Study: the impact of pH alone on BV biofilms

A study looks into the impact of just pH on BV - with interesting results.

Douching with BV, AV and yeast infections

The more you douche, the more likely you are to have BV and other microbiome problems.

Hymen injuries in children

Hymenal injuries in children typically heal very quickly, often without scarring. If your child has a torn hymen, it's important to know why and have her examined to ensure there is no internal injury.

Study: do circumcised penises mean less vaginal infections? (spoiler alert – yes)

Circumcised penises result in less infection issues in female sexual partners.

New understandings of endometriosis

New research offers some interesting new pathways to explore when treating endometriosis.

Study into the metabolic ‘signature’ of vaginas with BV

A study looks into the difference between BV vaginas and healthy vaginas in terms of metabolites.

What is genital shedding in herpes?

Viral shedding is where a virus makes virus babies that are popped out of cells, setting out to find their own cells to replicate in, and pop out their own viral babies.

Tetracyclines for non-antibiotic uses

Find out what actions tetracyclines have outside of their antibiotic properties.

UTI study: negative culture but antibiotics help

A recent survey asked those suffering chronic UTIs what their experience has been with their diagnosis and treatment.

Study: Prevotella bivia grows more in high (less acidic) pH (like BV)

P. bivia is associated with BV and the higher pH found in BV-affected vaginas.

Study: Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) for lichen sclerosus

Study being conducted on PRP for tissue healing in lichen sclerosus.

Study: the impact of temperature and pH on biofilm formation – it matters!

Temperature and pH make all the difference to biofilm formation in several studied bacteria.

Study: How cinnamon oil interferes with biofilm formation

Cinnamon oil has antimicrobial properties that interfere with biofilm formation of certain gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Study: Using boric acid and G. vaginalis

We examine some scientific research into boric acid, and how it could tip your treatment over the edge.

Study: Retrocyclin as a G. vaginalis biofilm inhibitor

Retrocyclin can interrupt new biofilm formation and G. vaginalis-mediated cell death, but it cannot interrupt established biofilms or kill bacteria.

Study: BV, HIV and herpes – is all what it seems?

The link between HIV, BV and HSV-2 may not be as it seems.

Clinical trials: is vulvar vestibulitis syndrome (vestibulodynia) caused by the pill? STUDY NOW CLOSED

Clinical trial seeking participants on VVS and the pill STUDY NOW CLOSED

Study: Gardnerella vaginalis – links with male infertility?

Researchers look into the sperm quality of infertile men carrying G. vaginalis.

Study: the impact of freezing techniques on lactobacilli survival rates

Can you freeze probiotic bacteria? We find out using a study from food science.

CLOSED DEC 2019: Be part of a pelvic floor study from your couch! (ends Dec 2019)

Be a part of scientific research - Monash University wants your pelvic floor experiences! Fill out the survey now.

Study: BV is associated with Mycoplasma genitalium

A study has found a strong association between BV and M. genitalium.

Study: thyme cream for bacterial vaginosis

A thyme-like herb was trialled against standard antibiotic treatment for BV, and has come out slightly under par in a direct comparison.

How pH affects glycogen degradation in the vagina and affects lactobacilli growth

The acidity or alkalinity of the vagina impacts on how glycogen is broken down by amylase. This impacts lactobacilli numbers. We explain how.

Lover got fishy/off bad vag? You have it too.

Guys, you could be spreading the bacteria that cause fishy-smelling vaginas! Here's the proof, and what to do about it.

The microbiome of the penis, semen and male reproductive tract

The penile microbiome is being examined for its role in fertility, infections and interactions with the vaginal microbiome. LOGIN This is EXCLUSIVE MEMBERSHIP-only content Login or obtain your membership below, and we'll see you back here soon! Killing BV - Vagina Treatment Guide   Killing BV - Penis Treatment Guide   The

Study: does BV cause infertility in women?

A study looked into rates of certain types of female infertility and how that related to BV.

Study: DNase disrupts biofilm of G. vaginalis

DNase disrupts biofilms created by G. vaginalis, but it is not available for us just yet.

Study: Ginkgo biloba for female sexual dysfunction caused by SSRI use

In a study of 63 test subjects suffering from antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction, the women in the group had up to 91 per cent success rate for increasing sexual response after taking ginkgo biloba.

Clinical Trial: PRP for lichen sclerosus

A new study is seeking participants for a novel lichen sclerosus treatment, PRP.

Vaginal bacteria around the world

Find out which species of vaginal microflora your racial background has.

Study: Boric acid with antibiotics for BV – does it work?

A study looked at the effectiveness of using boric acid suppositories plus an antibiotic for removal of the bacterial biofilm that causes recurrent bacterial vaginosis.

Study: species of probiotic bacteria in water kefir

A collection of three home-made water kefir concoctions measured in a lab have an assortment of main bacterial colonies.

Study: 5-day BV antibiotic treatment flop

Swidsinski strikes again in another study to help eradicate BV from the lives of women forever. What a dude.

How does Ramadan affect the vaginal microbiome? Let’s find out!

Discover the unique intersection of faith and health in Isala's groundbreaking Rufaida study, named after the esteemed Rufaida al Aslamia.

Study: herbal medicine in PCOS improves symptom management

A randomised controlled trial in women with PCOS reveals the power of certain herbal medicines when combined with diet and lifestyle changes.

DEADLINE SEPT 2018 National Vulvodynia Association (NVA) Invites Medical Research Proposals on Generalised Vulvodynia

The National Vulvodynia Association is seeking research proposals on the causes or treatment of generalised vulvodynia, with $50,000 in research grants available.

DEADLINE PASSED – Never had an orgasm or find it difficult? Female Study Participants Wanted ASAP! (It’s free!) Deadline 21 Feb 2018

A psychologist is trialling a course for women to learn how to orgasm, designed for women who struggle to orgasm or who have never had an orgasm.


BV trial now taking participants in San Francisco.

Dioxins in US tampons – why it isn’t a concern

Dioxins are one of the 'dirty dozen' worst toxic pollutants.

Understanding clinical trials

Overview of clinical trials.

Study: Treating cervical infections and dysplasia with high-dose vitamin D

Researchers look into using vaginal vitamin D ovules for post-medical-treatment of chronic cervical infections and abnormal cell growth.

Study: vitamin C for abnormal vaginal microflora

A study looks into vitamin C for a treatment for changing the pH of the vagina and restoring healthy microflora in women (including pregnant women).

Study: post-BV-treatment sex life and contraceptives use matters

Worse outcomes were found in women who had the same sex partner before and after BV treatment, but better outcomes in those on oestrogen-based birth control.

Study: Lactobacillus rhamnosus is resistant to antibiotics

A study on two lactobacilli and G. vaginalis. See which good bacteria actually survive antibiotics.

Oral pilocarpine can moisten a dry vagina

A study shows that oral pilocarpine can offer those on chemotherapy relief from vaginal dryness with mild side effects.

Lichen sclerosus clinical trials in progress or recruiting

Check out current clinical trials for lichen sclerosus being undertaken across the world.

Study: Replens – a review for BV symptoms and vaginal pH (spoiler – it doesn’t work that well)

Replens does not significantly alter vaginal pH, and is not a treatment for BV, however may improve some symptoms.

PCOS, BV and the vaginal microbiome

People with PCOS get more BV, but why is this? We discuss.

Study: L. crispatus competitively excludes G. vaginalis

L. crispatus competitively excludes G. vaginalis and can have a protective effect on the vagina.

Study: tea tree and coconut vinegar for inhibiting biofilm growth and killing G. vaginalis

A small lab study looked at the ability of tea tree oil and coconut vinegar to inhibit the growth of the biofilms of and kill Gardnerella vaginalis.

Study: vaginal and clitoral tissue changes with oestrogen levels (rabbits)

A rabbit study demonstrates changes in vaginal and clitoral tissue due to a lack of circulating oestrogens.

CLOSED Clinical Trial: Do you have experience with lichen sclerosus? Science needs you!

Research project needs anyone involved in lichen sclerosus - patients, carers, doctors - to advance our understanding of this difficult to treat autoimmune/skin condition.

Study: myo-inositol with folic acid for PCOS

A short review of two different research studies showing the benefits of myo-inositol with folic acid for PCOS.

Study: Vagisil kills your good bacteria after 24 hours

Vagisil was shown in a lab to reduce the action of your good bacteria which is bad news for good vaginal health.

Study: Cryopreserved donor sperm contains G. vaginalis (BV) seeds

A study has shown that some cryopreserved sperm is infected with G. vaginalis.

What is Gram staining?

Learn about Gram staining and how it's used to figure out what's living in your vagina.

Staphylococcus bacterial biofilms

Staph biofilms have been found on regular-use tampons and pads (after use).

Study: BV and the vaginal immune response as it relates to HIV infection

A study looks into vaginal inflammation, BV and the relationship with HIV transmission to see what we could possibly be doing better to protect women.

Study: Lactobacilli resistance to low temperatures – can we really freeze kefir?

Freezing kefir or other probiotics isn't necessarily a good idea - strain matters. Here's a small study on four popular probiotic strains and how they fared with freezing.

Study: men carry BV-associated bacteria on and in their penises

Researchers tested the skin of the penis, urethra, head of the penis and urine and semen samples of the male partners of women with BV – men have it too! LOGIN This is EXCLUSIVE MEMBERSHIP-only content Login or obtain your membership below, and we'll see you back here soon! Killing BV -

Study: Chitosan polymers tested for BV biofilm destruction capacities

Chitosan was much more effective at disrupting biofilms (in the lab) than polycarbophil gels, and may prove to be a useful treatment in future for biofilm-dependent vaginal infections.

Study: urinary acidity can affect how many UTIs you get

Your urine pH may need to be more neutral - not acidic, not alkaline - to protect against UTIs.

Study: more Australian women using IUDs and implants

Researchers take a look at contraception trends in Australia.

Study: Subtypes of G. vaginalis

A study into the different subtypes of G. vaginalis present in BV, and which are most closely associated with BV.

Study: L. crispatus probiotic cheese for preventing vaginal infections

Researchers have developed a robust soft cheese made with Lactobacillus crispatus, one of our favourite vaginal colonisers.

High-tech mesh for pelvic prolapse

A prolapse-correcting mesh is being developed in Australia that integrates with human tissue to become part of the body.

Impact of Cinnamomum on Candida spp.

Cinnamon extracts are showing enormous promise as an antibiofilm agent against Candida species.

Study: Glycosulfatase and it’s relationship with BV

An enzyme present in vaginas with BV breaks down the mucous layer so the bacteria can adhere to the vaginal cells.

Impact of Cinnamomum on Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms

Cinnamomum, one of the active constituents of cinnamon, has strong antibacterial and antibiofilm activity against P. aeruginosa.

Study: Essential oils that attack biofilms in vitro

A study examines several essential oils for their potency against biofilms.

Smoking and BV

Smoking affects the vaginal microbiome and urinary tract in several important ways, contiruting directly to BV and UTIs.

How to make yoghurt with your vaginal bacteria

Genius makes yoghurt out of her vaginal secretions.

Atrophic vaginitis (now part of Genitourinary Symptoms of Menopause GSM)

Atrophic vaginitis is caused by low oestrogen levels, since vaginal cells rely heavily on oestrogen to stay plump and juicy. Without oestrogen, our vulvar and vaginal cells can really suffer, becoming dry, easily broken, and irritated.

Study: Coconut oil as a biofilm-busting agent in the mouth

We look at the study results of biofilm formation in the mouth and how coconut can interrupt it.

Study: regular exercise lowers oestrogen levels in postmenopausal women

Postmenopausal women were studied to see if exercise reduced oestrogen levels, and thus breast cancer risks.

Evidence for men carrying Gardnerella vaginalis in the urethra

A couple of older studies look at G. vaginalis in the urethras of men.

Impact of Cinnamomum on Staphylococcus aureus biofilms

Staph biofilms are susceptible to some of the active constituents in cinnamon, making Cinnamomum a possible treatment avenue for resistant infections.

Obesity and BV

Obesity is known to be a chronic inflammatory state, with fat tissue being an immunologically active organ. That's right - we said organ!

Study: BV can be sexually transmitted

BV has been found in male semen and urine samples. It is sexually transmissable between women and men.

Sexual pain study needs postmenopausal participants!

A study is seeking participants for a study on herbal medicine, a green tea extract, to eliminate sexual pain.

Genital ulcers from non-sexually-transmissible viral sources

There are a few rarer causes of genital ulcers that can appear with flu-like symptoms, or by themselves, and appear to be related to viruses.

Study: the impact of three essential oils on fermented milk products

Ever wondered if you should add essential oils into your fermented milk drinks? Here food science tells us what happens to the bacteria when you add antibacterial essential oils.

STUDY CLOSED: Aussies with chronic thrush, science needs you!

Suffering chronic yeast infections? Be part of science and participate in a new non-drug treatment! Aussies only.

Study: the link between BV and inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s and colitis)

There is a positive association between IBD and BV bacteria, with worse outcomes for those on steroids treatment.

Study: antibiotics can be a dud for BV

Metronidazole is not effective at killing bacterial vaginosis, because it does not remove the biofilm left by Gardnerella vaginalis.

Experimental models for investigating female sexual function and dysfunction: a short review

A short review of experimental models for investigating female sexual arousal dysfunction.

Study: The impact of the Mirena IUD on vaginal bacteria – good, bad or indifferent?

This study found that numbers of L. crispatus before and after the IUD was inserted were more or less the same.

Secnidazole (Solosec) for BV

Secnidazole is an antibiotic used to treat bacterial and parasitic infections, including BV. It has about the same rate of cure as metronidazole.

OBSOLETE Got BV? Science needs you, teenagers!

If you think something is not quite right or have been diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis, researchers want to talk to you!

Study: How doctors differ in screening for female sexual dysfunction

Researchers examined how FSD is addressed and investigated in routine healthcare check-ups in the USA.

Use of oral zinc in lichen planus of the mouth and vulva

Treatment of oral lichen planus with zinc has resulted in some cases of complete clearance of lesions.

A quick look at the evolution of BV research

Bacterial vaginosis has been a medical enigma for over a century, which isn't promising considering they still haven't found a solution or even a treatment that works.

Study: effect on BV biofilms by antibiotics and SCAA

A research project looks into antibiotics and other substances to see what works on biofilms and what doesn't.

STIs in children

Statistics show that about 10% of sexually abused children have an STI.

Study: can calendula cure BV?

When treating BV, a calendula cream was just as effective as antibiotics one week after application, and can be used as an alternative treatment to antibiotics.

Can meditation improve your sex life?

We look over the research discussing the effects of meditation on female sexual desire and function, with some interesting results. Can meditation truly improve your sex life?

Study: Lactobacillus attacks G. vaginalis biofilm

Lactobacillus has been shown to degrade the G. vaginalis biofilm better than any other substance.

Study: Does strain matter? G. vaginalis

Find out if the strain of Gardnerella matters when it comes to BV. A study examines 32 strains of G. vaginalis, their 8 biotypes and abnormal discharge.

Study: the relationship between endometritis (inflammation of the endometrium) and BV

Women with BV more often have an inflamed endometrial lining than those without BV.

Study: Coriander and thyme essential oils for vaginal infections

A study takes a closer look at whether coriander and thyme essential oils work on biofilms.