How to use InterFase or InterFase Plus orally for gut biofilms (Killing BV)

NOTE: We have products that are better than InterFase Plus for biofilms outside of the digestive tract (i.e. for reaching the vagina and urinary tract) – Aunt Vadge’s Biofilm Enzyme Blend and nattokinase. (Do not use Serralase or Kirkman’s Biofilm Defense).

You can use InterFase Plus as a vaginal or penile biofilm buster in a douche.

Order InterFase Plus Now

InterFase is a set of specific enzymes that have been shown in the lab to break down the biofilm matrix of Gardnerella vaginalis, Candida albicans, and other harmful, biofilm-creating bacteria, while sparing many beneficial bacterial biofilms.

InterFase is very useful for biofilms inside the digestive tract, and here are some options for systemic biofilms:

Important Note on using InterFase Plus and other biofilm enzymes

Everyone is different, so take care, read all the instructions, and get help from a healthcare provider if you fit into any of the below categories.

People who should use InterFase or InterFase Plus under medical guidance:

  • Diabetics and persons with blood glucose dysregulation
  • Those taking anticoagulants, anti-DPP-IV medications, oral hypoglycemic agents, or insulin
  • Those with gastritis, active peptic ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disorder, or known damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa
  • Those with known allergies to Aspergillus organisms, though non-specific yeast or mould allergies do not necessarily preclude use of fungal-based enzymes.
  • Lysozyme is derived from egg white protein and is highly purified, however, this product may not be appropriate for persons allergic to egg white.
  • Pregnant or nursing women should consult with a healthcare provider

What pathogenic biofilms do

Many bacteria create biofilms, which can – if the wrong bacteria’s biofilms are predominant – block healthy flora from surviving by changing the environment to unfriendly.

This change in colonies and flora can have a flow-on effect to your vagina. The digestive tract and vagina are closely related and being unhealthy upstairs means it’s easier to be unhealthy downstairs.

Signs of unhealthy digestive biofilms

People with chronic, ill-defined health conditions who don’t respond well to treatments may find they have a deeper microbial problem that needs addressing before they can get well.

Warnings about the biofilm matrix dissolving

Be gentle. If you have a chronic illness or are pregnant, a practitioner may be useful for guidance. It’s not going to be simple for everyone who takes it.

InterFase can make you feel bad because it’s working. It’s not dangerous by itself per se (it’s enzymes), but if you feel bad, it means you have a biofilm problem that is unravelling – which is good.

If you do not have a biofilm problem, the product just won’t do anything at all.

InterFase Plus dosage, timing, and how it could feel

  1. Start slow, taking two tablets on an empty stomach each day for a couple of days, and see how you feel.
  2. Once you understand how your body is going to respond to the enzymes, increase your dose up to a maximum of six or eight capsules per day (as indicated on the jar or as prescribed).
  3. If you have a strong reaction, drop the dose to one tablet every two days, and work up from there.
  4. InterFase Plus side-effects are dose-dependent, so drop back/increase as necessary. Do not exceed the recommended dose on the label.

Smooth teeth

Plaque on your teeth is also a biofilm. InterFase may cause plaque to come off your teeth. It’s not your enamel. The speed at which plaque is removed may be a reasonable indicator of how quickly or slowly it is working in your intestine and vagina.

Unless you’re plaque-free generally, you can use your tongue to feel your teeth as you go. (It’s kinda cool!)

The liberated bacteria and the use of antimicrobials

The biofilm matrix contains microbes that will be liberated when their biofilm is dissolved.

Liberated bacteria, viruses and fungi can cause infection-like symptoms or even a fresh infection (like a cold or flu). Giving them no place to hide means they are on the hunt for a new home and can cause small infections on their way. This result is normal, but can be uncomfortable and inconvenient!

InterFase does not kill bacteria. Antimicrobials may be a useful adjunct (including antibiotics if you have been prescribed these at the same time, however herbal or food-based antimicrobials like raw garlic are also useful if you tolerate).

Milk kefir and gut-specific probiotics help fight the liberated live bacteria in your intestines.

What to do at the same time as your InterFase treatment

  • Take a high-quality digestive probiotic
  • Eat a plant-based diet high in fibre
  • Stay hydrated
  • Keep your bowels moving to remove the bacteria as quickly as possible!

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