How to use fermented foods to your vaginal advantage

Here's the rundown on fermented foods for your vaginal ecosystem.

Study: thyme cream for bacterial vaginosis

A thyme-like herb was trialled against standard antibiotic treatment for BV, and has come out slightly under par in a direct comparison.

Study: can calendula cure BV?

When treating BV, a calendula cream was just as effective as antibiotics one week after application, and can be used as an alternative treatment to antibiotics.

My Vagina’s repository

Articles about bacterial vaginosis, aerobic vaginitis (AV), yeast infections and more

Review: Fluomizin (dequalinium chloride)

Fluomizin is a vaginal tablet used for vaginal infections, primarily in the European Union.

Using dequalinium chloride (Fluomizin) to treat vaginal infections

Dequalinium chloride (Fluomizin) is a solid broad-spectrum non-antibiotic antimicrobial used vaginally for infections of all kinds. Dequalinium chloride is commonly used in throat lozenges.

Enterococcus faecium in vaginal infections

E. faecium is a bacteria that can contribute to or cause vaginal or urinary tract infections.

DEADLINE PASSED – Never had an orgasm or find it difficult? Female Study Participants Wanted ASAP! (It’s free!) Deadline 21 Feb 2018

A psychologist is trialling a course for women to learn how to orgasm, designed for women who struggle to orgasm or who have never had an orgasm.

Comparison table – what type of bad vag do I have? (BV, AV, Trich, Yeast)

Easy reference table for determining your vaginal infection.

Aunt Vadge: I have a blister or sore on my labia and am not sure why

A small whitish sore has appeared on her labia for seemingly no reason - did she hurt herself or is it something else? We discuss her options.

Aunt Vadge: long-running cut and thickened vulvar skin

A 57-year-old has a two-month-old cut and her husband noticed her vulva wasn't quite its normal self.

Aunt Vadge: my vagina itches and burns after antibiotic treatment for a sinus infection

She has brown discharge and post-antibiotic itching and burning with cuts.

Megaspheara species

Megasphaera species are highly correlated with bacterial vaginosis.

Streptococcus pneumoniae infection in the vagina and pelvic organs

S. pneumoniae is not a bacterium normally found in the vagina, and infection can be serious.

Aunt Vadge: his hand was covered in blood but there was no pain

Her boyfriend was fingering her and then they realised his hand was covered in blood - but she had no pain.

Aunt Vadge: I have BV but nothing the doctor gave me works

A 17-year-old has been diagnosed with BV, but her symptoms don't really fit and treatments didn't help at all.