Fermented foods for the gut and vagina

A range of fermented foods that contribute to your good intestinal (and vaginal) flora when eaten.

Study: Essential oils that attack biofilms in vitro

A study examines several essential oils for their potency against biofilms.

How to make a pessary/suppository out of coconut, tea tree and lavender essential oils

Making vaginal pessaries or suppositories is easy with coconut and essential oils, used for minor flora imbalances like a yeast infection.

Study: species of probiotic bacteria in water kefir

A collection of three home-made water kefir concoctions measured in a lab have an assortment of main bacterial colonies.

Aunt Vadge: antibiotics for BV made everything worse and gave me a UTI

A 45-year-old had asymptomatic BV, and took two rounds of antibiotics, which made her symptomatic and gave her a UTI. What should she do?

What happens during a gynaecological pelvic exam

Confused about what to expect from your pelvic exam? We go through what you can expect from a pelvic examination by your doctor, including what you should know and what they are looking for.

Diagnostic procedures for the vulva, vagina and reproductive organs

There are a series of tests that may be conducted to determine the health of your reproductive organs and vagina. Find out what your test actually means and why it's being done.

STI testing

Getting an STI test is a good idea, especially if you (or your partner) likes sex with more than one person.

STIs affecting women-only sex partners more often

Some STIs are more common in lesbians and bisexual women than heterosexual women. We discuss why.

Everything you need to know about pap tests and pap smears

Pap tests (also called Pap smears) are done periodically to check the cervix for abnormal changes that could lead to cervical cancer.

Pubic lice (crabs, pediculosis)

Pubic lice - crabs - are reasonably easy to treat using medication or natural treatments, but can be persistent and spread easily.

Congenital syphilis

Congenital syphilis is completely treatable, but untreated, can cause serious and permanent health problems.


Syphilis is an infection that has largely been eradicated due to antibiotics and condoms. But, you can still catch it if you are having unprotected sex in some areas of the world.

EVENT CLOSED Event: Women & their Microbes

Women & their Microbes was a huge success last year with over 90 participants from over nine countries. This time the theme is reproduction, with the one-day event covering hands-on workshops and lectures from leaders in the medical and scientific community.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)

Premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder are both variations on the same theme: premenstrual symptoms that range from mildly annoying to deeply disturbing.

Study: How early life circumstances affect menarche and menopause

We examine a review of how childhood experiences impact menarche and menopause.

Acne and PCOS

Acne and PCOS are deeply linked, since PCOS is mainly a blood sugar dysregulation issue, not a hormonal issue. We explain.

Cystic fibrosis and vaginas, sex, and fertility

Cystic fibrosis can seriously affect your sex life, vagina, and reproductive system, but it doesn't mean it's the end of your sex life or happy vagina.

Reifenstein syndrome

Reifenstein syndrome is an androgen insensitivity syndrome occurring in foetal development that results in improper sex organ development in boys.

Vaginal agenesis – absent vagina

Vaginal agenesis is the complete absence of a vaginal canal, caused by an interruption to normal development as a foetus. Reconstruction is a viable option in most cases.