EVENT PASSED: Barco de aborto en México – 23 de abril – Abortion ship in Mexico – until April 23 2017

An abortion ship is providing free medical abortions to women in Mexico up until 23 April 2017. Call 755 980 0548 for help.

Lover got fishy/off bad vag? You have it too.

Guys, you could be spreading the bacteria that cause fishy-smelling vaginas! Here's the proof, and what to do about it.

Aunt Vadge: bleeding after fingering, then 2 weeks later, sex – why so much blood?

Bleeding after sexual activities such as fingering or intercourse can be alarming, but often it's not a cause for concern. Aunt Vadge explains.

Aunt Vadge: My girlfriend and I are both 14 and want to try sex – how do we make it not hurt?

A 14-year-old guy is preparing for sex with his girlfriend for the first time, but is worried that he will hurt her.

Prevotella spp. in the vagina and mouth

Prevotella is a bacteria commonly found in the mouth, but it can also live in the genital tract.

Aunt Vadge: is there any way to treat my underdeveloped ovaries and uterus?

A woman wants to know if her anatomical abnormality is fixable.

Cervical hypoplasia

Cervical hypoplasia is an anatomical abnormality that results in a malformed cervix, which can prevent a period from arriving or cause pain. The shape and size of the cervix can determine whether assistance will be required for pregnancies.

Uterine hypoplasia

Uterine hypoplasia is the undeformed or absent uterus, an anatomical abnormality often found in conjunction with MRKH syndrome.

Study: urinary acidity can affect how many UTIs you get

Your urine pH may need to be more neutral - not acidic, not alkaline - to protect against UTIs.

Should I take probiotics on an empty stomach or with food?

Ever wondered how best to take your probiotics? We discuss probiotic bacteria and stomach acid.

My Vagina’s repository

Articles about bacterial vaginosis, aerobic vaginitis (AV), yeast infections and more

The real cause of acne (plus the solution)

We explain what is really behind acne and how to fix it.

What are polycystic ovaries?

Polycystic ovaries are ovaries with many cyst-like structures on them, though whether they are true cysts or not will depend on investigations.

I’ve been diagnosed with PCOS – will I ever have children?

Learning that you have PCOS and may have difficulty conceiving can be a shock and difficult to deal with. Luckily, medical help is not the only way to fall pregnant and your ovaries can return to normal function. We explain.

Aunt Vadge: sex cuts have become lumpy

She has been having a lot of rough sex, and now there are lumps where cuts used to be - what is it? We investigate.

Keloid scarring on the vulva, vagina, and pubic area

An overview of keloid scarring and how it can affect the vulva and perianal area.

Treatments for lax vaginal, pelvic or urinary tissue – ‘non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation’

If you have a loose vag or stress urinary incontinence, or know someone who does, there are now noninvasive (nonsurgical) ways to treat these issues from the cells up.