Aunt Vadge: I spot for a few days after sex with my boyfriend – why?

A 16-year-old gets some spotting after sex with her boyfriend, but she isn't sure why it's happening. We discuss.

Getting your tubes tied – female sterilisation – tubal ligation

Getting your tubes tied is now much more like getting your tubes clipped, but the result is the same: the egg cannot meet the sperm to create a pregnancy. This is called tubal ligation and female sterilisation.

Hysterectomy survival kit

A hysterectomy is a major surgery for any woman, so prepare yourself with some top tips from those who have come before you.

Stress urinary incontinence

Stress urinary incontinence is a condition whereby urine leaks when you laugh, cough or sneeze, and if caught early enough, may be completely reversible.

My Vagina’s repository

Articles about bacterial vaginosis, aerobic vaginitis (AV), yeast infections and more

COMPANY CLOSED Review: Ubiome SmartJane PCR tests – how useful?

Here is a quick overview of the Ubiome SmartJane PCR tests for understanding your vaginal microbiome a little better, and managing your risk profile for certain reproductive disorders.

Having trouble convincing your guy that he’s part of the BV puzzle?

We help guide you through what to do with a man who is finding it difficult to accept his part in the BV problem, and is refusing to educate himself or treat himself.


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Review: Wipegel by Zero Taboos (for haemorrhoids)

Wipegel is an alternative to wet wipes or dry toilet paper for use with haemorrhoids to help reduce the opportunity for vaginal or urinary tract infections. Natural ingredients, including 30 per cent witch hazel.

Haemorrhoids and vaginal infections/UTIs

Haemorrhoids can cause faeces to accumulate around your anus after the toilet, creating a reservoir of bacteria. This bacteria can more easily spread to the vagina simply by regular movements. We offer some options for keeping your haemorrhoids debris-free.

Mobiluncus and bacterial vaginosis

Mobiluncus species are anaerobic bacteria found in the vagina and bowel, with two species identified that are connected with BV in women: Mobiluncus curtisii and Mobiluncus mulieris. Mobiluncus develops biofilms, is very mobile, and highly adhesive to vaginal epithelial cells.

DEADLINE SEPT 2018 National Vulvodynia Association (NVA) Invites Medical Research Proposals on Generalised Vulvodynia

The National Vulvodynia Association is seeking research proposals on the causes or treatment of generalised vulvodynia, with $50,000 in research grants available.


Having a solid grasp on what fertility is means you can figure out what your options are for preventing pregnancy and also for trying to get pregnant if you want to.

Using potassium sorbate for vaginal yeast infections/thrush

Potassium sorbate has been used to treat yeast infections in women, being a food, wine and makeup preservative, inhibiting yeasts and moulds effectively.

Urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is the condition whereby urine leaks out without your permission. This can affect women for many reasons, with weak tissue and pelvic floor muscles being the primary cause.

Contraceptive sponges

Contraceptive sponges are one of those birth control methods that never really took off, but you can easily and cheaply make your own natural sea sponge period-blocker or contraceptive with a little know-how.

Vaginal pinworms (Enterobius vermicularis)

Vaginal pinworms are the same as digestive tract pinworms, but they have wriggled into the vagina and are making themselves at home. These worms can cause discharge and itching, especially at night.

Adrenal fatigue and how it affects your vagina

Adrenal fatigue can affect the levels of hormones you need to keep your vaginal tissues happy, resulting in itch and vaginal discharge.

Aunt Vadge: I tore my clitoral hood by mistake

A 13-year-old has torn her clitoral hood by mistake, and isn't sure if she should tell someone or if it will heal nicely on its own without intervention.

Fournier gangrene (necrotising fasciitis) – flesh-eating disease of the vulva

Fournier's gangrene is a type of necrotising fasciitis, which is also known terrifyingly as a flesh-eating disease caused by bacteria. Signs include areas of the vulva turning black.