Aunt Vadge: fissuring that just won’t go away

She has a tear with scarring at the very bottom of her vaginal entrance (just inside) that splits every time she has sex. Is she doing something wrong?

Aunt Vadge: a new tampon brand may not agree with my vagina

She tried a new brand of tampons, and now she's got a tear that hurts.

Aunt Vadge: we’ve tried sex three times and it’s excruciating for her

A guy is wondering how he can prevent sex from being excruciating for his girlfriend. They were both virgins, and she has never masturbated before.

Aunt Vadge: am I late or pregnant?

The tip of his penis touched her vagina - could she be pregnant, or is her period late for another reason? We investigate.

Aunt Vadge: I’m scared I broke my hymen masturbating

She has hurt herself masturbating, and is worried she has inadvertently broken her hymen, because she normally only masturbates clitorally.

Aunt Vadge: long cuts or lines in vaginal creases – is it an STD or yeast infection?

She has long thin cuts between her labia and isn't sure if it's a yeast infection or an STD. How would she ever be able to tell?

Aunt Vadge: how on earth do you have sex?

A young couple have never had sex and have no idea how to do it. How to get started?

Aunt Vadge: I cut my clit accidentally

A 15-year-old has accidentally cut her clit with a fingernail.

Aunt Vadge: I’m new to fingering, and it bled a little bit the last time – why?

A 16-year-old girl has started fingering herself, but the last time, she bled a little bit.

Aunt Vadge: why did it hurt after I fingered myself this time, but not other times?

She fingered herself for the fourth time, but this time it's sore afterwards.

Aunt Vadge: I’m still grieving from my vulvectomy 14 years later

A 33-year-old is having trouble moving on from the grief of a vulvectomy when she was younger.

Aunt Vadge: I have a blister or sore on my labia and am not sure why

A small whitish sore has appeared on her labia for seemingly no reason - did she hurt herself or is it something else? We discuss her options.

Aunt Vadge: long-running cut and thickened vulvar skin

A 57-year-old has a two-month-old cut and her husband noticed her vulva wasn't quite its normal self.

Aunt Vadge: my vagina itches and burns after antibiotic treatment for a sinus infection

She has brown discharge and post-antibiotic itching and burning with cuts.

Aunt Vadge: his hand was covered in blood but there was no pain

Her boyfriend was fingering her and then they realised his hand was covered in blood - but she had no pain.

Aunt Vadge: I have BV but nothing the doctor gave me works

A 17-year-old has been diagnosed with BV, but her symptoms don't really fit and treatments didn't help at all.

Aunt Vadge: we’re newly married and can’t figure out how to make sex feel good

A 27-year-old guy is newly married, both virgins. They are trying to figure out how to have sex so that it feels good.

Aunt Vadge: I’m scared of needles – how do I get rid of an ingrown hair on my bikini line?

She's scared of needles, but has an ingrown hair on her bikini line - we discuss how to get it out without a pin or needle.

Aunt Vadge: I have ringworm on my body and genitals

What to do about vulvar ringworm?

Aunt Vadge: I only had my penis in her for a second – can she be pregnant?

Her period is 20 days late, but he just put his penis in for a second. Could she be pregnant?