Aunt Vadge: we’re newly married and can’t figure out how to make sex feel good

A 27-year-old guy is newly married, both virgins. They are trying to figure out how to have sex so that it feels good.

Perineal tears

Perineal tearing is usually from childbirth, where the impact of the baby coming out of the birth canal tears the posterior fourchette and perineum. These types of tears are on the rise, but it's unclear why.

How to treat vaginal tears caused by sex

Treating vulvar and vaginal tears caused by sex, fingering, masturbating or misadventure is usually pretty easy, but you need to know what you're dealing with before you try to treat it.

Using colloidal silver or silver nanoparticles to treat vaginal infections

We examine the antimicrobial properties of colloidal silver and discuss the possible effectiveness of colloidal silver in vulvovaginal infections.

Aunt Vadge: I’m scared of needles – how do I get rid of an ingrown hair on my bikini line?

She's scared of needles, but has an ingrown hair on her bikini line - we discuss how to get it out without a pin or needle.

Aunt Vadge: I have ringworm on my body and genitals

What to do about vulvar ringworm?

Aunt Vadge: I only had my penis in her for a second – can she be pregnant?

Her period is 20 days late, but he just put his penis in for a second. Could she be pregnant?

Aunt Vadge: yellow sores with red edges – did I cut myself shaving?

She has maybe cut herself shaving - or is it something else?

Aunt Vadge: I feel like I have a UTI if I don’t drink enough water

She had sex once, got a UTI, and now everytime she doesn't drink enough water, her UTI seems to come back.

Can meditation improve your sex life?

We look over the research discussing the effects of meditation on female sexual desire and function, with some interesting results. Can meditation truly improve your sex life?

How statins can cause diminished libido

We take a closer look at the effect of statins on libido.

Aunt Vadge: sex hurts every single time and now it just hurts all the time

Every time her and her boyfriend have sex, she's pretended it didn't hurt, and now she has just pain all the time.

How to clean ‘that stuff’ (smegma) from your vulva safely and effectively

Smegma, a waxy white substance, can build up between the labia and around the clitoris. Because it's so waxy, it can be tough to clean.

Post-orgasmic illness syndrome (POIS)

Flu-like symptoms appear after orgasm in this unusual syndrome, post-orgasmic illness syndrome. There are two versions of this condition: that POIS that has always existed, and that which develops all of a sudden.

How to make a herbal or essential oil pessary/suppository

Instructions on making vaginal or rectal suppositories and pessaries.

Symptom management between treatments in stubborn BV

If your BV is stubborn for some underlying reason, we have a couple of tips to give you some symptom relief during your non-treatment times.

Aunt Vadge: he force-dry humped me; was I raped?

Understanding the nuances between rape and sexual assault is crucial for survivors seeking clarity and support. This article delves into the definitions, offering guidance on steps to take if you've experienced such an incident, emphasizing the importance of recognizing all forms of sexual misconduct as serious and actionable offences.

Candida krusei vulvovaginal infections

C. krusei is a rare cause of vulvovaginitis, typically appearing in women who have had multiple courses of other antifungals throughout their lives.

Progress on male contraceptives

We take a look at what's happening in the development of male contraceptives, which seems to be taking an unusually long time to come to fruition. Why is it so hard? We discuss.

Descending perineum syndrome (DPS)

Descending perineum syndrome is a condition caused by the weakening of the pelvic floor by chronic straining on the toilet. DPS is where the pelvic structure takes a dip, with the perineum being one of the indicators of the drop.