My Vagina got a poem – go on, read it!

My Vagina, strong lips, a pearl, so sensually it drips...

Iron levels and vaginal symptoms

Here is a quick guide to checking in on your iron levels to see if it has anything to do with your vaginal symptoms.

How to make fennel vaginal pessaries

Make your own fennel pessaries at home inexpensively and easily. No special equipment required!

How to use the Double Whammy Vaginal Pessary

How to use the Double Whammy Herbal Blend as part of Killing BV treatments.

How to use the AV Vaginal Pessary (Killing BV)

Instructions on how to use the AV Herbal Blend for Killing BV treatments.

Review: WaterWipes baby wipes (for butts and vulvas!)

WaterWipes are 99% water with a drop of fruit extract, top of the line wipes we love that won't cause extra inflammation.


We discuss the possible relationship between PMDD and MTHFR gene mutations.

MTHFR and histamine

If you have MTHFR gene mutations and histamine problems, improving your methylation may be key to your recovery.

Understanding MTHFR C677T and A1298C

We take a look at the MTHFR gene mutations C677T and A1298C in a simple and understandable way.

Aunt Vadge’s Super Tech Support

Personalised expert advice from the world's best vulvovaginal specialist naturopaths.

Aunt Vadge’s Treatment Chooser

Not sure which direction to go in? Our treatment chooser can help!

Using coconut oil as lube

We love organic coconut oil as a lube, but "It's gross to dunk your dirty sex fingers into the big jar over and over."

Drugs (including antibiotics) that block DAO enzymes

Here is a list of the medications, including some antibiotics, that we know block the DAO enzyme involved in histamine degradation.

Aunt Vadge: would the BV Herbal Blend irritate my sensitive bladder?

A 57-year-old is looking for a BV treatment that won't upset her bladder. She's heard great things, but is the BV Herbal Blend a good choice?

Got bladder control problems and had breast cancer? Science needs you and your pelvic floor!

Got bladder control issues and a history of breast cancer? Let a pelvic floor physiotherapist help you - for free! Be part of science from your couch.

Sulphate: the relationship between histamine and salicylate intolerance

If your low-histamine diet isn't doing the trick, you may need to look a little deeper into amines and phenols.

FAILSAFE diet: salicylates food list and information

Information regarding salicylate intolerance and a searchable foods list.

FAILSAFE elimination diet allowed foods list

The searchable list of allowed foods on the FAILSAFE elimination diet.

Instructions for doing the FAILSAFE elimination diet

Here is the overview of the RPAH/FAILSAFE elimination diet for food chemical intolerances.

Pregnancy and histamine

Histamine seems to play a big role during pregnancy, with a concomitant increase in DAO enzyme to degrade it.