
Study: Essential oils that attack biofilms in vitro

A 2012 study reveals that certain essential oils, including cassia and clove, are more effective than antibiotics at eradicating biofilms formed by bacteria such as Pseudomonas spp. and Staphylococcus aureus. These findings suggest that essential oils could offer a viable alternative to traditional antibiotics, especially in the fight against biofilm-associated

Study: men carry BV-associated bacteria on and in their penises

A 2016 study delves into the transmission of bacterial vaginosis (BV)-associated bacteria between heterosexual partners, highlighting the significant role of male genital microbiota and the impact of circumcision on these microbial communities. This research underscores the interconnectedness of sexual partners’ microbiomes and sheds light on potential pathways for BV transmission

Gardnerella vaginalis in BV

Gardnerella vaginalis, identified by Hermann Gardner in 1955, plays a pivotal role in bacterial vaginosis (BV) by disrupting the normal vaginal flora and forming a biofilm that blocks healthy bacteria. This condition is often exacerbated by factors like antibiotic use, poor immunity, and an overall lack of friendly bacteria in

What to do when your period smells like death

Experiencing a period that smells like death can be alarming, but it's often due to an imbalance of vaginal bacteria. Whether it's forgotten tampons, bacterial vaginosis, or STIs, understanding the cause is crucial. Learn how to diagnose and treat this issue to restore your vaginal health.

Using vitamin C instead of boric acid due to breastfeeding

Considering the safety concerns surrounding the use of boric acid for bacterial vaginosis treatments during breastfeeding, this article delves into the effectiveness and safety of Vitamin C as an alternative. Highlighting the unique properties of boric acid beyond its acidifying effects, it also presents Vitamin C as a potentially safer,

Study: 5-day BV antibiotic treatment flop

A recent study reveals that a 5-day course of the antibiotic moxifloxacin is not a one-size-fits-all solution for bacterial vaginosis (BV), as it fails to eliminate the bacterial biofilm in many cases. Despite some women experiencing significant clinical improvement, the stubborn nature of Gardnerella vaginalis biofilms means that alternative treatments,

Testimonials for Killing BV treatments

Women share their heartfelt testimonials on overcoming Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) with My Vagina's treatments, highlighting years of struggle turned into stories of triumph. From enduring persistent symptoms and trying numerous remedies, to finally finding relief and restoring their vaginal health through a tailored, multi-pronged approach, these narratives offer hope and

Genital ulcers from non-sexually-transmissible viral sources

Vulvar ulcers, not caused by sexually transmitted infections, can afflict young women and adolescents, often linked to viruses like Epstein-Barr and cytomegalovirus. These ulcers, known as Lipschutz ulcers or vulvar aphthae, present with symptoms such as pain, swollen lymph nodes, and flu-like signs. A study highlights the prevalence and characteristics

Study: Lactobacilli resistance to low temperatures – can we really freeze kefir?

A study aimed to explore the feasibility of probiotic ice-cream by testing the survival of lactobacilli under freezing conditions. It found that while some strains of lactobacilli can endure low temperatures, others, particularly bifidobacteria, are less resistant. The research highlights the importance of selecting the right probiotic strains for frozen

Vaginal Health

Study: do circumcised penises mean less vaginal infections? (spoiler alert – yes)

A 2009 study examining the impact of male circumcision on female vaginal health has found that circumcised men may offer their partners reduced risks of certain vaginal infections, including bacterial vaginosis (BV) and trichomonas. The research highlights the potential role of the foreskin in harboring bacteria that could negatively affect

Vaginitis and vulvovaginitis

Vaginitis and vulvovaginitis refer to the inflammation of the vagina and vulva, often caused by infections, irritants, or hygiene issues. Symptoms include abnormal discharge, irritation, and discomfort, highlighting the importance of medical diagnosis and appropriate treatment. This article explores the various causes, from bacterial vaginosis to non-infectious irritants, and outlines

How to moisten a dry vagina

A dry vagina can be a source of discomfort and interfere with sexual activity. This article explores various solutions, including the use of lubricants during sex, daily vaginal moisturisers, and hormonal treatments like vaginal oestrogen creams and hyaluronic acid serum, to help maintain vaginal health and comfort. It provides practical

How to get better at talking about what you like sexually

Effective communication is crucial for a fulfilling sex life. This article guides you on how to express what you like and dislike in bed through clear communication, offering specific phrases to use. It emphasizes the importance of being open, kind, and attentive to your partner's cues for a better sexual


The University of San Francisco, California, is conducting a clinical trial for Lactin-V, a potential breakthrough treatment for bacterial vaginosis. This study aims to compare the effectiveness of Lactin-V, which includes MetroGel and Lactobacillus crispatus, against a placebo over a three-month period. The trial is seeking participants who meet specific

Fordyce bumps or spots – tiny white bumps on genitals

Fordyce bumps or spots are small, harmless sebaceous glands visible on the vulva, penis, and other areas, often mistaken for STIs. While they pose no health risk, their appearance can cause concern. This article delves into what Fordyce spots look like, why they occur, and how they can be addressed,

When to worry about your cervix

Understanding the health of your cervix is crucial, yet many of us are unfamiliar with when to be concerned. From cervical ectropion to HPV, this article explores various conditions that can affect the cervix, how they are diagnosed, and why regular pelvic examinations are important. Learn about the signs that

Understanding period sex

Having sex during menstruation doesn't have to be messy or taboo. This article delves into practical tips for engaging in period sex, addressing common concerns and debunking myths. From using dark-coloured towels to discussing the best time for intimacy and the importance of communication, it covers everything you need to

What to do if you lose your tampon

Tampons can't get lost inside you, but losing track of the string can be worrying. Learn safe removal techniques and when to seek medical help for a tampon that's difficult to retrieve. Understand the implications of a tampon left inside and how to avoid potential health issues.


Understanding the role of histamine during pregnancy

Histamine plays a complex role in pregnancy, influencing embryo-uterine interactions with its vasoactive properties, balanced by the enzyme DAO produced by the placenta. Imbalances or deficiencies in DAO can lead to complications such as miscarriage, diabetes, and preeclampsia. This article delves into the intricate relationship between histamine, DAO, and pregnancy

Pregnancy tests – how to get accurate results

Understanding how pregnancy tests work, including the detection of the hCG hormone and the best times for testing, is crucial for accurate results. Home tests offer convenience and early detection, while blood tests at the doctor's office provide definitive confirmation. Learn about the factors affecting test accuracy and how to

Vaginal prolapse, pelvic organ prolapse and vaginal/pelvic relaxation syndromes

Vaginal and pelvic organ prolapse occurs when pelvic organs lose support and protrude into the vaginal canal, causing discomfort and health issues. This article delves into the various types, symptoms, and treatments of prolapse, including pelvic physiotherapy, pessaries, and surgical options. It highlights the importance of understanding fascia's role, the

Perineal tears

Perineal tears are a common occurrence during childbirth, affecting up to 90% of women delivering vaginally. These tears can range from minor to severe, potentially damaging the anal sphincter muscle and leading to complications such as chronic pain, sexual difficulties, and incontinence. Factors like baby size, induced labor, and assisted

What happens to your vagina when you give birth

Giving birth can significantly affect your vagina and vulva, from serious tears during delivery to changes in elasticity and dryness postpartum. This article explores the physical transformations your body undergoes during and after vaginal birth, the process of healing, and essential tips for caring for your vagina post-birth. Understanding these

Gestational diabetes – what you should know

Gestational diabetes is a condition marked by high blood sugar during pregnancy, posing risks to both mother and baby. It's crucial to understand its causes, implications, and management techniques to ensure a healthy pregnancy and delivery. Screening and diagnosis are vital for early intervention, alongside dietary management and possibly medication.

Using vitamin C instead of boric acid due to breastfeeding

Considering the safety concerns surrounding the use of boric acid for bacterial vaginosis treatments during breastfeeding, this article delves into the effectiveness and safety of Vitamin C as an alternative. Highlighting the unique properties of boric acid beyond its acidifying effects, it also presents Vitamin C as a potentially safer,

What to do if you have unprotected sex and may be or are pregnant

After unprotected sex, if you suspect pregnancy, immediate steps like emergency contraception within 24-72 hours and pregnancy tests can help. Depending on your decision, options range from medical to surgical abortions, or carrying the pregnancy to term, with privacy and support emphasized at every step.

How BV can cause preterm birth

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is identified as a significant risk factor for preterm birth due to its ability to cause inflammation and weaken cervical membranes. This condition is characterized by a polymicrobial infection, with certain bacteria known for their role in increasing the risk of premature rupture and subsequently, preterm birth.


Turner syndrome

Turner syndrome, also known as 45, X or XO syndrome, is a chromosomal condition exclusive to females, characterized by a single X chromosome. With symptoms ranging from lack of breast development to infertility, Turner syndrome presents a unique set of challenges. Diagnosis often occurs around puberty, highlighting the importance of

Transverse and longitudinal vaginal septum abnormalities

Vaginal septum abnormalities, including transverse and longitudinal types, can significantly impact women's health, from painful sex to complications in pregnancy. These congenital conditions, often unnoticed until puberty or later, may require surgical intervention for relief and to improve fertility outcomes. Understanding the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options is crucial for

Complete, mild, or partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS, MAIS, PAIS)

Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) encompasses conditions like CAIS, MAIS, and PAIS, where individuals genetically male (46, XY) may develop with female characteristics due to their cells' inability to respond to androgens. This article delves into the nuances of these conditions, including diagnosis, physical characteristics, psychological impacts, and management strategies, offering

Unicornuate uterus (hemi uterus) – müllerian duct anomalies

The unicornuate uterus, a type of müllerian duct anomaly, affects uterus size, shape, and fertility outcomes. This condition, often asymptomatic until pregnancy or menarche, can lead to repeated miscarriages, unexplained infertility, and severe menstrual pain among other symptoms. Understanding its variations, symptoms, and diagnosis is crucial for women facing unusual

In utero exposure to DES

In the mid-20th century, diethylstilbestrol (DES) was widely used to prevent pregnancy complications. However, research later linked in utero DES exposure to an increased risk of vaginal cancers, structural changes in the reproductive system, and other health issues in offspring. Despite millions exposed, the instances of vaginal cancer are rare,

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is an adrenal gland disorder impacting cortisol synthesis due to an enzyme defect, leading to varied developmental effects. This condition, caused by a genetic mutation, can result in excessive or deficient sex hormone production, affecting sexual development and fertility. Treatment focuses on symptom management and hormone

MRKH syndrome

MRKH syndrome, or Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome, is a congenital condition characterised by the absence or underdevelopment of the upper portion of the vagina, cervix, and/or uterus. This article delves into the types, symptoms, diagnosis, and management of MRKH syndrome, offering insights into surgical and non-surgical treatments, fertility options, and the importance

Uterus didelphys

Uterus didelphys represents a unique uterine malformation characterized by the presence of a double uterus, two cervices, and often a double vagina, resulting from müllerian duct fusion failure. This condition, affecting 1 in 3,000 women, can lead to various reproductive challenges, including painful periods, painful sex, and complications during pregnancy

Vaginal adenosis

Vaginal adenosis is a condition characterized by the presence of cervical or endometrial tissue inside the vaginal wall, leading to unusual changes. It's notably linked to DES exposure in the womb, significantly increasing the risk of vaginal cancer in affected women. This article delves into the causes, occurrence in DES-exposed


Androgen excess in women

Androgen excess is a prevalent endocrine disorder in women, leading to symptoms like hirsutism, acne, and fertility issues. It's often linked to conditions such as PCOS and adrenal hyperplasia. Understanding the underlying causes and available treatments is crucial for managing symptoms and improving quality of life. This article delves into

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is a potential complication of infertility treatments, leading to enlarged ovaries and fluid accumulation. This article explores the causes, symptoms, risk factors, and treatments for OHSS, emphasizing the importance of monitoring and managing the condition to prevent severe outcomes. Special attention is given to those with

Premature ovarian failure (or insufficiency)

Premature ovarian failure (POF), also known as premature ovarian insufficiency (POI), signifies the ovaries' reduced or ceased function before age 40, often without a clear cause. This condition leads to decreased hormone production, irregular ovulation, and consequently, infertility. Distinguished from early menopause, POF can be caused by genetic conditions, autoimmune

What’s the difference between PMS and PMDD?

Understanding the difference between premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is crucial for proper diagnosis and treatment. While PMS symptoms are often physical, PMDD primarily affects mood and can significantly impact daily life. This article dives into the symptoms, diagnosis criteria, and treatment options for both conditions, helping

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder causing irregular ovulation and high androgens, leading to symptoms such as acne, hair loss, and fertility issues. Despite the name, PCOS cysts are actually undeveloped eggs, and the condition varies in severity. Diagnosis follows the Rotterdam criteria, and untreated PCOS increases the

Do I have PCOS?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a condition diagnosed based on the Rotterdam Criteria, requiring at least two of the following: irregular cycles, evidence of high androgens, or polycystic ovaries on ultrasound. Understanding these criteria and consulting with your doctor for a thorough assessment can help determine if you have PCOS,

Review: VH Essentials PMS Nighttime Formula – what is it and what does it do?

VH Essentials PMS Nighttime Formula is crafted to complement its daytime counterpart, specifically targeting PMS symptoms by promoting restful sleep and a calm demeanor. It combines a herbal sleep formula with melatonin, GABA, and a blend of sedative herbs to naturally support your body's stress response and sleep cycle.

Acne and PCOS

Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) often face acne due to hormonal imbalances, particularly high levels of androgens and low progesterone. This article delves into the causes of acne in PCOS, including the role of insulin resistance and offers dietary tips to manage these breakouts effectively.

Review: Premular

Premular, a herbal remedy based on Vitex agnes-castus, is clinically proven to relieve symptoms of PMS and PMDD, offering sustained relief with minimal side effects. Manufactured by Flordis, Premular alleviates mood swings, irritability, bloating, and more, without significant drug interactions or negative side-effects. Suitable for teenagers, it requires a three


Sleep sexing – understanding sexsomnia

Sexsomnia is a rare sleep disorder characterised by the unconscious engagement in sexual activities ranging from moaning to full intercourse, with no memory of the actions upon waking. This condition, a type of parasomnia, affects an estimated one in ten people and can lead to aggressive sexual behaviour, legal issues,

Understanding and managing dyspareunia

Dyspareunia, often likened to a symptom like a cough, indicates underlying physical or psychological issues causing painful sex. Identifying the root cause is crucial for effective treatment, whether it's psychological factors like anxiety or physical conditions such as endometriosis. This article delves into the complexities of diagnosing and managing dyspareunia,

What happens to your body and brain when you orgasm

Embark on a fascinating journey through the hidden world of orgasms, where science meets sensuality. Unveil the secrets of your brain's response to sexual pleasure, illuminated by cutting-edge imaging technologies. Explore how the dance of neurotransmitters like dopamine and oxytocin intertwine to amplify your experience, offering a deeper understanding of

Understanding period sex

Having sex during menstruation doesn't have to be messy or taboo. This article delves into practical tips for engaging in period sex, addressing common concerns and debunking myths. From using dark-coloured towels to discussing the best time for intimacy and the importance of communication, it covers everything you need to

Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction (PSSD)

Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction (PSSD) is a condition affecting individuals after the cessation of SSRIs, leading to persistent sexual side effects. Despite the discontinuation of these antidepressants, symptoms such as genital numbness, decreased libido, and difficulty achieving orgasm can persist indefinitely, with no current cure. This article delves into the symptoms,

How do lesbians lose their virginity?

The concept of virginity in lesbian and queer relationships transcends traditional definitions, focusing on a variety of first sexual experiences rather than the presence of a penis. This article delves into how personal beliefs and intimate moments, from first orgasms to oral sex, shape the understanding of virginity among lesbians,

Female sexual dysfunction

Female sexual dysfunction encompasses a range of issues affecting sexual desire, arousal, and satisfaction. This comprehensive guide delves into the biological, psychological, and social factors contributing to sexual health challenges in women. It offers a deep dive into understanding the female sexual response, the impact of mental, emotional, and physical

Things that can go wrong during sex

From lack of arousal, discomfort, and size mismatches, to erectile dysfunction and queefs, this article delves into common sexual issues and offers practical solutions. It emphasizes the importance of foreplay, communication, and exploring alternative sexual activities to ensure both partners enjoy a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship. Understanding and addressing

Study: How doctors differ in screening for female sexual dysfunction

Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD) is a critical yet under-addressed health issue, with a mere 39% of women receiving screenings during well-woman appointments. This study delves into the screening practices of healthcare providers, revealing a significant disparity in the attention given to FSD compared to other routine health checks. It underscores


What to expect from your period

Understanding your menstrual cycle is crucial for managing it effectively. This article covers essential aspects of periods, including how to track them, deal with period pain, choose sanitary products, and recognize signs of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). It also touches on the importance of knowing your

The smell of blood – why your period smells metallic

The metallic smell of period blood, often compared to the scent of coins, is not directly caused by iron but by the interaction of iron with skin oils or blood itself. This article explores the complex chemical reactions that lead to the creation of odorous carbonyl hydrocarbons, challenging common misconceptions

What to do if you lose your tampon

Tampons can't get lost inside you, but losing track of the string can be worrying. Learn safe removal techniques and when to seek medical help for a tampon that's difficult to retrieve. Understand the implications of a tampon left inside and how to avoid potential health issues.

Menstrual cups

Menstrual cups are a sustainable, reusable alternative to tampons, designed to catch menstrual flow. This guide covers how to insert them, what to avoid, potential issues, and other period product alternatives. Ideal for those looking for an eco-friendly option, it details sizes, insertion techniques, and maintenance advice for menstrual cups,

Aunt Vadge: I yanked a tampon out and now it hurts

A first-time tampon user shares her painful experience of yanking out a tampon, leading to severe discomfort and potential vaginal damage. Aunt Vadge advises against harsh removal and highlights the need for medical examination to address any underlying issues such as vulvodynia or damage to the vaginal wall.

What is free bleeding?

Free bleeding, a term describing the act of menstruating without sanitary products, serves as a feminist statement against period stigma, the high cost of menstrual products, and their environmental impact. Originating from a failed anti-feminist hoax, the movement gained traction, highlighting the societal need to destigmatize menstruation and consider the

Aunt Vadge: I took a dry tampon out and now I’m bleeding

Removing a dry tampon can cause discomfort and slight bleeding, a common issue for tampon users, especially beginners. Aunt Vadge advises on how to mitigate pain and assures that minor bleeding is not usually a cause for concern. She also debunks the myth of lake water worsening the condition, offering

Dioxins in US tampons – why it isn’t a concern

Recent concerns over dioxins in tampons have sparked widespread debate. However, advancements in manufacturing and stringent FDA testing reveal that the levels of dioxins in tampons are negligible, posing no health risk. This article demystifies the scare, explaining the nature of dioxins, the shift in tampon production methods, and why

Why tampons don’t fall out

Tampons are designed to fit comfortably inside the vagina, held in place by the muscular walls and the pelvic floor muscles. The inner vagina, having fewer nerve endings, allows for a tampon to sit suspended without sensation. Understanding the natural tension of these muscles and the anatomy of the vagina

Pelvic CANCERs

Human papillomavirus (HPV)

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a major cause of cervical cancer and other genital cancers, with vaccines available to prevent infection from its most dangerous strains. Understanding HPV's spread, its link to cancer, and the importance of vaccination and regular pap tests is key to prevention. This article explores the ways

Gestational trophoblastic disease (molar pregnancy)

Gestational trophoblastic disease, or molar pregnancy, involves abnormal growth of placental tissue, potentially leading to serious pregnancy complications. This condition can manifest with symptoms such as vaginal bleeding, an enlarged uterus, and severe vomiting, and can range from benign to malignant tumours. Treatment options include surgical removal of the mass,

Endometrial cancer

Endometrial cancer, originating in the uterus' lining, is the most common uterine cancer, especially in postmenopausal women. Symptoms like unusual vaginal bleeding and discharge are critical early indicators. While 90% of cases are sporadic, early detection through vigilant observation of symptoms can lead to effective treatment and increased survival rates.

Hyperreactio luteinalis – rare case of enlarged, polycystic ovaries during pregnancy

Hyperreactio luteinalis (HL) manifests as a benign enlargement of the ovaries, turning them polycystic during pregnancy, primarily in the third trimester. This condition, often confused with ovarian cancer, is associated with elevated levels of beta human chorionic gonadotropin (bHCG) and does not require treatment post-pregnancy. Understanding HL is crucial for

In utero exposure to DES

In the mid-20th century, diethylstilbestrol (DES) was widely used to prevent pregnancy complications. However, research later linked in utero DES exposure to an increased risk of vaginal cancers, structural changes in the reproductive system, and other health issues in offspring. Despite millions exposed, the instances of vaginal cancer are rare,

Anorectal cancer and your vagina

Anorectal cancer, primarily caused by HPV, affects the digestive system's end, potentially impacting the vagina. Symptoms include bleeding and pain during defecation, with treatments ranging from surgery to chemotherapy. Understanding the risks, especially for those engaging in anal sex or with chronic fistulas, is crucial for prevention and early detection.

Study: Long-term overweight at greater risk of endometrial cancer postmenopause

A comprehensive study reveals that postmenopausal women who have been overweight for extended periods during adulthood face a significantly higher risk of obesity-related cancers, particularly endometrial and kidney cancers. This groundbreaking research, assessing over 70,000 women, highlights the importance of maintaining a healthy weight throughout adulthood to mitigate cancer risks.

Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer, primarily caused by HPV, can manifest through symptoms like irregular bleeding and pelvic pain, or show no symptoms at all. Early detection through Pap tests is crucial for a better prognosis, as treatments vary from surgery to chemotherapy based on the cancer's advancement. This article delves into the

The radical cystectomy

A radical cystectomy, involving the removal of the bladder and reproductive organs due to bladder cancer, significantly impacts sexual function and intimacy. This article delves into the challenges women face post-surgery, such as decreased orgasmic ability, lubrication, and pain during penetration, and offers solutions like vaginal dilators, moisturisers, and reconstructive