The neovaginal microbiome

Recent studies have begun to shed light on the neovaginal microbiome, revealing a fascinating interplay between penile, intestinal, and hormonal influences. This research highlights the diversity and specific bacterial species present in neovaginas compared to cisgender vaginal microbiomes, offering insights into health implications, immune responses, and potential for bacterial vaginosis. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for improving post-surgical care and outcomes for transgender women.

Understanding Gilbert’s syndrome

Gilbert's syndrome, often undiagnosed due to its benign reputation in conventional medicine, is a genetic condition marked by excess bilirubin from inefficient detoxification pathways, specifically glucuronidation. This inefficiency can lead to serious bodily dysfunction, impacting everything from drug detoxification to mental health. Understanding the role of the UGT1A1 gene mutation and its effect on glucuronidation enzymes is key to comprehending the wide-ranging effects of this condition.

Aunt Vadge: sex slip has made me bleed – a lot

A 22-year-old woman experienced a clitoral tear during sex, leading to bleeding and pain. While the situation improved with antibiotic cream, concerns about healing persist. The article provides advice on self-care and when to seek medical attention for genital injuries, emphasizing the importance of monitoring for signs of infection and the body's natural healing capabilities.

Understanding gut dysbiosis

Gut dysbiosis, an imbalance in the gut microbiome, can significantly impact overall health, leading to issues like bloating, gas, and more serious conditions. Understanding the causes, from diet to medication effects, and exploring natural remedies such as dietary changes and probiotics, can help restore balance and promote wellbeing.

The science behind cinnamon’s significant biofilm activity

Cinnamon, traditionally known for its aromatic and culinary qualities, is now emerging as a potent therapeutic agent in combating bacterial and fungal biofilm-associated infections. Recent studies highlight its effectiveness against biofilms, which are implicated in various medical complications and are notoriously difficult to treat. Cinnamon's natural compounds, especially cinnamaldehyde, demonstrate significant antibacterial and antifungal properties, targeting biofilms at various development stages and offering new avenues for infection control and treatment.

BV + partners study – join a study today! (AUSTRALIA ONLY) 2023

Melbourne Sexual Health Centre is conducting research on the impact of sexual partners on bacterial vaginosis (BV) recurrence through two studies: STEP UP for hetero couples and PACT for same-sex or gender-diverse couples. This research aims to explore partner therapy's effectiveness in preventing BV recurrence. Participants must be 18+, pre-menopausal, and in a monogamous relationship. Enrolment is open for residents of Melbourne, VIC, and Australia-wide, depending on the study.

How to take liquid herbal medicine

Discover the correct way to take liquid herbal medicine to ensure safety and efficacy. From shaking your herbs to the proper storage, this guide covers everything you need to know about administering your liquid herbal treatment without discomfort or heartburn. Follow these steps to make the most of your herbal regimen.

Impact of Cinnamomum on Escherichia coli

Escherichia coli, a common bacterium, can cause severe infections, with its biofilms contributing to antibiotic resistance. Recent studies highlight Cinnamomum's essential oils as effective in preventing E. coli's biofilm formation, showcasing its potential as an alternative treatment. This research explores the antibiofilm properties of Cinnamomum, demonstrating its significant impact on E. coli through various mechanisms, including the inhibition of adhesion and biofilm metabolic activity.

Impact of Cinnamomum on Staphylococcus aureus biofilms

Cinnamomum and its derivative, cinnamaldehyde, have shown significant potential in combating methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) biofilms, presenting a hopeful alternative to conventional antibiotics. These substances not only inhibit biofilm formation on medical surfaces but also disrupt preformed biofilms and reduce the expression of crucial genes involved in biofilm maturation and bacterial adhesion. This breakthrough could pave the way for new treatments against the menacing multidrug-resistant pathogen, S. aureus.

Aunt Vadge: when I finger myself, it burns

Experiencing a burning sensation during self-exploration can be alarming. Aunt Vadge addresses potential causes such as friction, irritation from products, sensitivity to fingernails, and possible infections. She offers practical advice on lubrication, nail care, and when to seek professional help. It's crucial to understand your body's needs and ensure safe practices for a comfortable exploration.

Lochia – post-birth vaginal discharge

Lochia is the natural post-birth vaginal discharge, comprising mucous, blood, and uterine tissue. It progresses through three stages over 6-8 weeks, starting heavy and gradually becoming lighter. While lochia is a normal part of postpartum recovery, any odour changes should prompt a visit to a healthcare provider to rule out infections.

Understanding and doing the low histamine diet

The low histamine diet aims to manage histamine levels in the body by reducing intake from food and enhancing elimination. It involves working with a practitioner to optimise histamine breakdown, primarily through the DAO enzyme, and addresses factors like medication, stress, and nutrient deficiencies that can affect histamine levels. The diet not only focuses on food but also on supplements and lifestyle changes to stabilise mast cells and reduce histamine production.

Histamine-containing foods list (searchable)

This article provides a searchable list of histamine-containing foods, allowing users to easily identify potential dietary triggers. It includes various food categories, such as meats and wines, and advises on alternative names and spelling variations to ensure a thorough search. While the list aims to be comprehensive, users are encouraged to consider possible exceptions.

My Vagina Patient Guide – Histamines

Embark on a journey to manage your histamine levels through a carefully curated low-histamine diet, essential supplements, and a comprehensive understanding of how histamines affect your body. This guide offers a step-by-step approach to reduce dietary histamine intake, the necessary supplements for support, and insights into the histamine's role in the body, ensuring a balanced approach to improving your vaginal health.

My Vagina Patient Guide – Oxalates

This guide provides an overview of reducing dietary oxalate intake and the necessary supplements for individuals experiencing oxalate-related issues. It outlines a step-by-step dietary approach alongside a curated list of supplements aimed at mitigating the effects of oxalates on the body, enhancing overall vaginal health.

Oxalates and urinary tract infections

Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) can often be traced back to an accumulation of oxalates in the urinary system. This article explores the causes of oxalate buildup, including diet and poor gut health, and offers a comprehensive guide on managing oxalate levels through dietary changes, supplementation, and improving gut health to alleviate UTIs and related conditions.

Understanding and doing the low oxalate diet

Embarking on a low oxalate diet involves gradually reducing high-oxalate foods, monitoring nutrient intake, and understanding oxalate absorption and its impact on health. This comprehensive guide covers everything from meal planning with the right nutrient balance to the role of gut flora in managing oxalates, offering practical tips for a smoother transition and long-term benefits.

Understanding and using castor oil packs

Castor oil packs have been used for thousands of years to support the body in detoxification and reducing inflammation. This article explores the science behind castor oil packs, their benefits, and how to properly apply them for various health conditions. From improving lymphatic flow and microbial balance to reducing pain and supporting liver function, castor oil packs offer a non-invasive treatment option for a range of issues.

How to get hormone and blood testing

Understanding the optimal days for hormone and blood testing can significantly impact the accuracy of your results. Whether you're experiencing symptoms influenced by hormonal imbalances or simply wish to check your health status, knowing the correct day of your menstrual cycle or adjusting for menopausal status is crucial. This article guides you through choosing the right day for testing, interpreting results with a practitioner, and navigating private testing options.

Doing the low sulphur diet (with searchable foods list)

The sulfur elimination diet is designed not to cut sulfur out completely but to discover your personal threshold for this crucial nutrient. Over a week or two, you'll reduce then slowly reintroduce sulfur-rich foods, gauging your body's response to find the perfect balance that maintains both health and enjoyment of your favorite foods.