Aunt Vadge: toy mishap

A guy and his girlfriend have caught a sex toy and its cap on her vaginal flesh, catching it and causing bleeding.

How to deal with cuts and tears from fingering and rough sex

Vaginal and vulvar cuts and tears are easy with fingering and rough sex, so while you figure out how to avoid them next time, heal them up quick with our suggestions.

Aunt Vadge: is my womb falling out?

A woman is scared that her uterus is falling out.

Aunt Vadge: why did I bleed a few days before my period was due?

Aunt Vadge addresses concerns about bleeding a few days before the expected period, explaining the variability of menstrual cycles and when to actually worry. The article demystifies pre-period bleeding, reassures on the normalcy of cycle changes, and highlights the importance of understanding one's own body and menstrual health.

Aunt Vadge: copious bleeding after sex

A 31-year-old is suffering from mysterious bleeding after any sort of vaginal action - sex, tampons, whatever. What is happening?

Aunt Vadge: something hard on my uterus – is it fibroids?

A hard growth can be felt at the cervix and a 22-year-old is worried that it's uterine fibroids.

Aunt Vadge: I kissed my girlfriend’s vagina and now it’s bleeding – help!

A 20-year-old guy is freaking out after going down on his girlfriend, then... blood. What's happened?

Aunt Vadge: fingering cut is healed, but when can I have sex again?

Her boyfriend cut her with a fingernail by mistake, and they landed in the emergency room. All seems well, but when can they have sex again?

Aunt Vadge: little pimple below my urethra

A small yellow pimple-like spot has appeared just below her urethra. What is it and what can she do about it?

Aunt Vadge: my legs shake when my clit is stimulated – can I make it stop?

A 16-year-old has shaking, quivering legs when her clitoris is stimulated and she is fingered. Why does this happen and can she stop it?

Aunt Vadge: my boyfriend stabbed me with his penis – how is that possible?

We discuss how a penis stabs - and cuts - a vagina.

Aunt Vadge: sores and swollen vulva – what’s happening to me?

A 20-year-old has sprung up with mysterious sores on her vulva that are making walking around extremely painful.

Aunt Vadge: so much blood after fingering – what’s wrong?

A young lady has been fingered for the first time and it has resulted in profuse bleeding. What's happened? We have two instalments.

Lauren tells us her BV story – read it!

A woman's BV symptoms disappear with an elimination diet and other treatments under the guidance of her naturopath. See what she's doing.

Review: Klaire Labs Ther-biotic Complete

This probiotic contains a couple of species native to healthy vaginal tracts, however it is more geared toward the gut. We examine.

Aunt Vadge: semen of different ethnicities and using metro gel as part of the BV treatment

She has a dirty weekend coming up and a few questions about BV and antibiotic gel and Latin men's semen.

Donna Plus Flora intima women’s probiotic

Donna Plus Flora is a vaginal probiotic available in Spain that contains vagina-specific probiotic bacteria.

Some bleeding after using garlic vaginally

Garlic can cause some irritation when using vaginally. We explain.

Eating garlic instead of inserting vaginally

Eating garlic will not solve the vaginal biofilm problem, but it's good for your insides!

Aunt Vadge: his penis touched the outside – can I be pregnant?

Can you get pregnant from a penis rubbing on a vagina? We discuss.