Hormone therapy (HT)

Hormone therapy is used to counteract the negative impacts of fluctuating hormone levels and a decline in hormone levels in women as they approach menopause. Here we run you through the typical treatments and alternative options.

Treating endometriosis

Treating endometriosis can be tricky, with a handful of medical and naturopath treatment strategies, often used in combination.

Vaginal dilators

We discuss the uses of vaginal dilators, including recommendations by experts on how to use dilators. Dilators are used in women whose vaginal canals have shrunk and thickened, or were not large to start with. There are many conditions that benefit from gradual stretching of the vagina.

Study: OVERcome (olive oil, vaginal exercise and moisturiser) – alleviating sexual problems in women with breast cancer

A combination of olive oil, vaginal moisturiser and pelvic-floor relaxation exercises was tested and works well for women suffering sexual problems after breast cancer treatments.

Should I take probiotics on an empty stomach or with food?

Ever wondered how best to take your probiotics? We discuss probiotic bacteria and stomach acid.

Treatments for lax vaginal, pelvic or urinary tissue – ‘non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation’

If you have a loose vag or stress urinary incontinence, or know someone who does, there are now noninvasive (nonsurgical) ways to treat these issues from the cells up.

Do not pay a lot for boric acid powder! It is a cheap product

Boric acid is a cheap product like salt, so don't spend lots of money buying pretty vagina capsules (unless you want to).

Study: vitamin C for abnormal vaginal microflora

A study looks into vitamin C for a treatment for changing the pH of the vagina and restoring healthy microflora in women (including pregnant women).

Clinical Trial: PRP for lichen sclerosus

A new study is seeking participants for a novel lichen sclerosus treatment, PRP.

Sacrocolpopexy – mesh implants for prolapse

This is the surgery to implant mesh into the vagina and pelvis to hold internal organs and the vagina in place.

The robotic da Vinci sacrocolpopexy surgery (for uterine or vaginal prolapse)

This procedure involves inserting mesh in a pelvic surgery using a specialised robot, with a surgical team present.

Prolapse repair surgery

We explain one prolapse repair surgery.

Vaginal boric acid fact sheet

Boric acid is a management strategy for yeast or bacterial infections.

Review: Estrace vaginal oestrogen cream

A quick overview of Estrace vaginal cream for atrophic vaginitis.

How to plan ahead and eat well when you don’t have much time – PCOS

Tips on how to get more out of your food without compromising your diet.

Help prevent an episiotomy (cut) during birth

There are no guarantees when it comes to preventing tears and an episiotomy during childbirth, but you can certainly up your chances of staying intact.

G-spot and clitoris augmentation and amplification

G-spot and clitoris augmentation can enable better sexual experiences and more intense orgasms.

The art of vaginal steaming

We discuss vaginal steaming, why you'd do it, and if it works.

Study: DNase disrupts biofilm of G. vaginalis

DNase disrupts biofilms created by G. vaginalis, but it is not available for us just yet.

Study: the impact of three essential oils on fermented milk products

Ever wondered if you should add essential oils into your fermented milk drinks? Here food science tells us what happens to the bacteria when you add antibacterial essential oils.