Understanding and treating hormonal vulvodynia

Vulvodynia may have hormonal roots, ranging from being on the the pill , taking certain medications. or having lost an ovary or breast to cancer.

Congenital or acquired neuroproliferative vulvodynia

We take a look at neuroproliferative vulvodynia, where there are too many pain-sensing nerve-endings around the vaginal entrance.

Can povidone iodine cure a yeast infection?

We discuss the role of liquid povidone-iodine in successfully treating a vulvovaginal yeast infection.

March 6-7th, 2019 – Women and their Microbes Conference

Practitioners, check out the upcoming Women and their Microbes conference in Hamilton, Canada.

My Vagina’s repository

Articles about bacterial vaginosis, aerobic vaginitis (AV), yeast infections and more

Aunt Vadge: I’ve lost a grape inside my vagina

She was having some solo fun, and a grape she was experimenting with has been sucked up into the vortex. How do you remove a grape from a vagina?

Understanding the pelvic floor

The pelvic floor is critical for supporting pelvic organs, keeping us going to the toilet effectively, and enjoying sex.

How fertile is precum?

The pull-out method has been used successfully for all of humankind, but why does it work for some people and not for others? We explain.

What happens to your vagina when you give birth

Here we outline all the things that may affect your vagina and vulva when you give birth vaginally, from contractions to the effect on vaginal tissue.

Aunt Vadge: vagina feels funny during fingering

When she fingers herself, or her boyfriend fingers her, sometimes her vagina feel strange and hurts. We discuss some options as to what it could be.

Aunt Vadge: paper cuts around my vaginal entrance

She has tiny paper cuts around her vaginal entrance that cause pain during sex or if they are rubbed against. Is it yeast, herpes, or sex?

Aunt Vadge: Bartholin abscess stitches still hurt

An 18-year-old with six-month-old stitches that repaired a Bartholin's abscess are starting to hurt again, and she's scared that she has had a relapse.

Aunt Vadge: sex mishap has split my vulva

They were doing it, and her boyfriend's erection slipped out of her vagina and rammed into her vulva, causing an inch-long tear. Does she need stitches?

Aunt Vadge: cuts around clitoral hood – is it herpes?

A 25-year-old is anxious she has herpes, due to cuts that keep returning around her clitoral hood. We discuss what else it could be.

How your gut bacteria affect oestrogen

The relationship between your gut bacteria and oestrogen is crucial for hormonal balance, affecting everything from vaginal health to bone density. This article explores how gut bacteria regulate oestrogen metabolism through the oestrobolome process, impacting your overall health and potentially influencing cancer risk.

Aunt Vadge: is laser hair removal on the vagina safe?

A woman is wondering if laser hair removal on the vulva is safe. It is! Just choose a good practitioner and a quality clinic.

Tissue laxity in the labia and vagina

The saggy labia and loose vagina have one main cause: stretched or damaged collagen fibres. Repairing this can be challenging, but with advances in physiotherapy and surgical techniques, and technology, you do have options.

Got a new boyfriend and BV? How to explain it

We take you through a few tips on how to talk to a new guy about your vagina problems without destroying your self-esteem.

Aunt Vadge: I’m on the pill getting two periods a month

She's getting two periods a month, but she's on the pill, so what's going on? We run her through the options and explain a bit about periods on the pill.

Aunt Vadge: I’m a guy with some questions!

Will she like it if I touch her breasts while we have sex? And should I kiss them or use my hands? We find out!