The role of vitamin A in the vagina and urinary tract

Here we discuss the importance of vitamin A in the mucosal surfaces of the reproductive and urinary tract.

Aunt Vadge: is this a fingering wound or my period?

She was fingered for the first time, and it bled and started to heal, but then she started bleeding again. Is it her period or is something wrong?

Aunt Vadge: vag on fire after using new bubble bath!

She used a new bubble bath, and now her vulva is itchy, burning and sore. We discuss why this has happened and how to avoid it in future.

Ingredients to keep away from your vag – bubble bath, here’s looking at you!

Check the ingredients on everything you put near your vuvla, particularly in the shower or bath. You can be irritating your delicate tissue without knowing.

Gelatin or vegetable capsules for vaginal use?

We did an experiment to show the difference between vegetable capsules and gelatin capsules for vaginal treatments

Aunt Vadge: can I masturbate after Bartholin’s cyst drainage?

She has just had a Bartholin's cyst drained, and is wondering if it's too soon to masturbate, only stimulating her clitoris - no penetration involved.

Aunt Vadge: can a doctor see scars in my vagina?

An 18-year-old is wondering if her doctor will be able to tell what the cause of her vaginal tears are, or see scars from previous tears.

Aunt Vadge: my boyfriend was rough on my clit, now it’s swollen

An 18-year-old has had a rough sexual encounter and has a swollen, sore clitoris and is wondering what she should do about it. We discuss.

Aunt Vadge: my boyfriend has really chapped lips – how can I get him to fix it?

A 21-year-old is trying to convince her boyfriend to fix his chapped lips, but he keeps refusing, making for sandpaper kisses.

Aunt Vadge: I had unprotected rough sex and now my vagina smells fishy – why?

A woman had rough sex without a condom, at the end of her period

Rotterdam criteria for diagnosing PCOS

The Rotterdam criteria is how PCOS is diagnosed, with the criterium being updated as new research and clinical experience comes to light.

Aunt Vadge: pains in clitoris, vagina and labia after rough sex three months ago

A woman had rough sex three months ago, but now has lingering pain in her vagina, clitoris and labia. What should she do?

Aunt Vadge: I got Implanon, and now I’m feeling crappy

A 17-year-old has had the Implanon implant inserted into her arm, but is now starting to have low mood and low libido. Is the implant is causing this?

Why E. coli and E. faecalis are often found together in infections

E. coli gets a boost from E. faecalis, which may help explain why these two pathogenic pests are often found together in infections.

Why dipsticks and cultures are useless for identifying urinary tract infections

The typical way a doctor will test for a UTI may be on the way out, as research shows that dipsticks and usual cultures are falling short on diagnosing UTI.

Why you get a keep getting a UTI after sex

Getting a UTI every time you have sex is demoralising and bad for your happiness, but there is a specific reason this keeps happening.

Is it safe to put food in your vagina?

We run you through some food-safety tips when considering using foods vaginally - what you can get away with and what you should definitely avoid.

PrEP is not just for gay men – it’s for everyone, hetero women included

PrEP, the HIV prevention medication, works just as well for women as gay men, but why aren't women taking it? We discuss.

SSRI antidepressants and pregnancy – is it safe?

We review the evidence regarding SSRI use during pregnancy, and whether it increases the risks of malformations in your baby.

How do lesbians lose their virginity?

When you are still technically a virgin or not is a complicated question based on old ideas of purity. You lose your virginity when you say you do!