaking of the hymen. These tissues, also known as carunculae myrtiformes, can be sensitive and play a role in various medical assessments and procedures. They may lead to conditions such as

How to feel your own cervix

Feeling your cervix can provide insightful information about your menstrual cycle and ovulation periods. This article guides you through the process of locating and examining your cervix, highlighting the importance of cleanliness, comfort, and understanding the physical sensations associated with different stages of your cycle.

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Sex stuff

Pain and bleeding after fingering – is it normal?

While fingering should not cause pain or bleeding, it can occur, especially with inexperience or lack of arousal. Understanding the importance of lubrication, gentle touch, and communication is key to preventing damage and enhancing pleasure. This article explores the reasons behind discomfort and offers advice on how to ensure a

Fingering basics for men

Fingering, when done right, can be a source of immense pleasure for both partners. This guide delves into the anatomy of pleasure, the importance of communication and consent, and offers practical tips and techniques to become a skilled lover. From understanding the clitoris and labia to mastering the gentle art

Skins: condoms made from sheep intestine

Sheep intestine condoms, known for their natural feel akin to real skin, have gained popularity for those seeking a hormone-free birth control option. While they offer unparalleled sensitivity and are biodegradable, it's crucial to note that they do not protect against STIs. These condoms, a throwback to ancient practices, are

What is sex?

Sex encompasses a wide range of activities beyond just penetration, including mutual masturbation, oral sex, and the use of sex toys. It's an intimate way to connect with another person, emphasizing the importance of consent and mutual enjoyment. Understanding the various aspects of sex can enhance your sexual experiences and

Things that can go wrong during sex

From lack of arousal, discomfort, and size mismatches, to erectile dysfunction and queefs, this article delves into common sexual issues and offers practical solutions. It emphasizes the importance of foreplay, communication, and exploring alternative sexual activities to ensure both partners enjoy a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship. Understanding and addressing

G-spot and clitoris augmentation and amplification

The exploration of enhancing sexual pleasure through G-spot and clitoral augmentation has introduced innovative methods such as dermal fillers and PRP injections. These procedures aim to increase sexual responsiveness by enlarging the G-spot and clitoral tissues, potentially leading to heightened pleasure, stronger and more frequent orgasms, and improved sexual function.

What does asexual mean?

Asexuality is not just about the absence of sexual attraction; it's a complex orientation involving romantic attraction, individual preferences, and the capacity for sexual activities. This article demystifies asexuality, addresses common misconceptions, and explores the spectrum of experiences within the asexual community, including greysexuals and demisexuals. It also offers insight

Female sexuality

Female sexuality encompasses a broad spectrum of experiences, including the journey from teenage years to menopause, the significance of masturbation, and the complexities of sexual response and dysfunction. With research shedding light on these aspects, understanding female sexuality is key to embracing a harmonious state of sexual health as defined

Aunt Vadge: what should I expect from first-time sex?

Embarking on your first sexual experience is a significant step filled with many questions and concerns. From the importance of using protection to prevent pregnancy and STIs, to understanding the role of pubic hair in sexual pleasure, and addressing common worries about vaginal tightness and the hymen, this article offers

Can meditation improve your sex life?

Research has illuminated the profound impact mindfulness and meditation have on enhancing female sexual desire, reducing sex-related distress, and improving psychological well-being. This article delves into how mindfulness practices not only bridge the gap between mental and physical arousal in women but also contribute to greater sexual motivation and consciousness,

How to get better at talking about what you like sexually

Effective communication is crucial for a fulfilling sex life. This article guides you on how to express what you like and dislike in bed through clear communication, offering specific phrases to use. It emphasizes the importance of being open, kind, and attentive to your partner's cues for a better sexual

Are female virgins tighter and better to have sex with?

The belief that a virgin girl is tighter and thereby provides better sexual pleasure is debunked in this article. It explains how the tightness felt during sex is not a result of virginity but rather the condition of the pelvic floor muscles. It also highlights the importance of relaxation and



To get you started on your periods, we’ve made a very simple period guide to start you and your period off on the right foot.

6 great period tips and tricks for beginners

Navigating your period can be challenging for beginners. This article covers crucial tips such as selecting the appropriate tampon size for your flow, addressing period pain, understanding period clots, correctly disposing of tampons, combating 'old blood' smells, and managing ruined underwear. It emphasises the importance of hygiene, pain management, and

What your period blood colour and consistency means

The colour and consistency of your period blood can offer clues about your overall health. From bright red indicating a healthy period to dark, thick, or brown blood suggesting slower flow, and even pale, watery blood hinting at hormonal imbalances, this article delves into what various period blood characteristics might

Aunt Vadge: my period gives me the jeeb and now I’ve hurt myself

Dealing with the discomfort of periods can lead to over-wiping and resulting in vaginal cuts and swelling. Aunt Vadge offers advice on gentle care, avoiding irritating products, and managing tampon use to prevent damage and ensure healing. Learn how to navigate menstrual hygiene without causing harm to your body.

Dioxins in US tampons – why it isn’t a concern

Recent concerns over dioxins in tampons have sparked widespread debate. However, advancements in manufacturing and stringent FDA testing reveal that the levels of dioxins in tampons are negligible, posing no health risk. This article demystifies the scare, explaining the nature of dioxins, the shift in tampon production methods, and why

Review: VH Essentials PMS Daytime Symptom Relief – what is it and what does it do?

VH Essentials PMS Daytime Symptom Relief is a vitamin supplement aimed at easing PMS symptoms such as tension, irritability, and cravings, with a blend of Vitamin C, B6, calcium, and magnesium. Not FDA approved, it's designed for use in the week leading up to menstruation, promising improved mood and memory

Periods: hygiene and etiquette

Understanding period hygiene and etiquette is crucial for not only personal comfort but also for the comfort of those around us. From the importance of not leaving used tampons or pads in sight, to the correct disposal methods for menstrual products, this article covers essential tips on managing menstrual blood

Reasons you don’t have your period yet

Understanding the reasons behind primary amenorrhoea, or the absence of the first menstrual cycle, is crucial for young women. This condition can range from being a late bloomer, having low body fat, to more serious issues like genetic conditions or anatomical abnormalities. It's essential to consult a healthcare provider to

Why tampons don’t fall out

Tampons are designed to fit comfortably inside the vagina, held in place by the muscular walls and the pelvic floor muscles. The inner vagina, having fewer nerve endings, allows for a tampon to sit suspended without sensation. Understanding the natural tension of these muscles and the anatomy of the vagina

Understanding light or irregular periods (oligomenorrhoea)

Irregular periods, or oligomenorrhoea, can be a sign of underlying health issues or natural life changes. This article explores the causes, from hormonal imbalances like PCOS and thyroid issues to lifestyle factors, and outlines both medical and holistic treatment options. Understanding the reasons behind irregular menstrual cycles is the first

Causes of heavy periods

Heavy periods, or menorrhagia, can be caused by a variety of factors, including hormonal imbalances, uterine fibroids, and more. Understanding the underlying causes is key to finding the right treatment. This article delves into the complexities behind heavy menstrual bleeding, offering insights into both medical and alternative approaches to managing

Period undies and swimwear

Period undies and swimwear are innovative solutions for menstrual management, offering an eco-friendly, budget-friendly, and comfortable alternative to traditional sanitary products. They are designed to let your period flow naturally, providing leak-proof, moisture-wicking, and antimicrobial benefits. With a variety of styles available, they cater to different needs and preferences, making

What to do if you lose your tampon

Tampons can't get lost inside you, but losing track of the string can be worrying. Learn safe removal techniques and when to seek medical help for a tampon that's difficult to retrieve. Understand the implications of a tampon left inside and how to avoid potential health issues.


The most common infections are bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections, but there are many other infections too. 

Signs that you have an infection or overgrowth include discharge that seems unusual – it might be watery, smelly, chunky or coloured. No matter what, if you suspect an infection, see your doctor for a test. 

Genital herpes in pregnancy

Pregnant women with a herpes diagnosis face concerns about transmitting the virus to their baby, potentially leading to neonatal herpes. The article discusses the risks associated with contracting herpes during pregnancy, the implications of neonatal herpes, and the measures pregnant women can take to prevent transmission, including the use of

Antibiotic treatment of men with partners with BV – do they work?

Recent studies reveal that antibiotic treatment in male partners does not significantly aid in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis (BV) in women. Despite multiple trials, the effectiveness of antibiotics in preventing or treating BV through male treatment remains unsubstantiated, highlighting the need for alternative approaches and the importance of condom

Study: do circumcised penises mean less vaginal infections? (spoiler alert – yes)

A 2009 study examining the impact of male circumcision on female vaginal health has found that circumcised men may offer their partners reduced risks of certain vaginal infections, including bacterial vaginosis (BV) and trichomonas. The research highlights the potential role of the foreskin in harboring bacteria that could negatively affect

Megaspheara species

Megasphaera, a gram-negative anaerobic bacteria, plays a complex role in the vaginal ecosystem. Highly associated with bacterial vaginosis, these bacteria are notable for their resilience in oxygen-free environments and their contribution to a healthy vaginal pH through lactic acid production. Unlike other Clostridia species known for producing harmful toxins, Megasphaera's

Necrotising fasciitis of the vulva

Necrotising fasciitis of the vulva is a rare, rapidly progressing infection known as 'flesh-eating bacteria'. It requires immediate medical attention due to its severity and potential for rapid deterioration. Symptoms include intense pain, redness, and swelling near the affected area, often escalating quickly. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and urgent treatment

Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) – how it can affect the vagina and urinary tract

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), primarily known for causing infectious mononucleosis, can also impact the vagina and urinary tract, leading to symptoms such as vulvar ulcers, vaginal discharge, and urinary pain. This article delves into the manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment options for EBV-related genitourinary symptoms, shedding light on a lesser-known aspect

What is a vaginal pH testing glove?

The VpH Test Glove, developed by CarePlan, offers a groundbreaking approach to vaginal health, allowing for immediate pH level testing using a color-changing test strip located on the glove's index finger. This tool is particularly beneficial in low-income, low-education regions, providing a quick and accurate method to detect conditions like

How and why BV is sexually transmitted

Emerging evidence suggests that BV-causing bacteria, primarily Gardnerella vaginalis, can be sexually transmitted, though it's not exclusive to sexual contact. Unlike traditional STIs, BV can affect anyone, regardless of sexual history, due to its reliance on individual immunity and microbial balance. This article explores the complex nature of BV transmission,

Hormones and the Menstrual cycle

Part of the rest of your life is going to be managing the signs of your fertility – mopping up period blood, figuring out when you are probably ovulating, birth control, acne, moods. These signs of your fertility are all caused by hormones, which fluctuate in a predictable pattern across your menstrual cycle.

What’s the difference between PMS and PMDD?

Understanding the difference between premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is crucial for proper diagnosis and treatment. While PMS symptoms are often physical, PMDD primarily affects mood and can significantly impact daily life. This article dives into the symptoms, diagnosis criteria, and treatment options for both conditions, helping

How stress causes acne

Stress significantly impacts acne development by causing hormonal imbalances, leading to increased sebum production and inflammation. This article delves into the cortisol-insulin-androgen connection and offers insights into managing stress and dietary changes to mitigate acne. It also highlights the secondary effects of stress on vaginal health, underscoring the interconnectedness of

What to expect from your period

Understanding your menstrual cycle is crucial for managing it effectively. This article covers essential aspects of periods, including how to track them, deal with period pain, choose sanitary products, and recognize signs of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). It also touches on the importance of knowing your

What are polycystic ovaries?

Polycystic ovaries are characterized by the presence of multiple cyst-like follicles on the ovaries, often associated with PCOS, affecting fertility and hormonal balance. While having some follicles is normal, more than 12 per ovary indicates a condition that can lead to symptoms like acne, irregular periods, and insulin resistance. Understanding

The real cause of acne (plus the solution)

Acne is fundamentally a hormonal issue, influenced by factors such as diet, skincare habits, and stress. Understanding the three-step process of acne formation—blocked pores, infection, and inflammation—can guide effective management strategies, including dietary changes and natural treatments to balance hormones and combat acne.

Laser hair removal for hirsutism

Laser hair removal presents a viable solution for individuals grappling with hirsutism, particularly those affected by PCOS. This method targets hair follicles without damaging the skin, requiring several sessions over a period to achieve lasting results. It's generally painless and suitable for a wide range of skin and hair types,

Androgen excess in women

Androgen excess is a prevalent endocrine disorder in women, leading to symptoms like hirsutism, acne, and fertility issues. It's often linked to conditions such as PCOS and adrenal hyperplasia. Understanding the underlying causes and available treatments is crucial for managing symptoms and improving quality of life. This article delves into

Understanding oestriol (E3)

Oestriol (E3), the weakest yet significant oestrogen, plays crucial roles during pregnancy and offers therapeutic benefits, including alleviating atrophic vaginitis and potentially managing multiple sclerosis symptoms. Despite its limited research, E3's unique properties make it a valuable component in hormone therapy, especially in Europe where it's widely approved and used.

Birth Control and Contraception

While you might not need it right now, it pays to be prepared! Choosing birth control and contraception can be complicated, so get all the information before you need it. 

The first step when you’re starting out is to protect yourself with barrier methods to stop the transmission of unhealthy bacteria from vagina-penis, vagina-vagina and especially anus-vagina. 

Using the regular pill as emergency contraception

In situations of unprotected sex, the oral contraceptive pill can serve as an emergency contraceptive, similar to morning-after pills. A comprehensive list from Princeton University details the effectiveness of various brands when used within 120 hours post-intercourse. This guide covers the dosage and timing for both dedicated and regular oral

Choosing the best birth control for you

Choosing the right birth control involves understanding the impact on your body and lifestyle. From STI prevention to hormonal and non-hormonal methods, this guide helps you navigate the options to find what works best for you, emphasizing the importance of being in tune with your body's needs and the potential

Are Coca-Cola douches a good method of birth control?

In an intriguing dive into unconventional birth control methods, gynaecologist Deborah Anderson studied the efficacy of Coca-Cola douches as a spermicide. Despite historical claims of its sperm-killing properties, research reveals that not only is Coke ineffective at preventing pregnancy, but it may also pose significant risks to vaginal health, including

Contraceptive alternatives to the pill

While the contraceptive pill is a popular choice for many, it's not the only option. This article explores various alternatives, from IUDs to fertility awareness methods, detailing the pros and cons of each to help you make an informed decision. Whether you're looking for a hormone-free option or something long-term,

Body Confidence

Got a new boyfriend and BV? How to explain it

Discussing bacterial vaginosis (BV) or aerobic vaginitis (AV) with a new partner can be challenging. This guide offers practical advice on navigating these conversations with clarity and empathy, emphasizing the importance of factual communication and mutual understanding. It also covers the significance of safe sex and the potential impact of

Jewellery, tattoos, vajazzling and muff stylin’

Adorning the vulva with jewellery, tattoos, vajazzling, and unique hair styles has evolved into an accessible form of self-expression. From clitoral hood piercings to pubic tattoos, the options for genital art are vast and varied. However, it's crucial to choose experienced professionals for these procedures to avoid complications like infections

Vagina and penis are not dirty words: teaching kids about their bodies

Discussing genitals using their correct names with children is crucial for their safety, self-confidence, and to foster open communication. It's not just about body positivity but also about abuse prevention, helping children articulate discomfort or pain accurately, and preparing them for changes during puberty. The article emphasizes the importance of

Brazilian, French and American bikini waxing styles

Bikini waxing has evolved into a form of personal expression, with the Brazilian, European (often misunderstood as French), and American styles leading the trends. Each style has its unique history and cultural significance, from the Brazilian wax's Hollywood fame to the conservative approach of the American wax. Understanding the differences

The truth about vaginal tightness and looseness

The tightness or looseness of a vagina is a topic shrouded in myths. Contrary to popular belief, sexual activity and childbirth do not permanently alter vaginal tightness. The vagina's elasticity, similar to the mouth, allows it to stretch and return to its original state. Understanding pelvic floor muscles and their

Aunt Vadge: I lack sexual confidence – help!

Aunt Vadge addresses a common concern among many women - sexual insecurity. Through practical advice and compassionate encouragement, she guides readers on a journey towards sexual confidence, emphasizing the importance of self-acceptance, vulnerability, and positive action. Whether it's dealing with body image issues or fear of intimacy, Aunt Vadge offers

Vag Musings

An historical evaluation of the sweet vagina

From ancient times where the vagina was celebrated and revered, through periods of medical discovery and misunderstanding, to the present day's continued quest for knowledge, the perception and understanding of the female genitalia have undergone significant changes. This article delves into the historical respect for the vagina, the evolution of

Skins: condoms made from sheep intestine

Sheep intestine condoms, known for their natural feel akin to real skin, have gained popularity for those seeking a hormone-free birth control option. While they offer unparalleled sensitivity and are biodegradable, it's crucial to note that they do not protect against STIs. These condoms, a throwback to ancient practices, are

Jewellery, tattoos, vajazzling and muff stylin’

Adorning the vulva with jewellery, tattoos, vajazzling, and unique hair styles has evolved into an accessible form of self-expression. From clitoral hood piercings to pubic tattoos, the options for genital art are vast and varied. However, it's crucial to choose experienced professionals for these procedures to avoid complications like infections

Understanding cissexism – are you a cissexist?

Cissexism occurs when individuals, particularly those who identify with their birth sex, fail to acknowledge or accept gender and sex diversity, leading to exclusion or ignorance towards non-binary and transgender individuals. This article delves into the definition of cissexism, its manifestations, and the importance of understanding sex and gender beyond

Vaginal massage: wtf?

Intrigued by an ad for Yoni Mapping, a form of healing vaginal massage, the author embarks on a personal journey to explore her relationship with her vagina. Through a session with Bonnie, a skilled practitioner, she experiences an intimate exploration of her body, leading to revelations about her pelvic health

Letters from the South – my vagina has feelings too, you know.

An exploration of how a woman's emotional turmoil and the stress of adapting to a new environment manifest physically, particularly in her pelvic area, leading to a profound realisation about the importance of emotional well-being and the courage to be true to oneself. Through a chiropractic revelation, she learns that

How to make yoghurt with your vaginal bacteria

In a daring culinary and scientific experiment, Cecilia Westbrook, an MD/PhD-qualified scientist, created yoghurt using her own vaginal secretions, exploring the symbiotic community of lactobacilli that reside in the vagina. Despite its tangy taste, experts caution against potential health risks.

Gay Dave’s Tales From the Other Side Part 2

In this heartfelt narrative, Gay Dave shares his poignant journey of exploring intimacy beyond his gay identity, leading to an emotional rollercoaster with a woman. This tale unfolds the complexities of love, sexuality, and the courage to confront societal expectations, ultimately revealing the transformative power of authentic connections.